Guardians undercover(Katekyo...

Oleh ju7393

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#COWAwards2018 Gianini makes a new modified version of the Ten-Year bazooka, a new version that will allow th... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Failed Experiment.
Chapter 2. First Meeting
Chapter 3. Vongola Meeting
Chapter 4. Adoption
Chapter 5. Talbot
Chapter 6. Temporary Family
Chapter 7. School?
Chapter 8. How Long
Chapter 9. First Day
Chapter 10. Surprise
Chapter 11. Valentine's Day
Chapter 12: Family Weekend
Chapter 13: Invitation And Arrival
Chapter 14: A Butler And His Lord
Chapter 15: Party, Lurking Fear
Chapter 16: Disappearance
Chapter 17: Blood Moon
Chapter 18: Explaining To Them, Aftermath
Chapter 20: Short Lived Relief
Chapter 21: Daemon And Samuel, Beginning Recovery
Chapter 22: Hope
Chapter 23: Unknown Grounds
Chapter 24: Hellish Nightmares
Chapter 25: Only They Can
Chapter 26: A Place We Call Home
Chapter 27: Greedy Vulture
Chapter 28: It Has Begun
Chapter 29: New Memories
Chapter 30: Play, Rumors
Chapter 31: Proposal, Working
Chapter 32: Decision
Chapter 33: Reminiscing
Chapter 34: Memories of The Past I

Chapter 19: Sacrifices, And Resolve

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Oleh ju7393



I had the previous chapter already done, but I waited to update it until I was done with this chapter.  See I told you I'd update soon.  So yeah, and again I put another tag thing at the bottom, sorry.




Everyone tried their hardest to break the bars, but not even a single dent was visible. They were all at a great disadvantage since none of them had their weapons.

Tsuna was angry, and terrified. He wanted to rip the cage apart and take Lambo away, he felt weaker than he had ever felt in his entire life at that moment. Not only Tsuna felt that way, but everyone else also.

The more Lambo screamed in pain the more Jonathon seemed to laugh in delight, "This is amazing!" Jonathon laughed out as he watched Lambo cry in pain, "Normally by this time the others would have lost consciousness by now. You are indeed a fine specimen."

"You bastard let him go!" Gokudera yelled. Mukuro grit his teeth as he watched, he knew very well what it felt to be tied down, and expermented on. He hated it, he hated the people who did that to him with his entire being, and now watching Lambo those memories resurfaced more. And he hated the thought of a child being hurt just like Lambo was now.

Mukuro did everything he could to break free, even though he didn't really want anything to do with Tsuna and the others, he didn't want any of them to get hurt, for some reason just the thought of any of them getting hurt or....dying made his chest tighten in pain.

"Let go of him, you disgust me!" Mukuro said as he kicked the bars as hard as he could.

Jonathon briefly stopped what he was doing and sparred a glance towards Gokudera and Mukuro before turning back towards Lambo, "I can't do that. Life is full of sacrifices, you must lose something to gain something else. I had to sacrifice my own son to get to where I am today. I had to kill him to get his flames. It was for the greater good. You should be glad you are contributing to this."

Even though she felt a huge amount of fear. Fear of being harmed, fear of dying, fear of never being able to see her family, but the fear she felt the most was the fear of watching Lambo in pain. Amanda had been trying so hard to pry the bars off concentrating more on the bars in a way to forget her own thoughts that she didn't notice that some parts of the bar had sharp edges on them until it was to late. She grasped one of the bars with both of her small hands and pulled on them hard only to scream and let go quickly.

Every eye in the room turned in her direction, they all saw Amanda fall to her knees and cradle her hands to her chest. Jonathon stopped what he was doing, and looked at Amanda for a while before frowning, "I would really appreciate if you didn't hurt yourself." Jonathon said as he placed the tool in his hand on a small table next to the chair, and walked over to Amanda's cage.

Amanda slowly pulled her hands away from her chest, and opened her fisted hands slowly. As son as she opened them blood started to cascade faster down her arm then it had been when she had her hands against her chest. Amanda stared at her hands and began to cry more, both in fear, and in pain. She quickly tried to clean the blood away from her hands by slowly rubbing them on her greying green dress only to cry out in pain, and pull her hands away.

Tsuna stared at the blood stained hands, and sleeves. There was so much blood, he knew that the cuts that Amanda had on her hands were very deep since she was bleeding so much. He worried for her, but at the same time he felt somewhat thankful to her, because Jonathon had stopped hurting Lambo. He felt guilty at his thoughts, she was hurt, and Tsuna had felt relief that she had distracted him, he hated having thought in such a way. Tsuna threw himself against his bars in hopes to break them down, he needed to help Lambo, and Amanda.

Once Jonathon was in front of Amanda's cage he looked at her hands and sighed, he reached into the cage reaching for her hands only to have Amanda quickly move away from him. Jonathon sighed, he then turned around and headed towards the door. He opened the door and left closing the door behind him.

