The Seven Ways to Say Goodbye...

By CaptainMercy

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(Complete) Percy Jackson had his life straightened out. He was finally out of college, and now was living wit... More



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By CaptainMercy

Percy stretched his arms above his head, yawning thoroughly as the morning sun shone down onto his face. His hair fell into his eyes, which meant he probably needed a haircut, and he pushed his fingers through his messy locks.

The warm spot at his side shifted slightly, and Percy rolled over, wrapping his arm around the figure's waist and snuggling his face into the back of her neck.

"Gods! Your nose is cold." Annabeth laughed from beside him, he chuckled, but didn't let go of her and instead breathed in the smell of lemons mixing with sea salt.

"We need to get up." Annabeth smiled, but he still didn't move, tightening his arm around her waist and pulling her closer. She sighed, laughing once before prying his arm off of her, "Percy, it's time to wake up. I have to get to work." She shook her head, but turned around to lay on his arm. Percy smiled triumphantly.

"Can't you take a day off?" He suggested, kissing her forehead. She'd already closed her eyes, handfuls of his shirt in her fists.

"No... There's this big project-"

"That is due in two months, it's going to be shown to the mayor, yadda yadda yadda." Percy teased, "You've been working overtime at that internship for, what, three weeks now? It's summer break! That school isn't going to be open for much longer." Percy reminded her.

At twenty-two, Annabeth had signed on for a year long internship at a local school of architecture and physics and stuff like that. It was called Pratt University, a name Percy had laughed at for around fifteen minutes before Annabeth started hitting him over the head with a pillow, and even though she'd earned her degree in physics at another university, Annabeth had gone over there and interned for one of the teachers. A top notch architect from Sweden who was working there for a short period of time. Percy wasn't sure exactly what Annabeth did, but he was pretty sure it had something to do with checking over blueprints and giving suggestions.

After all, she was Annabeth Chase, the smartest person in New York. Or, at least that's what the papers said. After graduating college a year early, Annabeth had discovered a deadly flaw in one of her mentor's blueprints that was about to be finalized. The tower was going to be for smaller businesses. One of these was a daycare. This was all at twenty years old.

Percy had finished his degree in Marine Science just that month. His graduation was in a few days, actually. Percy had wanted to get a degree in New Rome, but the Marine experts in New York were desperate to get him as a student. Besides, Annabeth agreed that he'd probably get a better education with those scientists rather than those at New Rome.

Percy almost fell back asleep, his eyelids heavy and the warm sheets and Annabeth at his side comforting, but then he felt the coldness on his arm and opened his eyes to realize he was alone. There was some mumbles from the direction of the kitchen, and Percy lazily rolled off of his and Annabeth's bed, stumbling towards the door.

When he got to the kitchen, Percy saw Annabeth sitting on the couch quietly, typing on her computer. He leaned against the back of the couch, putting his chin on her head, watching her fingers fly across the keyboard. Then she snapped the lid shut and turned to grin at him.

"Hey..."She warned. Percy smiled, kissing her nose lightly. It was times like this that he loved. Just hanging around the house, nothing to do, no worries.

"I hope that was a notice that your staying home today." Percy raised his eyebrows, laughing when she rolled her eyes.

"Yes, it was. I figured since I worked Saturday..." She trailed off. She'd turned so she kneeled on the couch in front of him, eyes twinkling as she rested her arms on his neck. Percy beamed, the light traveling up to his eyes and lighting them like a cool pond on a winters morning.

"Yes!" He exclaimed, throwing his head back and tipping forward over the couch. Annabeth screamed slightly, falling back into the cushions and Percy came with her, ending up laying on her.

"Perseus!" She laughed, trying to move her legs, but she was completely pinned down by his long legs and extra bulk. Percy smiled contentedly, closing his eyes.

"There, much better." He remarked, moving his hands to be under her, right on her lower back. Annabeth sighed, wiggling one of her arms loose.

"At least let me get to my computer." She laughed slightly, trying to pick up her computer from where it had fallen on the floor. Percy grumbled, but shifted his weight so she could grab the computer, then he laid his head back on her stomach again.

Annabeth rolled her eyes fondly, watching as he slowly fell back to sleep. After that, she quickly finished typing the email she'd send to the university. It would have been quicker to talk on the phone, but it attracted monsters. One of the only downsides of living with Percy, he was a son of the Big Three, a powerful one at that, and there was no taking chances. They had to be careful not to attract monsters in any way. Even the smaller ones.

