How To Break A Heartbreaker's...

By LarryHaveBabies

220K 12.4K 11.2K

*COMPLETED* **Warning: It is my first EVER book, it's not at all perfect and is mostly unedited. I'm slowly e... More

1: Who is this "Harry"?
2: Hi, um, you okay there. .?
3: Is anybody there. .?
4: All my life I've been good
5: I hope this stays
6: C'mon C'mon
7: Someone's a little bit jealous.
8: He's SO confusing.
9: Oh! This is Harry.
10: We Should Hang Out Tomorrow
11: Daydreaming, man?
12: The VERY Nice Get Together.
13: Did Harry just---?
15:Location: At Harry's House
16: I um- Sorry?
17 : I um yeah...?
18: Maybe, Just Maybe...
19 : Oops and Hi
20: Louis' Past
21: Off To School... Together?
22: A Dirty Little Secret..?
23: Fire Alarm and New Friend..?
24: Unknown No. - 15 Texts
25: Please.. One Date?
26: A Public Kiss...?
27: Spilled Secrets
28: I'm Done.
29: Last Day
30: Tranformed..
31: Reaching Late Costs Much.
32: Detention
33: Searching For Home
34: Moving
35: Meeting The 'Flatmate'
36: I'm fine. Leave.
37: Staircase Rendezvous
38: Love or Hate?
39: Old Fear And A . . . Saviour?
40: Memories
41: Gone.
42: Found.
43. New Beginnings
44: Planning
I'm sorry
45: Party Tonight
46. Confused Beans
47: Happy Birthday
48: Out.
49: A Night Under The Stars
50: Making Love
51: High On Love
52: Almost Complete
53: Can't
54 : Out
55 : Always You
Hey Hey

14: Loopy Lou

4K 276 245
By LarryHaveBabies


Here I am with another chapter! Yay!




Louis pouts and gives Harry his puppy dog eyes.


"Um,yes?" Harry is quite surprised by the nickname.

"Why do youuu hit me?"

Uh. What to answer to that? Especially when Louis looks like cute little squirell...

Harry thinks hard but falters. How could he lie to Louis when he is staring at him with pouty lips.

Ugh!This shouldn't be as difficult for Harry as it is seeming right now!

"Um.. I don't like you and your preferances , I guess?"

"B-But whyyy?" Louis whines and now Harry can see water starting to build up in his eyes.

Harry can't explain nor does he understand, but it just doesn't look right. Harry feels something in his stomach. Oh,that maybe just a stomach bug,Harry thinks.

So,Harry reaches Louis and thumbs off a tear that dared to escape out of Louis' sapphire blue eyes. Louis doesn't cry in front of others,Harry can tell. 

So,Harry is surprised.He moves his gaze away and starts to think what to tell a loopy Louis. Loopy Lou, what a perfect name for Louis especially when he is looking like that.

"It's just, I-"

"Mr.Styles?" A nurse calls out.


"Dr. Sivan can see your friend now. Please come this way.."

"B-but you aree noot myy friennd...?" Louis asks,rather shouts in confusion.

"Louis, just come with me."

"'Mkay, but you remememmberr you're prooomiise?"

"Yes. Now let's go." Harry sighed.

Harry didn't think Louis would remember that. So,he had mindlessly made that stupid promise. Louis had even held his hand for God's sake! Even liked a pinky with Harry.

'It's a pinnnky promiiise,Hazzy!" Louis had giggled.

Gosh. Harry hadn't seen Louis like this at all. All he had seen was a scared boy who was being bullied by him.

Louis was being a child honestly. He held Harry's hand,while walking across a room. Clinging on his arm. Literally.

"Hello,I'm Dr. Troye Sivan. What seems to be the problem?"

Harry gestured to Louis after introducing himself and Louis to the doctor. Louis was just holding onto his hand and sighing dreamily. 

"Dr.Sivan, he seems to have a concussion and his nose was badly bleeding and just moments after that he started behaving strange..."

Dr. Sivan chuckled at Harry's confused face.

"Yes,it happens sometimes. Please wait here while I grab my gloves."

Harry nods and looks at Louis. Louis is smiling. Oh. Now what? Louis engulfs Harry- more like Harry engulfs Louis- in a sudden cudd-hug.Not a cuddle. Harry refuses to acknowledge that as anything other than a manly hug. 

"Thannnk youu. I liiiike you liiike this Hazzzz!"