They didn't know how long he was gone for, but he was back shortly after leaving with a few items in his hands. He walked to the closest cage to him which was Hibari's and threw something inside, "I would rather you all use your weapons than hurting your bodies, not that using them will help in any way. I just don't want you to get hurt or end up dying, I can't have you die just yet." He said as he walked to the next one and also threw something inside. He walked to every cage and gave back the weapons to them.

Hibari had his tonfas back, Mukuro and Chrome had their tridents back, Yamamoto had his swords back as well. Gokudera had his dynamites, Tsuna had his mittens back, and Enma had his back also (I don't know if Enma uses Mittens like Tsuna does or not, Can't remember), Ryohei had his boxing gloves thrown in as well, (He had brought them to town with him). As for the remaining weapons in his hands, he threw them into the cage that Lambo used to be in.

After having distributed back the weapons, he headed back over to Amanda's cage with a small box. He set the box on the floor he kneeled down and reached into the cage, and grabbed a hold of the chain that was attached to her leg and pulled.

Amanda had her legs tucked underneath her, so when Jonathon pulled on the chain Amanda lost her balance where she was sitting and fell to her side. But in the moment that her leg was pulled, they all heard a sickening sound, she felt her ankle pop, and felt pain shoot from her ankle all the way up her leg, and screamed in pain.

Ignoring the scream Jonathon continued to pull on the chain until it dragged Amanda in front of him. Her tear stained face turned towards Jonathon and glared, she hated the man. She hated him for hurting people. From watching what he was doing to Lambo it was all to clear that this man enjoyed hurting children. She hated the thought of how much other people had to go through to give Jonathon what he wanted.

Jonathon let go of the chain and reached over and grabbed one of her hands, and pulled it through the bars closer to him. He examined her hand for a while, turning her hand in different angles, each time he moved her hand, or applied some pressure she felt pain. No matter how hard she tried to pull her hand out of his grasp, he wouldn't let go. Eventually after examining her hand he began to clean her hand, then bandaged it, once done he did the same to the other hand as well.

In the mean time that Jonathon was tending to Amanda's wounds, the tenth generation all tried to break the cage by using their weapons. Gokudera used his dynamites, these dynamites had less than half the amount of power than the regular ones. If he had used a regular one he would have blown himself up, along with the others. Hibari used his tonfas against the bars, as well as Mukuro and Chrome, realizing that brute strength wouldn't get the anywhere they tried to light their flames only to have a small a very small flame come out. Enma and Tsuna had also gone into hyper mode, but their flame was so small that it wasn't of any help at all. From that small flame they tried to use it, but it did not damage at all against the cage.

Once Jonathon was done cleaning and bandaging Amanda's hands he then reached back into the cage and pulled her leg towards him. Slowly and as gently as he could he removed Amanda's boot. But even though he was being as gentle as possible Amanda felt horrible pain, to her it felt as if he had been stabbing her ankle. After having removed her boot Jonathon applied a small amount of pressure to her ankle, which caused her to scream out in pain. From looking at her ankle Jonathon knew that he had pulled the chain very hard, and either fractured her ankle or broke it. He looked at the ankle in his hands and sighed, he picked up the remaining of the bandages and wrapped it around her ankle. If her ankle had indeed been broken the bandage would at least keep her ankle in place and keep any further damage from happening.

After he was done treating Amanda he put everything away into the box that was beside him on the floor. He got up, and turned towards the rest and smirked, "Like I told you, even if you use your weapons it isn't going to help at all. But at least this will keep you all from harming yourselves." He then turned towards Lambo and began to walk towards him.

Jonathon stood in front of Lambo and sighed, "I guess that'll do for today." He said as he reached for the straps holding Lambo down. Lambo could barely move his head as he watched Jonathon remove the straps, his cries had also quieted down to small hiccups.

Before removing the last strap on Lambo's leg Jonathon walked over to Amanda's cage and picked up the box that he had left on the floor and turned back to Lambo. The needle that he had used on Lambo had caused more damage than he had thought. From the struggling that Lambo was doing the needle had caused Lambo to bleed from his arms. It wasn't a small amount of bleeding, it looked as if he had taken Lambo's arms and slit them with a knife. Carefully as if to not cause anymore damage to Lambo Jonathon cleaned and bandaged Lambo's arms. After a few minutes once he was done he removed the last strap, then he reached for Lambo and picked him up carefully. the way he picked him up was if he didn't want to hurt him, he carried him in almost a protective way. Jonathon held Lambo in his arms and started to walk towards the cage that Lambo used to be in. He opened the cage door, and placed Lambo in making sure not to cause his arms to start bleeding again.

As he placed Lambo on the ground in his cage everyone watched him, they had feared that Jonathon would just toss Lambo into the cage and end up hurting him more. Once Jonathon had closed the cage door on Lambo's cage they turned to look at Jonathon waiting to see what he had planned to do next.

Watching their expressions Jonathon could easily guess that they were all thinking, 'who's next.' Jonathon chuckled, "Don't worry I don't plan do anything. For now that is." Jonathon said as he ran a hand through his hair, and sighed, "Well It's time for me to go."

