His Possession

By LightningSkyBlues

120K 2.5K 439

Briana Vancer had a messed up life. A mother strung out on drugs and alcohol and a father who was serving lif... More

Gang Possesive (Dark Harry Styles Fan Fiction)
Clear as Mud
Meet the Family
Quiet Before the Storm
Al Capone (1899-1947)
Carlo Gambino (1902-1976)
Bonnie Elizabeth Parker (1910-1934)
Clyde Chestnut Barrow(1909-1934)
Charles "Lucky" Luciano (1897-1962)
The Kray Brothers (1933-2000)
Greg "The Grim Reaper" Scarpa (1928-1994)
Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel (1906-1847)
Lester Joseph "Baby Face Nelson" Gillis (1908-1934)
Jack "Legs" Diamond (1897-1931)
John Joseph Gotti Jr. (1940-2002)
James Coonan (1946-Present)
New Story!!!!!!
Starting Over
Shots Fired
Albert Anastacia (1908-1957)
Update coming soon!!
Stefano Magaddino (1891-1974)
The Styles Brothers (1994-Present) (Part One)
Mickey Cohen (1913-1976)
Meyer Lansky (1902-1983)
Louis Cohen (1904-1939)

Making Up

3.2K 62 4
By LightningSkyBlues

You guys spoke, Briana and Harry stay 😊

I sat behind Harry lovingly raking his hair up into a bun again. He was angrily ranting about something or whatever when the curtain opened. Zayn and Louis came in first. Gemma, Niall, Liam and Sophie followed afterwards. Zayn and Louis took one look at the pair and ran over, grabbing Briana up into both of their arms, repeatedly kissing her head and checking her over just as overprotective parents would. When the two deemed her safe and okay, they turned to glare at Harry.

"Listen here you curly haired frog, if you so much as hurt our baby again I will cut your hair off and stuff it up your asshole." Louis sneered.

"Umm...is that even possible? It would seem like that would require a lot of time and eff-"

"I will make it possible Harold." Zayn threatened while stroking the back of Briana's head. Harry visibly gulped and let out a wounded sound.

Gemma was next to speak to Briana. She leaned down to the shorter girl's height and placed a chaste kiss on her nose before hugging her close.

"Thank you." Briana stiffened a bit puzzled at the two words.

"What for?" Gemma pulled back and smiled softly, two dimples poking out.

"For giving us all a second chance." Briana smiled and brought the taller lilac haired women back into her arms, murmuring a quiet 'you're welcome' into her chest.

Sophia was next. She said nothing, but wrapped her arms tightly around Briana. Leaving a kiss on both of her cheeks.

Liam and Niall both gave hugs, murmuring apologies and more threats to Harry's life.

After all was said and apology hugs were given, they all, including Harry and Bri made their. way back to the kids' cabana, Niall running and immediately turning back up the music.

Before sitting down, Briana looked over to the parents who were relaxing the cabana across the Olympic sized pool. She caught both Des and Anne's eyes. They both nodded bowing their heads in respect and apology. Briana thought for moment. She could forgive them just as she had done Harry. She knew she wasn't leaving anytime soon. It would be better in the long run if she just forgave the parents rather than staying angry. She raised her head after a moment and gave a reply nod of understanding. Anne and Des offered small smiles before turning back to the rest.

Briana looked back and caught Harry, who had seen the whole exchange.

"You...are okay with them now?" Briana nodded and turned to look over the pool at the cabana full of guardians.

"I'm not going anywhere any time soon...may as well make peace..." Harry smiled softly, kissing her cheek and sitting down in a chair, legs on either side before pulling Briana between them to lean against his chest.

"So, now that our family is back together..." Gemma announced as everyone turned to give Briana soft looks. Harry wrapping his arms around her waist, holding her to him.

"We've got some serious things to discuss." Liam finished. Everyone's faces turned serious.

"We have a problem a rival gang...apparently for the past couple of months they have been planning an ambush of sorts, to wipe is all out at once." Liam stated grimly.

"Well, all we have to do is get them before they get us." Niall reasoned, tightening his arm around Gemma's waist in concern.

"It's not that easy Nialler...not only do we not know when they are planning to get us, we also don't know WHO is planning this." Zayn's spoke up next.

"If we don't know who is going to ambush us name when and where, how do we even know it's true?"

"Oh, it's true alright..." The kids looked up as the parents came to stand behind them. Bobby Horan spoke, his words from again.

"But how do we know that for sure??" Zayn pressed.

"The information came in the form of a murder to one of our own, the ones at the base level who sell our drugs."

"They murdered one of our own for drugs?" Niall seethed.

"No." Tricia sighed. Anne stepped from the group to step behind Harry and Briana. She sighed and laid her hand in Harry's curly hair and Briana's bushy curly hair. Briana stiffened for a moment before relaxing as the older women rubbed their heads gently.

"They left us a message when they murdered him...that is how we know that someone is planning to ambush us. They were bold enough to openly murder one of our own...they aren't joking around with us and we are not joking around with him." Tricia spoke up from standing behind her son and Louis.

"That means as of now, we are all on high alert. We have to watch around us at all times...we are relocating, to New York City, there is a plane leaving for us day after tomorrow...but we have some things we need to get taken care of before we leave."

"And what's that?"

"Well for one, we need to pack up, and...these two..." Des spoke up, referring to Briana and Sophia.

"Have got to learn how to shoot."

Updated Finally 😓🤗🤗🤗

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