The Other McCall ▷ Stilinski

By simplystiles-

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[ BOOK ONE ] ❝ there are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared; twins. ❞ Kasey McCall is t... More

The Other McCall
Chapter 1. Aftermath
Chapter 2. My Brother The Teenage Werewolf
Chapter 3. Second Chances
Chapter 4. Heart Warming
Chapter 5. Desired Coincidences
Chapter 6. A Burning Revaltion
Chapter 7. An Abundance of Derek
Chapter 8. Last Resort Limb Loss
Chapter 9. Exasperating Expressions
Chapter 10. Are you serious?
Chapter 11. Don't eat my boyfriend, please.
Chapter 12. Another illegal activity
Chapter 13. Not exactly safe
Chapter 14. One hell of a first date
Chapter 15. Biles not Stiles
Chapter 16. My brother is a lunatic
Chapter 17. Making up and forming a plan
Chapter 18. Plot Twists are Always Fun
Chapter 19. Jackson's new body guards
Chapter 20. Possible Whiplash
Chapter 21. The Formal
Chapter 22. Because I Love You
Chapter 23. Sarcasm is their only language
Chapter 24. Tailspin
Chapter 25. What am I?
Chapter 26. Harris' hair needs to go,
Chapter 27. Another glorious detention
Chapter 28. Derek, the third wheeler.
Chapter 29. More and more weird abilities
Chapter 30. Total knockout!
Chapter 32. Keeping Derek afloat..
Chapter 33. Lydia ISN'T the Kanima,
Chapter 34. Hate to say I told you so...
Chapter 35. Clubbin'... at the club...
Chapter 36. Skipping school and holding Jackson hostage
Chapter 37. Restraining Order...
Chapter 38. Disturbance in the Library
Chapter 39. Veggie is healthier,
Chapter 40. The Admonere
Chapter 41. Some Explanations.
Chapter 42. Dealing with things...
Chapter 43. Being held hostage
Chapter 44. The Argent's, Anxiety, and Much Needed Answers
Chapter 45. Finally a proper make-out session
Chapter 46. Lost and Confused
Chapter 47. Oh HALE no
Chapter 48. Still got us,

Chapter 31. What the hell is that?

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By simplystiles-

When I woke up laying in a dumpster, I was pissed. My head was pounding, and Stiles was practically draped over top of me. Apparently after Erica knocked us upside the head with whatever it was from Stiles jeep that she took out, she thought it would be a good idea to dispose of us in some dumpster in the middle of nowhere. How she was able to carry the two of us without anyone seeing her, is lost upon me.

So, once I was able to get Stiles to wake up and get out of the dumpster- he had to call a tow truck for his jeep, and then we walked to the mechanic's place while they were working on it, that way he could drive me home. My head was pounding still, and I really was getting sick and tired of having these constant headaches.

The sound of some drill or something buzzing in the garage could be faintly heard from the side of the glass I was on. Stiles is back there talking to the mechanic about what he needed done, leaving me to sit and wait patiently in the waiting room. I haven't heard from Scott at all, I just hope he had better luck with the Boyd situation than Stiles and I did.

"Yeah, real quality establishment you're running here!" I heard Stiles yell as he walked into the waiting room, shaking his hands and wiping them on the sleeves of his red hoodie.

I glanced at him oddly, "What's wrong?"

"Well he seems to think my jeep needs more work than I had originally said- so, we may be here a bit longer than we thought." He muttered as he pulled out his cell phone, more than likely to text Scott or his dad.

I turned around to glance at the mechanic, he had the jeep suspended up in the air and was doing some work underneath it- is that where the part came from? What I want to know is how Erica even got the damn thing out or how she knew that the jeep needed that part to even run. She must know a lot about cars, either that or she is one hell of a good guesser. My eyes traveled up from the mechanic to the jeep itself- and that's when I saw the weird looking claws. What the hell?

Stiles was making weird noises, which caused me to turn around and look at him. He had his hands out in front of him- and his cell phone seemed to just slip through his fingers. His eyes were locked on something happening in the mechanic's garage, and I had a feeling he saw the same thing I just did. "What's wrong? What's happening?" I asked him quickly as I stood up and grabbed a hold of his arms.

He was blinked rapidly as he tried to talk, "I-I can't.." his words weren't coming out and he was falling limp in my hold, what is happening to him? A screech then echoed in the garage and my eyes widened, oh no.

I gently laid Stiles down on the ground and turned back to look through the glass to see the mechanic now laying on the ground with the jeep and the lift it was on- slowly descending down. What happened to him? I reached for the door but before I could grab it Stiles made another weird noise, I took that as I warning to not grab it. As I turned back around to face him he was trying to reach for his phone again, and I quickly grabbed it before dialing 911.