Jonathon then began to walk out of the room, by then they had all stopped their attempts in breaking the cage, and watched Jonathon leave while occasionally looking at Lambo making sure he was still breathing. Once he was out of the room they all felt as if they could finally let out a sigh of relief, but that feeling didn't last long as they all turned to Lambo who by then lost consciousness.

Gokudera who is closest to Lambo's cage moved in his cage to be closer to Lambo, he wanted to make sure that Lambo was really breathing, and he wasn't just imagining the soft breathing coming from him. Seeing that Lambo was really breathing he let out a sigh, he was happy that Lambo was still alive, "He's alive." Gokudera said softly as he turned and leaned back against the bars, "Now what do we do?"

That was the question in everyone's mind, "what do we do next?"

Tsuna clenched his hands around the bars while looking at Lambo, "We have to get out of here quickly. We need to get Lambo help, so we need to find a way to break onii-san out so he can heal Lambo."

They all knew that there was no room for any mistakes, it was a gamble. A gamble for their lives, find a way out before Jonathon or anyone else came back and escape, or end up dead. They needed to work fast. They needed to get Lambo help, and if they made it out they needed to send someone to help James....that is if James was alive.


(The Day After The Disappearance Of The Tenth Generation)

They haven't been able to find anything to help in finding them, the kids they came to care as their own. After having investigated on their own it seemed as if all evidence disappeared, Alaude had been able to find something relating to other missing children. There had been one case where there had been a trail left, but the trail had soon got lost.

Ciel had been giving them any information the wanted or anything new he had found, which was basically the same as the information that Alaude had found.

Giotto stood in front of Ciel's desk with a piece of paper in his hands, his hands shook as he read in fear and in anger.

Resisting the urge to slam the paper down on the table and rush out of the office to find their kids Giotto handed the paper back to Ciel, "As you've read another body has been found." Ciel said as he set the paper down in front of him.

Silence for a few seconds, "Who?" G asked. He wanted to know who it was, but at the same time he didn't want to know. He was afraid to be told that the body found was of either one of the tenth generation.

Instead of Ciel, Giotto answered, "Samantha Owens. The report said that....she bled to death, but from reading the report it seems as if she....had all of her organs shut down from lack of oxygen and her flames were taken." Giotto finished as he clenched his hands tightly. After a while of standing Giotto walked over to a seat next to G and sat down.

"It seems that what this person or people are after are the flames the children have (Ciel knows of the flames since he was told by Undertaker about them). Now as for the location." Ciel said.

G sighed, "We don't have enough information to pinpoint their exact location. And the only thing that we have is that all the disappearances have one thing in common. Is that all of the missing children are around the same age, no older than ten years old."

Giotto closed his eyes and took a deep breath as he placed his hand on the arm rest of the seat, "There's one thing that we're overlooking though. And I believe that you think the same Alaude don't you. We haven't been looking in the right place." Giotto opened his eyes, 'but it's so obvious that it doesn't fit, it isn't the right place.'

Alaude crossed his arms over his chest as he stared at Ciel and Sebastian who was also in the room with them, "Foot prints were heading into the forest." Everyone in the room turned to face Alaude who was leaning against the wall across from them all, "Everyone in town avoids the forest, where do you think they would be taken to." Alaude glanced at Giotto for a moment before giving a small nod, barely noticeable. Giotto, and his guardians/friends were the only ones to notice along with Sebastian who had been watching them all.

"Somewhere people wouldn't go or think about as a possibility. Most people, even in the reports believe that the children have been taken out of town." Ciel said, "I had been thinking since the first body appeared that they would need to be close by for the body of the missing child to be showing up back to town."

"You also said that was a probability a while ago. Alaude how long ago did you find the foot prints? How old do you think they are?" Asari asked as he leaned forward in his seat. Asari along with the others didn't need to be any expert at tracking people, but the clues they had found so far was as clear as day. The clues were false.

Alaude turned towards Asari, "I found them today, but they seem to be at least two days old. Right now I have a few people looking for anything."

"Shouldn't we just go look in the forest?" Knuckles asked, even though they all knew that the clues were misleading, they also knew that Ciel and Sebastian were keeping something from them, something very important.

Since they first set foot in the Phantomhive mansion, and talked to Ciel, Giotto knew that Ciel was keeping something from them. Giotto decided to not notice, he had also asked the others to play along, and asked Alaude to search again. He knew that Ciel didn't seem to notice this, but Sebastian on the other hand, he seemed to be watching them very carefully. They all knew that they could trust them to help them find the kids, but the information that they were given said to be given by undertaker didn't make sense. If the information that this undertaker gave was very accurate and knew everything that happened, then why did Ciel say that the Undertaker didn't know all the detail of the blood moon. His intuition had always been right, and never failed him, and this time it was practically screaming at him that Ciel was withholding details. But for what purpose. There was no use trying to figure it out amongst themselves, the only thing to do was to ask Ciel. There was the possibility that Ciel might not tell them anything, but they had no choice but to take a risk.

