between you and me

By tenyol

693 11 10

lessy crush on her bestfreind damo... till she met damo's sister rachel everything has changed at t... More

between you and me
going to lunch
encountered damo's sister 2
the next day

encountered damo's sister

103 2 1
By tenyol

"wow.....u know i always love ur food lessy".....damo said give a comlpliments on me licking his fingers .............................................."well...thanks damo '' me chuckled ......."so what are you gonna do afterward??" asked damo while do his dishes

""" my homework and then go to library thats all....why?" i asked him with bored tone..........."well actually....i want you to meet my sister..."....... before he said more i cut him off..."wait...what?? u have a sister and you dont even mention her for once? i asked him sound shock and being offended expression on my face.....i mean,,,,, he is my bestfreind i dont even know that he have a sister out there........

".well deuh.... she's living in london with my dad...and yesterday she came to visit i thought you could meet her and get a long with her since she have no freinds here" said damo to me with pleaded eyes

i could understand since his parents divorced when he was just seven years old he became more sulent and closed about his a family

"hmm ok but.........


but u have to finish my homework first" i chuckle

"deuh... lazy ass..." he spat on me under his breath loud enough to me to hear

since i have nothing to do so i and damo straight away drived to damo's house.....the house wasnt big yet no to small three bedrooms and two bathroom however i love the atmosphere of the house so cosy and damo's mother love to plant the flowers on their foreground

he was such a real genntleman he opened the door for me and always makes me feel better

"thank you..." i said smile widely to him

" your welcome beautifull " without hestitade he kiss my knuckles and he treat me like a little princess.....................i blushed and i believe my face look like a tomato now........ without saying any words damo led me to the living room

but no one around..........."hallo im home......" his voice echoed the house ..."look like its empty........may be rachel went to mall or something" he informed me and sit next to me on the couch........."so your sister name is rachel??? i asked out of the blue...." yeah "

then suddenly a girl i assume is rachel come in with a plastic bag on her right hand

"wow.." i muttered under my breath oh my god she's so beautifull with straight dirty blonde cascade on her shoulder with mesmerized hazel eyes and she's smile on me and her lips is full and kissable for sure........dah what im thinking........ i cant help but smile back at her.....

"hi...." she greeted me with those beutifull kissable lips smile and her voice way to sexy

"hi..."i said shyly.....'eehh mm u must be rachel...damo's sister, right? nervously without break my eyes on her with that damo frown said on his mind.... what the hell why you look so nervous to her... not wawnting he read my mind i just shrugged my shouder and pull my brow's up.

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