The mechanic was laying completely still as the lift continued to move down, and I didn't know how to help him without touching the door. Why can't I touch the door? I quickly set the phone on the ground by Stiles head and looked at the door handle to see slimy slightly opaque goo. What is that?

"Stiles, what-" before I could finish something jumped in front of the door, it was green and had yellow eyes. I let out a scream as I fell backwards to the floor, landing right beside Stiles. Whatever the thing was hissed loudly before it jumped up into the air and disappeared, leaving the scene. The lift was no longer moving, and I knew that meant it had crushed the mechanic.

"911, what's your emergency?" A female voice rang from the other end of Stiles' cell phone, filling the silence.

"I told you-- we just walked in and saw the jeep on top of the guy. That's all." I repeated my story to the deputy that had asked me another version of the same question he has been asking me for the past ten minutes. After I managed to collect my thoughts I picked the phone up off the floor and I told the operator there had been an accident, and someone was dead.

Not even three minutes later the cops all showed up with an ambulance and everything, thankfully I was able to get Stiles up and back to talking and moving again. I don't know what happened to him- it was like he was paralyzed or something, and it scared the crap out of me. I think it had something to do with whatever that goo on the door handle was, because he was fine until he touched it- and he didn't want me to touch it.

The deputy nodded, "If you think you can't say anything because you're afraid that someone is going to come back and make sure you don't say anything- you don't have to worry about that."

I clenched my jaw as I ran my hands over my face, "I didn't see anything. Can I please go now?"

Rain had started to fall, and I was wet and cold and confused. I just wanted to go over to Stiles and make sure he was okay so we can get the hell out of here. These past two days have been entirely too stressful for me, and I just really want a good nights sleep in my nice warm, and comfortable bed. I think I've earned at least that much.

"Yeah, you can go." He said with a sigh as he walked over to another one of the deputies at the scene, they seemed to be budding up out of nowhere. How many deputies does Sheriff Stilinski even need?

I quickly made my way over to where Stiles was sitting at the tail end of the ambulance, Sheriff Stilinski had just walked away- leaving him alone. He was rubbing at his hands, maybe they still felt weird. I quickened my pace so I could get to him faster, but it was like he sensed me coming or something because his head snapped up and he hopped off the back and made his way over to me.

"Are you okay?" I asked him quietly as I grabbed his hand and turned it over in mine, inspecting it for some sort of evidence as to what happened to him, what could have made him lose control of his entire body like that? Did that lizard looking creature have anything to do with it?

He nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. My hand still feels a little weird, but it should be okay. We can't take my jeep- it's being impounded as evidence, so we have to call Scott."

"Okay, that's fine." I mumbled, and before I could stop myself I wrapped my arms around his body tightly. He really scared me when he was just laying there like that, not being able to move or even speak. I didn't know what to do or how to help him- I have never felt so useless in my entire life. That moment, is definitely my low point.

He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around me as well, burying his face in the crook of my neck as he squeezed me tightly. He had been scared, I can tell just by how tight his grip on me is, and that's perfectly normal. He was paralyzed and couldn't talk for a good five minutes. I could have easily of been in the same situation if I had grabbed the door just a second earlier, but he managed to stop me. Even when he should be worrying about himself, he is worrying about me. At least he is keeping his promise, the one about keeping me as safe as he possibly can.

I'm not quite sure how long we stayed like that, it felt like hours- but I knew that it couldn't have been because we had broken apart at some point to call Scott, but then we were once again holding each other as we took shelter from the rain underneath the awning of the Mechanic's place. Scott arrived shortly after that, so we had to venture back out into the rain to get to the car. It didn't occur to me that I could have made Stiles get in the back seat since this is also my car, until I was already seated and comfortable... dang.

"You two okay?" Scott asked wearily, obviously sensing the tension and uneasiness rolling off of the both of us.

Stiles nodded, "Yeah... you were right... it's not like you, it's eyes were almost reptilian."

"Yeah but there was something else about 'em. Like... do you know how when you see a friend in a mask on halloween or something, and then you see their eyes and you recognize them but you just can't really place who they are?" I tried to explain what I was thinking to my brother and Stiles, I had gotten a decent look at the creature- and we definitely held eye contact for a good five seconds.

Scott turned around in his seat, "Are you saying you know who it is?"

"No. I think it knew who we were," I said quietly.

When Scott and I got home last night, I was so exhausted I barely had the strength to get to the shower to wash up. By the time I was in my pajama's and had my teeth brushed, I was crashed in my bed and slept perfectly- well that is until my alarm started going off to wake me up for another day of school.