Giotto shook his head, "Not yet, even though the prints head to the forest it doesn't mean that they are in the forest. For all we know it could just be something they made to through us off course. We shouldn't go to the forest, there is no need to go there, since it's very likely that we won't find anything there, and we can't waste time that we don't have, isn't that right Ciel Phantomhive." Ciel sat up straighter in his seat, and face Giotto, "I would have let it go if it wasn't such a serious matter, but why don't you tell us all what you really know of the Blood Moon."

Ciel looked at Giotto and at everyone else for a while before sighing, "....Seems we've been found out. Very well then. There's no point in hiding it, keep in mind I kept it quiet for your own good. The method used, and condition of the bodies."

"Condition of the bodies....I had a suspicion that those reports we were giving were lacking in information." Knuckles said as he sighed, "I've seen the body of one of the children when it was found. I know very well the condition, but it seems you know that the bodies are all left in different conditions."

Ciel glanced briefly at Knuckles, "Yes. The condition that you saw was that the child had blood almost all over the body, but it was also the same as Samantha Owens, the child bled to death. The other ones are that it seems as if their organs were burned from the inside since there are no signs of any sort of incisions near the stomach, some sort of poison or medication was used on them to have been able to cause such damage. The other is....the child had been beaten and died from internal bleeding."

The first generation all felt as if their breath had been knocked right out of them, and it just caused their worry and fear grow even more. Elena who was beside Daemon tightened her grip on his arm and began to silently cry, the same for Julia who was also sitting next to Cozarto.

"And the method?" Lampo asked in a shaky breath as he closed his eyes. Lambo was an annoying brat to him, but still cared for him, and just hearing the condition of the bodies of the children found made him feel as if his heart were being squeezed by an invisible hand. The thought of any of them being hurt terrified him.

Ciel looked at them all for a few seconds before sighing, "On the bodies there were a few marks indicating some sort of restriction on them. It's mostly likely that they were tied down, from the condition of the bodies, the injuries aren't ones that would cause immediate death, so these children were tortured to death. There are signs of their skin having been pierced, that was either to inject them or to bleed them out."

Giotto closed his eyes as he dug his fingers into the arms rest of his seat, "Or used to take the flames out."

"That's what I believe it is."

After Ciel had finished his explanation no one said a word. The first generation couldn't bring themselves to say anything, their thoughts were only full of the possibility of having one of the kids being injured or worse....killed.

After a few minutes of silence Asari took a deep breath, "Do you have any idea of where their location could be?"

Alaude uncrossed his arms, and put his hands in his coat pockets, "They would need to be somewhere near but still far from the town. I know there are a few abounded buildings and homes near the town. I've already sent someone to look in them, but there was nothing found."

Ciel cleared his throat and stood up from his chair, "So they've all been checked out. There is only one place I can think of, a few miles on the outskirts of town there is a warehouse that hasn't been in use for almost a decade now."

G suddenly stood up from his seat and walked over to Ciel's desk, "Then what are we waiting for we should go and investigate it!"

"I agree." Knuckles said as he also stood up followed by the others who also stood up.

"Sebastian get the carriages ready, and pack anything we might need." Ciel said as he walked around his desk and stood in front of the first generation who were all standing in front of his desk, "It'll take at least an entire day to get there. We need to get there before the blood moon in two days."

So they all headed out of the office and went in the direction of the front door and waited for the carriages to be brought back in front.

'Please let us be there on time.' Giotto said as they all walked towards the carriages who were being brought to a stop in front of them.


As the hours passed people had come and gone, bringing them water and food, and checking up on Lambo's condition, and also on Amanda's wounds. They were hungry, but they ate nothing since there was the possibility that the food or water could have been poisoned. They were worried for themselves, but more about Lambo since after he woke up he said that he was thirsty, they wanted water for him, but they couldn't take the risk of giving him water that could have been poisoned.

"Lambo I'm sorry. We don't know if the water is safe to drink. We'll get out of here soon, just please wait." Tsuna said as he tried to enter HDWM, but as before his flames was weak.

They had all tried to use the flames in some way to break the cage, but just as they were told these cages weren't affected by the flames.

After a while Lambo had fallen back to sleep, still to weak to be able to stay awake Jonathon came through the door again, "How are you all?"

All eyes turned towards him, if the hatred in that room could kill, Jonathon would be six feet under by now, "Don't look at me like that now, we're friends aren't we."

The tenth generation felt nothing more than hatred and disgust towards him. Anger for hurting so many children including Lambo, and Amanda. Disgust to act as if he hadn't done anything bad, he acted as if all he's doing is for some greater purpose in life.

As he walked into the room everyone except for Hibari and Mukuro and Lambo who was still asleep, and even if he wasn't he wouldn't be able to move much, moved farther back into the cage trying to keep a distance from him.

Tsuna watched as Jonathon walked across the room, and sat on the chair that he had put Lambo on, "What did you do with James?" Tsuna asked.