As she sent the message, Annabeth's mind drifted from the task at hand towards when she'd first met Percy. She remembered how small and annoying he was. Just a lanky kid that held Riptide awkwardly like it was about to turn on him and that fell onto the porch of the Big House with a look of utter despair.

Remembering all of this made her realize just how astonished she'd be back then if she learned that her older self would be with that Poseidon Spawn in the future. She'd probably be slightly disgusted as well, since at this point she was still head over heels for Luke.

Luke Castellan. Annabeth leaned her head against the couch, her fingers entwining in Percy's hair as she thought. Luke had died in the Second Titan War, giving his life for his friends's. Even though he'd aided Kronos in his attempt to take over control of the world, he was actually not that bad at the end. He sacrificed himself. It still hurt to remember him, as he'd been sort of a big brother to her, but Annabeth shook herself out of the memory and tried to get moderately comfortable with Percy passed out on top of her.

It wasn't long before she fell into a restless sleep.


Percy pulled himself from dreams at around ten, lifting himself up sleepily. It was astonishing that he slept so well, since demigods usually had strange prophetic dreams. But no, he had slept a full hour.

Annabeth was still asleep, though they'd both shifted so that he was against the back of the couch, her laying on her side in front of him, pressed against his chest, and their hands intertwined at her stomach.

Percy stood up, pulling Annabeth back so she was laying fully in the middle of their large-ish couch, and he put a blanket over her, kissing her forehead softly before going to the kitchen so he could cook quickly. Their apartment was relatively small, but big enough for just the two demigods. Their kitchen had one counter between the fridge and stove, and more separating the living room from the kitchen. A microwave balanced precariously on a wooden table in front of the window, squished to the far side of the strip of counter space.

The entire kitchen was decorated with blue sea shells and white twinkling Christmas lights strewn above the cabinets that were parallel to the counter tops. It was the small bit of decorating Percy and Annabeth were able to do before they started school at nineteen. He remembered how Annabeth had to sit on his shoulders as she nailed up the lights because 'You are doing it completely wrong, Seaweed Brain.'

Percy sighed, walking across the cold beige tiles towards the fridge where he took out the jug of milk, watching it swish in the bottle for a second before taking a quick swig. What Annabeth doesn't know won't kill her!

Quickly, he made himself some toast. Annabeth wouldn't wake up for a while. She hardly ever slept during the day, but when she napped she napped.

He stretched again, finishing his last bite of toast in the living room as he silently waited for her to wake up. It astonished him how people, Leo, could think of her as scary. Sure, when she was angry maybe. But other times, she was as terrifying as a stuffed bear.

But, maybe he was slightly biased. He had known her since they were twelve.

After another fifteen or so minutes of Percy talking to Grover through Iris message, the satyr was traveling through Indonesia currently, raising awareness of global warming and all of that, Annabeth finally stirred and blinked up at Percy who beamed back at her.

"Good morning, Wise Girl." Percy said, having already slashed through the Iris message from Grover as soon as she started stirring. Annabeth sat up, rolling her eyes as she looked over to where Percy sat on the green armchair off to the side of the room. The living room was small, a tv in front of the grey couch was never used, but they kept it there anyway. A window was situated behind the box, curtains drawn closed over the afternoon sun.

"Haha, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth stood, walking over to where he sat and curling up on his lap. Percy wrapped his arms around her automatically, laying his cheek on top of her head. "It's my day off." She reminded him.

Percy shrugged, pulling her closer then burying his face in the crook of her neck. She smelled of lemons, like always, and it was comforting to him. "Your supposed to spend time with your amazing boyfriend while you have the chance." He grumbled. Annabeth laughed, pulling his head away from her neck so she could kiss him.

It was one of those quick but meaningful kisses. One that was like a small but significant comfort. It was one of those that you wished could continue forever, with each second flying by like colors. Emotions.

"Uh..." Percy blanked, his eyes fluttering slightly. Annabeth laughed lightly, rubbing her thumbs across his jawline.

"Yeah?" She laughed.

"Uh... Um... Piper," He said, looking up into Annabeth's amused grey eyes, "She wanted you to... Uh... Call her." Percy explained. Annabeth sighed and made to get up but Percy pulled her back, "No! You're staying right here!" He insisted like the baby he was. Annabeth scoffed and turned back, kissing him again lightly. He hummed against her lips happily. His grip around her waist loosened, though it wasn't very tight in the first place, mind you, and while he was distracted Annabeth got up and made her way to the bathroom.