I haven't seen Scott or Stiles since Chemistry class, and I was once again at my locker getting my book for History. When I pulled it open, another little piece of paper flitted out and fell to the floor. I hastily reached for it and snatched it up so I could read what it said, You don't want to get involved. I care about your safety, always remember that.

My eyes widened as I read over the note several times, it wasn't making a lick of sense to me. What shouldn't I get involved in? Who is writing these creepy notes? I have enough on my plate to deal with as it is, why do I have to start receiving creepy stalker like notes in my locker? I shoved the piece of paper into my bag and stomped away from the locker in obvious frustration, this is starting to become a real pain in the ass.

As I made my way through the halls I saw Stiles and Scott sitting on the bottom of the small set of steps, talking to one another. I sighed as I walked over to them- only to catch part of the conversation that made no sense at all. "I know because I love you, I love you-- oh my god, I can't do this! You and Allison need to find a better way to communicate." Stiles muttered.

"Yeah, you could just leave her little creepy notes in her locker?" I retorted as I sat down next to Stiles, bumping my knee against his.

Scott rose an eyebrow, "You got another one?"

"Yeah, I did. And this one isn't even like cute sayings or anything like that, it's actually warning me." I semi-explained as I pulled the note out of my bag and passed it over to him, he read over it in confusion before Stiles snatched it out of his hand to read.

"This is getting weird," He muttered as he handed it back to me.

My brother let out a sigh, "Anyway- is she coming to the game tonight?"

"Allison? Yes. There, message delivered. All done. So now, tell me about your boss." Stiles quickly changed the subject, apparently while Stiles and I were getting knocked out by Erica and thrown into the middle of a murder, Scott was beat up by Derek and his newly found trio- so he had to go to Deaton for help, and that's when the Argents showed up with a body that was mutilated and all that crap. Needless to say it was just another issue tossed into our huge pile.

Scott sighed, "Well he said that Allison's family would have like this book, about all of the things they have come across or discovered during their time."

"Alright, he must be talking about a bestiary." Stiles said easily, I nodded in agreement- knowing exactly what he was talking about, I've heard about them in other movies and television shows.

My brother rose an eyebrow as he smirked, "I think you mean bestiality."

"Nope, pretty sure I don't." Stiles replied back as he gave my brother a look of pure confusion and a tad bit of disappointment.

I rolled my eyes, "It's like an encyclopedia of mythical creatures."

Scott glanced between the two of us with wide eyes, "How am I the only one who doesn't know anything about this kind of stuff?"

"Well, you're my best friend, and a creature of the night... so it's kind of like a priority of mine. Plus, Kasey and I did a lot of research one night and we came across a bunch of stuff like that..." Stiles relented with a small smile.

I recall that night very well, it was just after we found out Scott was a werewolf and we wanted to know everything we possibly could about him. So we skype called each other and then started to do as much research as we could, I was up until three in the morning reading about werewolves and ways to 'procreate'. It was an odd website..

Scott nodded, "Okay then, anyway if we can find it, it can possibly tell us what this thing is."

"And who," Stiles pointed out.

I nodded, "We need that book."

Stiles had managed to find out that Allison's grandfather has a book with him in his office that could very well be the bestiary, and when he came up to my locker at the end of the day to tell me that- nearly falling over from panting, I was a little confused. Apparently he had been delivering messages from Scott to Allison for the past twenty minutes, clear across campus.

"Well that's a good thing, right? If the book is in his office, we can sneak in and get it while he's at the game tonight." I said with a shrug as I pulled open my locker to put my books away.

My boyfriend was currently bent over, hands on his knees, sucking in a breath. I rolled my eyes as I adjusted my books correctly- until something caught my eye. I moved my notebook to the side to see the piece of paper. It looked like all of the other notes that had been hidden in my locker, but for some reason it was hidden behind my books... that means whoever is putting these things in my locker- knows my combination.

Stiles stood up as I pulled the paper out, and he let out a groan, "Another... one?" He wheezed out.

My fingers quickly unfolded the paper, See you at the game tonight beautiful.

"Oh, are you serious? This is starting to get really creepy." I complained as I crumpled up the paper and threw it to the floor. Two notes in one day, this is starting to get serious and even more creepy than it was before. How did this person get my locker combination?

I shook my head from side to side and focused my attention back on the task at hand, "Okay, so when should we break into his office?"

"Can't... need...keys." Stiles huffed as he blinked a few times and continued to breathe like he had ran a marathon.

I rolled my eyes, "You really should run more."


I really wish I could write these chapters like I did for season one. They just take so much more time. I've been working on these two chapters for like three hours. That's entirely too long! Anyway, be sure to fan, vote, and comment what you thought! xxx

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