Jonathon sighed and turned to face Tsuna, "Don't worry about him. He's alive if that's what you want to know."

Everyone including Tsuna breathed out a sigh of relief. They were glad that James was alive, but now he was as much danger as they were too.

Jonathon looked at them all for a while before turning towards his shirt and began to fix the sleeve of his grey shirt, "As you already know the Blood Moon is coming up soon. And I hate to do this but I need to continue where I left off before." He said as he smiled at them.

Quickly after he had said that they all began to try to break out. They tried harder as Jonathon began to walk towards Lambo's cage. But before he reached the cage he stopped just a few feet away, and looked at the cage on the right of Lambo's.

"I think I'll be using two this time." He said as closed the distance to Lambo's cage and opened it. At the sound of the cage door opening, Lambo woke up.

At the sight of Jonathon, Lambo tried to move away, but he could barely move away. And Jonathon grabbed him, and pulled him out of the cage, and headed back to the chair and strapped him in. After Lambo was tied, Jonathon left the room, but shortly came back with another chair and set it near Lambo's.

After having set up the second chair he turned back to the cages and walked over to a cage.

Amanda could only stare in fear as Jonathon made his way towards her cage. Ignoring the pain in her hands and ankle she covered her face and pulled up her knees to her chest. She was able to move a bit more since the chain had been removed from her ankle to not cause any pain. She pushed herself farther into the cage and harder against the bars.

Amanda jumped a bit as she heard her cage door open, "Now don't be like that dear. It won't hurt a bit." he said as he reached in.

Amanda uncovered her eyes and saw the hand just inches away from her leg, quickly she moved to the other side of the cage, but wasn't able to get very far since she had made her hands start to bleed again, and the pain in her ankle intensified.

Taking that moment Jonathon grabbed her leg, he made sure to avoid grabbing her hurt leg. ANd he pulled on her leg until she was out of the cage. She pushed at him, tried to kick and bite him, but Jonathon kept a firm grip on her that she could barely move.

Quickly Jonathon walked over to the other chair and strapped her in. Once she was strapped in he reached into his pocket, and pulled out a small pocket knife. He opened it and began to cut the sleeves of her dress off exposing her arms.

"Now time to get started." Jonathon said as he began the procedure again, but on two people this time.

Even though he had been to weak to move, the pain he felt made him struggle hard against the straps holding him down. Amanda starred in fear and anger as Jonathon inserted the needle again connecting Lambo to the machine. Once he was done he turned towards her and did the same to her. Amanda had never in her life felt such pain. This pain in her hands and ankle were nothing compared to the pain she was feeling at that moment. She felt as if it were sucking the life out of her. The pain was horrible, she felt as if she would die at any minute from the pain.

Having seen Lambo in pain and screaming was horrible, but also seeing Amanda in pain made it worse. They all tried much harder than they had tried before to break down the bars. Those damn bars keeping them away, keeping them from helping both Lambo and Amanda.

They were all screaming, pleading for Jonathon to let them go. Gokudera for once had been calling Lambo by his name instead of stupid cow. He hated him, but he cared for Lambo, he was after all a part of their family.

Jonathon had started to get annoyed by their yelling that he had no choice but to shut them up. he reached into his side, grabbing the gun on hidden just underneath his grey shirt, "Shut up!" he yelled as he turned around at random. After the gun went off there was nothing but silence until a pained grunt could be heard. They all turned towards the sound, and saw Yamamoto clutching his shoulder in pain. They could all see blood seeping through his fingers.

Tsuna felt such anger, that he wasn't even thinking straight. He needed to save his friends, he couldn't let any of them die, he didn't want any of them to die. They all felt the same, they didn't want any of them to die.

They all felt a buring feeling in their chest, it wasn't painful but it was a heat that felt strong, frightening, but safe at the same time.

Tsuna began to kick, punch at the bars as did everyone else. They were all so concentrated on breaking out that they failed to notice Jonathon move closer to them, and shot a second round. The sound of the gun made them all stop in fear. They all looked at each other looking to see who had been shot, hoping that it wasn't a fatal wound or that Jonathon had missed.

The sight they all saw made them feel as if their hearts had stopped. Tsuna falling to his knees clutching at his chest, the blood seeping through his fingers as if it were a river of blood.




Nana had been washing the dishes that they had just used for lunch when she felt very uneasy.  But she continued to wash the dishes, that is until she felt a pain in her chest, she felt such sadness. 

She dropped the plate she had in her hand and it fell on the ground and broke.  Immediately after that Iemitsu came running into the kitchen only to find Nana crying.

"What's wrong?  Did you cut yourself?" He said as he looked at the broken plate on the ground.

She shook her head, "No.  Tsuna, where's Tsuna?!  I want to see hims!"

Iemitsu held her shoulders, "It's alright Nana, Tsuna is with Professor Borin remember."

Nana just kept shaking her head, "No!  Somethings wrong, where is Tsuna!"

Iemitsu frowned, "How do you know if something is wrong?"