"Hey!" He objected, sitting up from his chair. Annabeth's laugh echoed off of the hallway and he heard the shower turn on.

"Piper will kill me if I don't call her." Annabeth called, glancing out of the doorway to see Percy leaning against the wall outside of the bathroom. He rolled his eyes, coming to sit on the rim of the tub.

"Can't she wait?" He groaned, crossing his arms. Annabeth gave him a look, meaning that he'd better not complain or he'd be in big trouble. She waved towards him and he sighed, willing the steam to move just right so that the sun outside would cast a rainbow onto it.

Annabeth tossed a coin into the water like usual, and before they knew it Piper was standing before them. "Finally!" She exclaimed, the sounds of her roommate in the background. She was still in a college near where Camp Half-Blood is, since she was a year younger than Percy and Annabeth, and she majored in Communications.

"It was only, like, half an hour." Percy pointed out. "Annabeth finally woke up just a few minutes ago." His girlfriend glared at him and poked his forehead, but he just grinned and winked.

"Anyway, what did you need, Piper?" Annabeth asked. It was unlike Piper to call, especially since it was the end of the year and she was moving into an apartment with Jason. The only reason she stayed in her dorm now was to pack, since they pretty much were completely moved in. Piper suddenly beamed, leaning her hands on the sink in front of her. Apparently she'd retreated to the bathroom to wait for Percy and Annabeth to call.

"We need to get you two out tonight! For Percy's graduation!" She exclaimed. Annabeth almost immediately refused, but Percy stood and grinned at her.

"Like, all of our friends? Go out to eat or something?" He asked. Piper nodded, and looked towards Annabeth who bit her lip.

"Yeah, Jason and I would come. I'm sure Leo would show, if he's not still working at the shop." Piper was talking about Leo and Calypso's garage where he fixed cars and she had a diner running in the front. It might sound like it wouldn't work out, but they worked together surprisingly well.

"Sounds great, right Annabeth?" Percy grinned. Annabeth sighed and nodded, making him punch the air in excitement.

"Awesome, I'll call the boys and we'll meet at your place at 6:30?" Piper grinned. The couple agreed and Percy swiped through the mist quickly, turning to smile at Annabeth.

"Now..." Percy trailed off, wrapping his arms around his girlfriend's waist. She smiled.

"Your going to go make me some toast and jam." She supplied, giving him a look, "I haven't ate yet." She reminded him. Percy groaned, pulling her closer to him and burying his face in her hair.

"Fine." He huffed, turning on his heel. Annabeth followed, leaning against the counter space.

"Oh, and Percy?"


"I know you drank out of the milk carton. You'd better run to the store, Seaweed Brain."


They walked down the streets of New York quietly, hand in hand. The restaurant they were headed to was just a couple blocks from their house, and they didn't have a car anyway. Percy wore a casual tee shirt and jeans, the hand that wasn't holding Annabeth's smaller one was in his pocket, fiddling with Riptide.

Annabeth wore much the same, besides she wore her camp shirt and her jeans weren't as baggy as his. Her other hand was on the hilt of her dagger, which was concealed under her clothes. They had to be careful, especially during the afternoon. They were the two demigods that every monster would be glad to kill.

The people around them buzzed excitedly about whatever, or maybe they were mad, or annoyed. You could never really tell with New Yorkers. And the shops lining the side walk had neon signs that lit everyone's faces as they passed. There was still some light left, but the night was approaching quickly.

They made it into the restaurant without any run-ins with some monsters, so that was good, and as they made their way towards where their group was sitting, they both simultaneously allowed themselves to relax slightly, smiling at each other with the lights of the restaurant dancing in their eyes.

Piper and Jason were already there, both laughing and enjoying themselves. When they saw Percy and Annabeth approaching, they broke into wide smiles before the two slid into the booth in front of them.

"Hey bro!" Jason greeted Percy, fist bumping. Percy laughed, squeezing Annabeth's hand from under the table. Piper beamed between the two.

"Congrats on graduating!" She said to Percy, who laughed.

"Graduation is in two days. There's still time to mess it up." He smiled over at Annabeth who rolled her eyes.

"Is Leo not coming?" She asked. Jason shook his head, shrugging.

"His stuck at the garage. He'll probably Iris message you two later."

The meal continued. No one realizing that the longer they waited the better. None of them realizing that death was just around the corner.


