The kitten claims her mate (c...

By jrmeans09

877K 30.4K 2.6K

A curious and mischievous kitten explores in the night and finds a warm werewolf to curl up next to. Betty ha... More

All the shiny things
The plan
The birthday card
Secrets revealed
Drunk alien teenager
The wolf pup
The truce
Elk Creek Trail
Betty and Jax
The eye of the tiger

The pack gets land

40.2K 1.5K 247
By jrmeans09

Jax sat next to Betty, one arm around her shoulders, after he calmed himself down. Man, she drove him wild. At first he'd thought he was in trouble because she'd pounded on the door and had been frowning up at him. The next thing he knew, she was tugging on his ears and he knew for sure he was in trouble.

He grinned when he thought of her kiss. It had been completely innocent, just a press of her lips against his. When he took control he half expected her to stop, but instead she'd matched his movements and had turned into a sexpot. He shifted in his seat to adjust himself when he thought of her moans and gasps when he'd began sucking on her neck. He wondered how she would respond if he kissed lower...

Jason, who had a sensitive nose, smacked him upside the head and said, "Dude, I do not want to smell your arousal. Think other thoughts!"

Betty blushed prettily and hid her face in his chest. God, he loved that girl.

He froze. Did he just think the L word? He'd never said or thought that about a girl before. He looked down at her and felt himself relax. His wolf's instincts were in hyperdrive. She was his mate, so of course he loved her. He didn't know when his wolf had chosen Betty as his mate, but there was no fighting it now. He kissed her on top of the head and snuggled her closer.

He would have to keep his thoughts to himself if he didn't want to scare her away. He could keep his feelings a secret for a while longer.

The front door opened and Luke and James walked in. James frowned when he saw Betty; he still wasn't a fan of her. Luke raised his eyebrows and winked at Jax when he saw how close they were snuggling. They sat down and Jason paused the movie.

"We had a breakthrough. The DMV records show the car is registered to a man named Spencer Radcliffe. We double checked our records of known rogues and it matches a wolf that was kicked out for a bad temper and a problem with authority. We have wolves watching his house now."

"Perfect. Let's move. Betty, I'll walk you home. Lock your doors and windows. Stay indoors until one of us gets you, okay?"

"Yes, Jax," she said meekly and he grinned. Apparently, all he had to do was kiss her silly and she became compliant.

"One last kiss, sweetheart. I need all the strength I can get. Give me some of that soul energizing shit," he said with a cocky grin. He pulled her close and kissed her lovingly.

She blushed and wished them all good luck before letting him lead her away. He gently kissed her one last time by her front door and then waited for her door to close and lock.

He ran back to his pack brothers and grinned wolfishly. His wolf was energized and eager to hunt. Today they would catch and kill Spencer. His pack would be safe and he could give Betty the attention she deserved.

The house was on a secluded lot of land in the middle of the woods. His scouts relayed that the missing wolf had been here, but they couldn't tell if he still was. The rogue's scent was heavy and they suspected he was inside. He apparently lived alone.

It was over too easy. They circled the house and busted down the front door. James charged ahead, along with other elite fighters, and quickly had the coward pinned on the ground.

He wasn't very dominant and immediately cowered before Jax. The piece of shit coward peed himself and begged for mercy. As if they would let him live after what he did to his pack, to the little pup and the patrol.

Spencer spilled the whole story. He had met the boy outside the school months ago. He'd befriended him and had promised him a trip to the circus and all the cotton candy he could eat. The bastard. He'd covered his tracks with a spray he bought from a witch in another town.

He'd been able to over power the patrol because they had been drunk on their shift. He'd seen the opportunity and had taken it. He was lonely and not quite sane. He had honestly believed he could take over Jax's pack and make a new family for himself. What a pathetic coward.

Thankfully, the last member of the patrol was still alive and had suffered enough of a punishment for disobeying orders. It would serve as a lesson for the entire pack - don't freaking drink on the job.

They had the rogue write a Will leaving his estate to Jax upon his death, which was very imminent. If he had any family they would surely contest it, claiming undue duress. However, he was a rogue, a nobody, a damn coward who had terrorized the wrong pack.

By the end of the day his pack was the proud owner of a 17 acre estate surrounded by woods and the contents of his savings account. They burned his house to the ground, called in some favors and had it all declared a tragic accident and they were the beneficiaries of his life insurance. It wasn't much, the big gain was the land. However, they now had enough money in reserve to help them get the sizable loan they would need for the building projects.

It would take time to build the property the way he wanted, with a large pack house and individual homes for families. In the center would be a memorial for the fallen pack members.

James came over and growled, "Don't forget the alpha house. You'll need a place to raise your little alien pups."

Luke grinned and added, "James are you actually condoning their relationship? I thought you didn't trust her?"

"Without her we wouldn't have caught this bastard as quickly. Her picture helped us find him."

Jason hugged James and said, "I knew she would grow on you! You big softy!" James elbowed him in the gut and growled.

Jax smiled happily. His pack was safe once again and the murders were avenged. He had everything he needed. It was time to go back to his mate.


Betty kept glancing out the window and biting her lip.

"What's taking him so long? Do you think I should try to go after him? What if he needs us?"

"Our wonderful is fine," Kilala said sleepily. "I can talk to his wolf now. He says that he's on his way back."

"Since when can you do that?"

"Since you both accepted each other as your mates."

Betty paused. Did she accept him as her mate? It was one thing to enjoy his kisses, man could he kiss, but did she really trust him?

She bit her lip again and peered outside. She really wanted him to hurry up and get here so she could make sure he was fine.

"Better check under his clothes for injuries," Kilala purred.

Dirty old cat. She smirked as she imagined dragging Jax up to her room this time. Who said he got to be in charge all the time?

She saw Jax walking across the field. Did she trust him? She thought briefly about Koga and how betrayed she'd felt.

"Oh give it a rest. You know why he did it. Just kiss our wonderful."

"Hush, Kilala. I was getting to that. I freaking love him okay?"

Betty grinned and ran to meet him. There would be time later on to discuss their relationship. Everything was still so new and she didn't want to ruin it with the details. She was just going to enjoy getting to know Jax. She wrapped her arms and legs around him and kissed his neck. He chuckled and carried her into her house. The door closed and they went upstairs.

They didn't come down for a long, long time.

The end... look for part two (wonderful mates) being released regularly starting now (July 2020). Thank you everyone who has read this story and stuck with it from the beginning or are new readers. Hope you enjoyed it!

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