Nana pulled away from Iemitsu and looked up at him with tears in her eyes, "I just do. I feel it here." Nana said as she pointed at her chest, "I want to see him, I want to make sure he's okay."  Nana cried.

Since Nana wouldn't stop crying he had no choice but to put her to sleep and hope that she thought that all of this was just a dream, he quickly lit a flame on his finger and placed it to her forehead.  Almost immediately she fell over asleep, but Iemitsu caught her before she fell to the floor.

"A mother's intuition huh." A small voice said.

Iemitsu turned and saw Reborn standing on the table, he had seen the whole thing.  He knew very well what Nana had felt, since he felt as if something had hit him in the chest.  He felt something wrong, he just hoped that it was nothing serious.


(Back In The Past)

As the sound of the gun going off echoed in the room Tsuna immediately felt pain in his chest. He slowly looked down and saw the blood staining his blue shirt. Trying to stop the bleed, and hoping to make the pain stop he placed his hands on his chest.

The pain was to much for him that he fell to his knees, as he watched the blood seep through his fingers his vision began to get blurry, and the last thing he remembers before falling over on his side is everyone screaming his name.

'This is the first time Gokudera-kun has called me Tsuna.' Tsuna thought as he began to close his eyes.

Tsuna felt no pain, he wasn't to see anything. It was all dark, but he could hear people yelling, but it sounded so far away that he couldn't make out the words.

As he tried to find a way out, to wake himself up he heard a voice, "Do you want to live?"

Tsuna froze, he knew this voice he had heard it before, and there was no way he would forget it. he heard it in his dream, and just before they were taken, after a short silence Tsuna answered, "Yes."

The voice asked, "Why?"

"Because I need to protect and help my friends!"

"Are those your real feeling or are you saying that because you don't want to die?"

Tsuna clenched his hands tightly, "I don't care if I die! I just want to live long enough to save my friends!"

"Hmmmm....but you still want to live. Why do you even want to live, you wouldn't have to worry about becoming Vongola Decimo if you died now."

Tsuna looked around the place hoping that he might see the source of the voice, "If I live, I want to live for my friends. I never wanted to be Vongola Decimo, but if I can change and help anyone by becoming Vongola Decimo I'll do it!" Tsuna yelled.


He had never in his life felt such pain and fear, as right now watching Tsuna fall over with his hands covered in blood. Gokudera felt as if he was in a nightmare, like a piece of him had been killed off.

He felt numb, but he had to move and help Tsuna. He blamed himself fofr what happened, "if only I wasn't so weak", "If only I had more power, I'd have been able to protect juudiame!" But before he moved he heard a voice.

"Why do you want power?"

Gokuder monentarily froze looking around, it seemed as if no one else had heard it, "To save juudaime!" Gokudera said, but realized that the words didn't come out of his mouth, but were said in his thoughts.

"Why do you even want to save him?"

"Because I am his right hand man."

"Really? Wouldn't it be better without him. He was never fit to be Decimo. So why do you care?"

Gokuder felt his blood boil in anger, if he could see this voice he would punch it or blow it up, "He is more than fit to be Decimo! He even said that he would change Vongola, and I believe in him."

"So because you believe in him you want to save him?"

Gokudera clenched his hands tightly, and began to shake, "I want to save him, because he is the first person that accepted me for me, and....he became my very first friend."


Yamamoto along with the others had been screaming Tsuna's name while desperately trying to break free. He kept thinking on how he could break the cage, he kept throwing himself against the bars ignoring the pain shooting through his shoulder.

"Why do you want to save him?"

Yamamoto stopped what he was doing and looked around looking for the person who talked. After a few seconds he realized that he knew the voice, "Because he's my friend!"

"Really? Is he really your friend, or are you just with him for gratitude for saving your life, or do you pity him?"

"NO!....It's true that I'm thankful that he saved me. But because he saved me from making the greatest mistake in my life, I gained a real friend."

"A real friend huh. What makes him better than the other friends you had. He isn't in the same league as you."

"The other people around me who called themselves my friends were only near me because of my popularity. They didn't know the real me, but Tsuna....Tsuna is different. He doesn't care about that stuff! He saw the real Yamamoto Takeshi not the best baseball player at school. he is the first real friend I've had! So I can't and won't let him go. I don't want him to die, I won't let him die, and I won't ever betray him!"


Mukuro looked on in shock as he saw Tsuna fall over on his side. He called out Tsuna's name (well as Tsunayoshi) he really cared about Tsuna, he never showed it but he did. he cared for him and respected him. As he tried to get out he heard a voice.

"Why do you care about him?"

"Kufufu, isn't it obvious, I still need to possess his body."

"For what purpose?"

"To destroy the mafia of course."

"Is that really all?"

Mukuro stayed silent for a few seconds, "Of course."

"Then why do you have that expression on your face? He's only a vessel so why do you care?"

"Like I said I need his body to destroy the mafia."

"Hmmm....Really, is that all?"

Mukuro said nothing then glanced at Tsuna, "Kufufu, I guess you can say that Tsunayoshi has made things more interesting. I can't exactly lose my only means of entertainment can I."