By the time they were done eating, the moon was out and the steady flow of cars had thinned slightly. They stayed talking and laughing until eleven when the restaurant kicked them out, and even after that they walked around the streets blindly for another half an hour until Jason got to his block and waved goodbye, making his way up the stairs. Piper was going to crash at Percy and Annabeth's that night, because it was so late and she didn't feel like finding a cab.

They laughed and chattered excitedly, Percy holding onto Annabeth's waist tightly. They crossed the street.

The car came out of no where so fast that it was like a blink. There were lights and screams and it became a blur. Percy remembered trying to push Annabeth out of the way, but she'd noticed the car first and had shoved him away. He crashed to the hard pavement, and heard a thump.

Annabeth lay behind the car, completely immobile.

It was like his heart had stopped, and he only had a second to catch the culprit's terrified gaze staring at him before the car sped off. But he would know that face anywhere. It was the one that had haunted him for years. The one that had made him scared stiff. The beady eyes, the overgrown scruff, the bald head.

But Percy only had a second to realize this before Piper screamed, and people crowded Annabeth. He pushed to the front, his heart hammering in his chest. Her blonde hair was splayed around her head like a halo, but it was bloody. She wasn't moving an inch, curled on the street like she was just sleeping. Her eyes weren't closed though.

The whisper of dead rang around him, and Percy's heart wrenched. The disbelief hitting him so hard that he stumbled towards her, letting out a small cry as he kneeled beside her. He lifted her head into his lap and closed his eyes. The blankness in her gaze was unbearable.

Everything went by in a blur. Paramedics came, and before he knew it, she was announced dead. He wasn't sure what it did to him, his heart spluttering in his chest uncontrollably. And soon, no one could get him to talk.

It went by in a blur. By two in the morning, his mom had come and held him as he stared in shock. She'd begged him for just a single word. But he said nothing. It hurt. It hurt like he was dying in several different lives. Knives sticking through his heart. Cold metal rods being forced in his throat.

He was told to go home at exactly four fifty three a.m. There was nothing they could have done.

His mother wanted him to come with her, but he refused. Some part of him believed that she'd be at their apartment, humming as she scrolled through her computer. It had gone so quickly. The normality of that. Now it seemed like a blessing if she'd ever be with him again.

Jason stayed over with him, probably to make sure he wouldn't murder himself. But, why would he? Annabeth would be there. She'd be laying in their bed, asleep, and he'd hold her, he'd kiss her like he'd never kissed her before, he'd tell her he loved her more than the moon and more than the water. He loved her more than the entire sea and everything within it. He loved her more than blue food and soda.

That was the thing. He hadn't told her he loved her that day. There was that morning, but that always happened. When he got back to their apartment, he'd pick her up into his arms and he'd tell her. He'd shout it out over the rooftops and tell her of each time he'd dreamed of her in white and him in a suit. How he'd had visions of them with kids while walking through New Rome. How even at sixteen when they'd only been together for a few months, deep in his mind he'd look at her and think Marry me.

The gods couldn't be so cruel. They couldn't. He'd fallen asleep at the restaurant, his head on Annabeth's shoulder as she played with his fingers and talked to Piper and Jason. No no, this day wasn't real! It was all a dream. He'd get home, and he'd wake up. That's what would happen.

He was aware of Jason trying to talk to him during the cab ride home, but he ignored him, planning each word he'd say to Annabeth in the morning when she woke up, his arms around her waist and their fingers entwined.

But, when he got there, there was nothing. Jason stayed up with him. It was around six when the man fell asleep on the couch, Annabeth's computer buzzing beside him. Percy was still waiting to wake up, but the pain in his chest was so bad that eventually he stood.

And he walked to the kitchen. In the cabinet where there was a huge bottle of whisky Paul had bought Percy on his twenty first birthday. It was so big, it was almost the size of two beer bottles, the only alcohol Percy ever had. It had never been opened, it was mostly just for aesthetic since Paul knew his step-son had no interest at all in drinking, and it burned as it travelled down his throat. Disgusting, but he could feel the liquid start to blur his thoughts after a few minutes.

He finished the thing in an hour, his vision swimming. Some had sloshed onto the floor where he was sprawled.... Most had sloshed onto the floor where he was sprawled. But he'd drunk enough to make his vision spin. His stomach attempt to disgorge the alcohol. He'd never drunk so much before. It didn't numb the pain at all, if anything it made it worse as he thought of what Annabeth would think of this. How disappointed in him. But, it was just a dream. He could drink as much as he wanted and not get sick at all.