"OK. OK. Now let me go. Don't want your gayness to spread to me."

Louis takes a step back. Harry bites his tongue when Louis moves to the door and sits against it with his knees up to his chest. His head bent between his legs. He doesn't cry. No. He just mumbles something like 'everybody hates me. That is why he left me. I'm unlovable.' 

But Harry doesn't understand it and just scoffs. 

"What are you mumbling Louis? Get up. Stop behaving like a 5 year old child goddamit!"

Louis just shakes his head and sinks down further on the floor.

"OK. I'm now going to check-" Dr. Sivan is cut off when Louis let's out a sniffle.

"Mr. Tomlinson? Please get up. I have to fix your nose and check for any possible injuries..."

Louis flinches back.Dr. Sivan sighs and waits for a few moments before speaking softly and kneeling down before the now trembling boy.

"Hey Louis? Can I call you that?"

Louis gives him a shaky nod. The doctor smiles and holds out his hand.

"I'm Troye. I'm not going to hurt you okay?" 

Louis still is unsure so Dr. Troye goes on speaking softly reassuring Louis until Louis agrees for the check up.

"OK. How old are you? Do I have to inform your parents?"

"Nooo. I'm  eighteeeeen. " Louis giggles.

And if Harry doesn't like that Louis is giggling with someone else, he doesn't do anything other than ball up his fists and grind his teeth.

"Ok.,silly Lou! Let's continue with your check up."

"Mr. Styles could you please step out and wait in the waiting room,while I check upon Louis?"

And if Harry stomps his feet quite loudly while going out, nobody has to know.Also, Harry couldn't help but notice that Dr. Sivan used Louis instead of Mr.Tomlinson. But that's none of his business.

Harry waits for what seems like hours,before Louis is tripping outside with a giddy smile.Why is Louis so happy?


If Harry is even the slightest bit disappointed in Louis using his name instead of the nickname,then he wouldn't admit it.

"Troyeee is calling youuu!"

"Mr. Styles,Louis has a minor concussion and his nose was just bleeding superficially. No broken noses to deal with. Here are the medication.He can and probably will fall asleep,so let him rest.I've given him some of the medicine."

Harry mutely nods. On the other hand,Louis gives Dr.Sivan a smile and a wave along with a chirpy,"Thaaanks,Troyeee. Seeee youuu soooon. Takes caaare!"

Harry moves his hand on the doorknob and smiles a tight smile and leads Louis out.

"Louis. Could you please not flirt while I'm here?"

Harry rubs his temples. Louis just ignores him in favour of ogling some diet chart which is hanging on the wall. 

"Fine. Stay here. I'm going to buy the medicine."

Louis just holds that diet chart and tries to read it. Even going as far as spelling the food items out.

Harry shakes his head and heads off to the chemist shop in the hospital.He could have never imagined himself taking Louis to the hospital.

Today is such a strange and tiring day. Let's hope Louis is still at that place where I left him, Harry thinks as he pays the chemist.

What Harry finds is probably the most adorable sight ever, not that Harry would admit it. He has the thing of being in denial.

Louis is asleep on the seat. With his tiny hands still clutching the chart.And his head is lolling on his knees which are up against his chest.

'Louis is already so tiny. I don't know how he manages to look tinier..' Harry wonders.

Harry is this close to cooing when a phone call interrupts him,thankfully.

He looks around for the source but finds that its none other than Louis' mobile,blaring,

'No,nothing's gonna hurt me with my eyes shut,

I can see through them, 

I can see through them.

I'm drawing pictures, I'm evading...

I will not use them,

I will not use them...'

Oh how fitting is that song right now. Because how could anyone hurt a sleeping Louis with his eyes shut? 

'Except you and Rob' Harry's subconscious reminds him.

Harry starts getting angry at Rob but before he could storm off,Louis stirs.

Harry hurries to take the mobile out of Louis' pocket and sees that its Louis' MOM calling...

How is going to answer that. So,Harry just switches off Louis' phone and debates whether picking Louis up will wake him. After all,Dr.Sivan told him to rest as much he can...

Harry picks up Louis and carries him to the car. Harry couldn't help but notice how Louis moves closer to his chest and sighs at the feeling. That's nothing to Harry. No. Harry is just helping Louis out of a situation. Yes. No feelings involved.


Hi,again! How was the chapter my curlies?! And surprised by the entry of Troye Sivan?😘😘



And recommend!

Thanks for all the lovely feedback I've received till now!


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