Voice seemed to have chuckled then sighed.


Ryohei watched in shock and fear as Tsuna fell over unmoving. He then began to punch the bars with every last bit of strength he had. He need to get out, to save Tsuna, Lambo, and Amanda.

"Why do you want to get out?"

"To save Sawada and the others!"


"Because he's my friend!"

"If he dies you wouldn't have to hurt along with the others. You and your sister would be safe from harm."

"No, I won't let him die! He's my friend, and I am his friend."

"Is that what you really think of him, as a friend?"

"Yes! He's an extreme friend, and I won't let him die!"


Lambo had just barely started to gain conciseness after having passed out on the chair when he saw Tsuna get shot. He tried to move but he was to weak to move, and in so much pain.

"Why do you want to get up?"

"Because Lambo-sama need to save Dame-Tsuna so he can give me candies." Lambo yelled mentally.

"You want to save him for candies? You can barely move, let along save yourself, how are you going to save him? And you don't have to save him, you can get candy from someone else."

"No, I can save him! I want candies from Dame-Tsuna!"


"Because...." Lambo's eyes began to blurr, and felt as the tears fell down his cheeks.


"Because he's my Tsuna-nii! I want to save him!"


Chrome gasped in horror as Tsuna laid on the ground unmoving. Tears started to fall from her one eye as she screamed for her boss. She needed to save him, but she wasn't strong enough to.

"Why do you care about him?"

"Because he's boss, and I don't want him to die."

"So, because he's your boss you care, and want to save him?"

"No! I care because he cares about me."

"How do you know that? How do you know that it isn't out of pity for you?"

"Boss isn't like that! The way he treats me, he treats me like a friend, almost like family!" Chrome said as she tightly closed her one eye.

"Friend, family? Is that so?"

Chrome tightened her hold on her trident, "My family never loved me, they didn't care when I almost died. I then met Mukuro-sama and I thought that I was complete that it was all I needed in my life, but....soon I met boss, he treated me like a person and not like I was useless. I want to be able to spend more time with him and the others!"


Hibari watched in silence clutching his tonfas tightly until his knuckles began to turn white, as Tsuna was on the ground.

"Do you want to save him?"

"Hn. I really don't care."


"I don't care what happens to him, but the omnivore still owes me a fight."

"So because of a fight you want to save him?"


"Hmmmm....Then why do you keep glancing at him in worry?"

"I am not worried."

"Are you sure?"

Hibari stood up straighter, "I am not worried, because I know that he is not the kind of person to give up. If he does I'll bite him to death."


Enma screamed Tsuna's name as he watched in horror as Tsuna fell over.

"Why do you care about him?"

"Because Tsuna-kun is my friend!"

"Are you sure? He might not feel the same way, after you hurt his friends."

Enma flinched, "I know what I did to him, and the others. But he forgave me!"

"How do you know that?"

"Because Tsuna-kun is not the kind of person to hold a grudge! I want to save Tsuna-kun! I want to save my friend!"


Barely keeping her eyes open Amanda looked at Tsuna on the floor unmoving and bleeding. She didn't know him very well, but she knew that he was a good person, and she felt such pain seeing Tsuna like that.

'I want to save him! I need to get out of this.' Amanda thought as she truggled to get out of the straps holding her down.

The more she tried to get out the more she caused her hands to bleed, and her arms where the needles were at too. As she tried to get out she began to feel her hands, and her entire heat up. She brushed it off as her hands heating up from the pain, and also from how hard she was struggling.

She felt the as if everything was getting hotter and hotter. She felt like she should have already burned from the heat, but it wasn't hurting her in any way. She felt tired, she jsut wanted to close her eyes and sleep, and in one last attempt she pulled her arm as hard as she could. Thinking that it would get her nowhere she began to close her eyes only to hear a snap. She quickly opened her eyes, and saw her arm was free. She began to pull on the other and after a while she was free. As she looked at the straps she noticed that they looked as if they had been melted.


"This is horrible! He better not die, what am I going to do if he dies?!" Jonathon practically yelled as he began to walk closer to Tsuna's cage. As he began to open the cage everything seemed to have started to move in slow motion. Suddenly the flames appeared in front of all of them.

"We have been waiting for this moment. We shall accept your resolve for the time being." The flames all said in unison.

Soon after the flames spoke they felt complete, as if something they had lost had been returned to them. They felt stronger, soon everyone lit up their flames just as everything seemed to go back to normal.

Even Tsuna who wasn't even moving began to slightly move, until he was fully siting up. Feeling stronger he lit up his flame. He was tired, and wanted to sleep, but he couldn't afford to do that with the lives of everyone there at stake. Going into HDWM Tsuna slowly stood up and face Jonathon.

"This is the end for you." Tsuna said just as everyone had managed to get out of the cages, and Lambo had tore off the straps holding him down.

Even though he was feeling so weak he managed to get off the chair, and stumbled all the way to the closest person to him which was Amanda. At seeing him Amanda quickly held Lambo protectively in her arms.

