Her Existence (The Prophecy N...

By SamanthaDeal4

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The second book of the series Her Prophecy where we follow Alex on her hard journey deciding between becoming... More

The Battle Begins
Losing Him
A Prophecy
King Joshua and Queen Alexandria
Tiny Battle
Small Secrets
Josh's Old Ties
Finding Alex
New Powers

The Fight Starts Now

6 0 0
By SamanthaDeal4

Hey guys, for my younger readers this chapter will be slightly graphic sorry if this affects you. I added a picture of a one of Alex weapon belt Enjoy...

We entered the dining room where a large amount of food was set out for us. I grabbed fruits, toast, and eggs with orange juice. Josh had sausage, toast, and eggs with water. Destruc had eggs, and toast with coffee. He wore a long sleeve black shirt with black cargo pants and black combat boots. His belt had a long sword a medium sword, 3 daggers, 5 throwing knives, and 4 pistols attached to his chest.

Breakfast was silent until Adam came running in "Destruc they broke through our patrol" he stood up and looked at me "it's time" he left through the door Adam came in, I stood up looked at Josh "Are you ready?" Josh leaned down and captured my lips "I'm ready to fight with you my queen" Josh pulled away grabbed my hand and dragged me through the front doors.

We meet my father at the front gates where I saw Uric and Freh my two bodyguards who held swords and guns. I also saw Adam, Revi, and Kroc who also held guns and swords. I walked up to my father and meet him in a hug, he kissed my head "I love you Alex, stay strong and fight hard. Your mother would be proud of how you turned out to be a beautiful and strong willed woman."

Destruc loosened his grip and walked over to Josh "I trust you with my daughters heart you have proven yourself a strong warrior now you need to prove that you will be a good husband and partner to my daughter protect her with your life, if she gets hurt I will personally make you pay for it." Josh stiffened "Don't worry sir I will protect Alex with my life" Josh extended his hand and Destruc shook it with a smile on his face.

We all faced the entrance as the wind shifted we could smell it, the smell of water and cotton (the scent of the angels). Everyone grabbed their weapons my father grabbed his medium sword and one hand free for his spells. I held my bow firm in my hand with an explosive arrow attacked to the line, Josh held two medium swords. Our army consisted of all the guards in the mansion along with my father's friends, my father, Josh and I which was only 50 people.

We knew the angels would bring a large number with them however they didn't have a powerful demon, a half demon, and a demon assassin. I had hope in our army.

Over the first hill we saw them they wore their white clocks over their heads they marched strong with one long sword in their hands. When they were 70 feet away from us they stopped, and removed their hoods. Their eyes where completely white with white hair. They all had smirks on their faces my father, Adam, Josh and I walked forward 2 angels marched forward also.

My father raised his arm high in the arm then clenched his fist. Our warriors charged forward the angels did the same. Josh and I ran forwards and where the first ones to the front of the battle.

I released my arrow and hit the front row of angels which exploding throwing 10 angels bodies in the air, when they landed the acid I hold in my arrows destroyed their bodies until they were turned into ash. Josh swung his sword close to his body taking down angel after angel. Josh and my back were connected we fought in a tight circle protecting the others back.

The fight was continuing I was starting to tire I turned to throw another exploding arrow when an angel jumped me and began to choke me. I tried fighting the angel but they were slightly stronger then I was I clawed at their arms but nothing was happening I started to see darkness when the pressure was released I breathed in hard as I rolled over and saw Josh slicing the angels head off.

He ran towards me and bent down to help me up. A large angel came running towards Josh as he was bent down I grabbed my bow and released an arrow at the angel hitting them in the heart.

I stood up and threw more arrows at angels trying to get the upper hand on us. I soon ran out of arrows I strapped my bow to my shoulder. I grabbed my long sword and ran towards a crowd of angels trying to attack some guards. I jumped in their path and reached out my hand and flung a large purple orb at them. They instantly disintegrated into ash I was soon surrounded by angels who raised their swords towards me.

I gripped my whip and whipped it around my head it wrapped around all their necks I flicked my wrists their heads sliced cleanly off and toppled to the ground. Soon the last angel toppled to the ground thanks to my whip. It snacked back up my arm I turned around looking for Josh and my father. I kept searching for Josh when I didn't see him I got worried. "Josh! Father!" I called again and again Uric came up to me "princes we saw a small group run into the tree line we should check." "Take me there" we ran towards the tree line I felt the tears threatening to fall.

I ran into the tree line calling their names again and again. I felt a ping in my heart I remembered something my father said, 'you will be able to connect to people that you hold deep in your heart.' I focused my senses and listened.

I could detect a small group of heartbeats was in the west. "Follow me" I called as I ran full speed towards the group I passed a small bunch of tree when I saw the small group I smelled blood lots of blood.

I pushed through the group and saw what was my worst fear. 

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