Percy was wheezing for air from the nausea as he placed the empty crystal glass on the counter, stumbling out of the door. He needed fresh air. He decided with smile, leaning against the wall heavily as he stumbled towards the elevator. When the doors dinged opened, Percy giggled slightly. It was hilarious! He should tell Annabeth when he woke up. She'd laugh and laugh! Then she'd kiss him until hey we're both drunk. Percy hiccuped slightly, giggling at the word. Drunk. Sounds much worse than better because of stuff, he decided seriously, then started laughing hysterically, holding his sides. The elevator doors opened and he laughed again at the dinging sound.

The cool air on his face made it easier to think, which was bad, because he started thinking about her. Everything about her really. How they'd met at twelve and he'd thought she looked like a princess. How her lips were so soft against his own chapped ones.

Percy swallowed a few times, looking over the city with his mouth pressed into a thin line. The whisky was still flowing through his system heavily, but it allowed for some off the pain to leak through. It barely dulled it with the fogginess that drinking brought around.

He leaned against the railing , sliding his hands across the surface. His heart was flipping, and he felt every single dip in the concrete. He was slightly woozy, but the fresh air helped clear his mind.

Suddenly, he wasn't so sure this was a dream. How did he feel so drunk, alone, and downcast when he was actually sleeping?

What if he fell asleep right here? Would he wake up and be with her again? Or would he wake up on a rooftop, gravel embedded in the bottoms of his shoes and a hangover? Was it worth it to see?

He looked over the edge of the building, and heard he elevator move downstairs from behind him, but he kept his eyes in front of him where cars buzzed down in the streets like Percy's world hadn't just been ripped away from him.

His fingers were turning white as he gripped the sides of the railing, hearing the elevator make its way back up. But his mind didn't comprehend what that would mean as he stepped onto the border keeping him from falling off of the roof. The sun in front of him burned his eyes and made them water. He stood unsteadily, his world rocking from side to side.

The dinging sound came again and he heard Leo shout in shock, "Percy, Man! Gods, get down from there!" But Percy just turned and looked at his friend with cold eyes, as dead as Annabeth's. Leo almost shivered from the devoid look in the man's eyes, but instead held up his hands and prayed Jason would see Percy on the roof from where he was prowling the streets.

"Percy, Annabeth wouldn't want this-" Leo started, but Percy dipped forward in front of him, almost losing his balance. Thankfully, he caught himself and looked at the street with wide eyes.

"Annabeth didn't want to die." Percy replied, turning to face Leo with bloodshot eyes. Leo remembered the broken whisky bottle on the floor of Percy and Annabeth's apartment. How it's crystal shards were right under a picture of Percy and Annabeth themselves, looking to be around sixteen. Percy had his arms around her neck from behind, his chin resting on her shoulder, and Annabeth's hands were covering Percy's.

"Man, this isn't the way..." Leo tried. He cursed that he didn't have the ability to fly like Jason. That he couldn't charm speak like Piper. He was the worst person to be doing this. But also, maybe somehow he was the best.

"Perce. I know you're hurting. I wanted it to end when I lost my mom as well. And when I had to leave Calypso... I wanted to die." Percy's face twisted and Leo swallowed, taking a small step closer, "Who will tell us about Annabeth, huh? Who will describe her the way you saw her? The way she wa- is."

Percy seemed to consider this, but then his eyes drooped slightly. For the first time, Leo saw Percy Jackson as what he was inside. Broken. A broken little kid. Annabeth had kept him together, putting band-AIDS over every single one of his cracks and breaks and she'd held him in place. When she died, it was like suddenly a curtain was pulled back. And there he was. Percy Jackson. The boy who was never meant to last. The boy who had been through so much. Lost so much. The little, broken boy who had lost the love of his life too many times to count and now she was gone forever.

And Leo knew he couldn't do anything. But he tried. He tried to grab Percy's hand as the boy tipped forward off of the roof. He tried to scream at Percy not to jump.

But the boy who was never meant to last still jumped. He fell until he was caught. He fell until he woke up again.

Don't worry! Reread the description if you think that I'm just going to leave it like this. This is not the end!

Also, super long chapter! Hope you enjoyed thoroughly! This took me an entire day to write, so please don't expect another up tomorrow morning! 😝. It will be up soon, I promise.



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