At once all of the tenth generation began their attack against Jonathon. Jonathon had no idea that these children had such powerful flames, he was taken by surprise that he had no chance to fight back.

Just as Jonathon fell to his knees what was left of the door opened. There standing on the other side was G and Giotto.

G and Giotto at seeing the destruction in the room, and the condition that the kids were in they quickly went into the room. Feeling that it was finally over Tsuna felt himself go out of his hyper mode, and lost conciseness.


After having the tenth generation and Amanda out of the room, and Jonathon tied up they left the room. But before they left G and Giotto were told of the man James who helped them, and that they wanted to get him out of there too.

The first generation had all spilt up into groups along with Ciel, and Sebastian. Amongst them all they had found twenty-eight children, and five dead children.

Seeing that made them all angry, some even wanted to kill Jonathon on the spot, but they didn't. The children, both alive and dead were brought out of the place there were at.

The place that they were in was like an underground maze, that was just under a mansion. The very mansion that Ciel mentioned.

They were glad that their kids were safe the same could be said for Mathew who had also been reunited with his daughter, which happened to be Amanda.

After having made it out of the mansion G had stayed behind to look for Knuckles as Giotto left with the tenth generation. After a short while of waiting G and Knuckles came running out of the mansion. Knuckles quickly made his way to Giotto who was sitting on the ground beside Tsuna who he had laid on the ground.

Knuckles quickly proceeded in healing Tsuna, "I'll only be able to stop the bleeding for now, we need to get him somewhere where I can treat him and everyone else properly."

Giotto nodded and watched as Knuckles worked on stopping the bleeding. After ten minutes Knuckles said that he had done everything that he could for the time being, and that it was not safe to move Tsuna into the carriage.

~Time Skip (Twenty Minutes Later)~

Within these twenty minutes Knuckles had been tending to all of the injured children along with Ryohei who had been helping to the best of his abilities. It was safe to say that all of the children after having received some healing had a better chance of living.

Now the only thing left to do was to get to town Take all the injured to somewhere clean and big to treat them better. And also let the parents' know that their children were back and safe or that....they were dead.


Tagged by HelenaVWG

1. You must post the rules.

2. You must tag 15 people.

3. You must answer 13 facts about yourself.

4. You must answer 13 questions given to you.

5. You must post 13 questions for the people you tag.

6. You can't not do the tag.

7. You must complete the tag within the week.

8. You must follow the rules.

Facts about me:

1. I believe I saw and got bitten by something (ghost) when I was I Sophomore in high school.

2. I like reading and watching things on the paranormal and mysteries.

3. I hate wearing makeup, I don't know why, but I just feel uncomfortable wearing it for more than one hour.

4. I like cooking even though I've burned myself with the oven and pans, and burned the chair with a Pizza pan (is that what it would called?)

5. I'm kind of shy.

6. I like reading a lot.

7. I like foreign music more than English.

8. I don't like to play sports with people who give up midway, (it losses all the fun).

9. I actually don't like sports much except lacrosse, but I play because I get very competitive.

10. I like going to competitions, so I picked classes that go to competitions in high school.

11. I'm very emotional, (I've cried over a flower, don't laugh.)

12. I'm very dense so I didn't realize I was being asked to homecoming (I felt horrible after I found out).

13. My favorite sodas are Dr. Pepper, and Mt. Dew.

Questions by HelenaVWG

1. What do you think of me? (That you're a great author.)

2. Can you draw? (Nope.)

3. Can you sing? (Nope, not to even save my life.)

4. Do you make fanfics? (Yes. Only have one that I'm working on though.)

5. Your favorite anime? (Katekyo Hitman Reborn.)

6. Your favorite author? (mostly manga authors, but my number one is Amano Akira.)

7. Your least anime? (If it means least favorite anime, then it would have to be Asura Cryin.)

8. Your enemy? (A girl I went to middle school with, worst thing is that she had the same surname as me, Vargas.)

9. Your favorite book? (Bloodlines.)

10. Where do you live? (Rupert, Idaho.)

11. How old are you? (Don't be shocked, I'm 23. I feel so old just saying it. I've been told that I act childish for my age.)

12. Are you a fan of other author here? (It's hard to choose but I have two I really like their work TeitoxAkashi and ODDstar)

13. Do you like yourself? (Yes, and no.)

My questions for you:

1. Worst nightmare you've ever had?

2. What do you like of my story?

3. What is the work your most proud of on wattpad if you write any?

4. Name of the school you go to?

5. What is your favorite animal?

6. Top five anime you like?

7. Have you ever tried drawing an anime character?

8. What is your greatest fear(s)?

9. What do you think about the people around you?

10. What is your favorite color?

11. Favorite food?

12. Are you afraid of betrayal from someone close to you?

13. What would you do if you won the lottery?
















Also I guess you don't have to do this if you don't want to.


So I don't know when I'll be updating after this.  So, sorry if I take a little long again.  And thanks for reading.

That's it for now, hope you enjoyed.

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