Come into my World

By KIDmimi

4.5K 57 92

this is going to be a collection of my really short stories and just some of my thoughts and beliefs on the... More

Memoirs of a killer
Memoirs of a killer (part 2)
Dear Ian
do you know what i hate?
have you ever noticed?
ZIMBABWE... beautiful land
Love Confenssions ( ARHH)
Letters to you (LGBT)
A diary
Ask Miriam 2
Chilling on Omegle

HOLD ON..It's the Epilogue!

147 1 0
By KIDmimi

Author’s Note-(Hold On's Epilogue - Nathans Story) DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVENT READ HOLD ON! This is just a little summary of what happened with my baby Nate and his complicated life. Sorry if you don't think that a summary is necessary but there are questions still to be answered.....

I heard the faint ring of the bell downstairs. I looked in the mirror so as to compose myself before grinning to myself and casually walking downstairs.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I faltered as I took in the scenery. I walked to the bottom of the steps before i reached my man.

"You're looking good," I said grinning to Arden before I scooped down and crashed my lips onto his.

"You're not so bad yourself," he teased, his mouth still connected to mine.

I rolled my eyes yet I couldn’t stop as small smile appearing on my face. 

"Get a room!" a voice bellowed, making us jump apart in surprise.

"Kenny, fuck off!" I yelled at my brother who was stood grinning behind me. 

"Hey, Nathan, watch your mouth," Dad muttered from behind his newspaper.

"Yeah, Nathan, watch your mouth," Arden teased, mimicking my dad which made Kenny laugh because it was pretty spot on.

"Whatever, come on let's go eat," i said as i pulled him by the hand towards the dining room.

It had been three months now since Arden and I had started over. I can't say it's been easy but we both knew that it was not going to be a smooth road at the beginning. Life is tough when you're gay.

It's no just about us being gay though; every time I'm with Arden and his friends I always feel uncomfortable seeing Drew near Arden. I know i was the one who told Arden to forgive him so that everything could go back to normal but knowing that he has been intimate with my boy doesn't sit well with me. 

as much as I keep reminding myself that Arden would never do that to me, I still can't shake the feeling that anything could happen. I know I'm probably just being stupid and irrational but I'm a man; we're possessive beings hence I have a reason for my stupidity.

Don't get me wrong, Drew is a great guy and he has apologised for that night and if all that had never happened, we could have been great friends but it did happen so there's nothing we can do about it. I can pretend that it doesn't affect me but I've realised that never works out. It's better to be honest with not only yourself but the world.

School is still bad but without Millie ruling the world, it's pretty bearable. Some guy in senior year started an LGBT group which I've joined. I've made quite a few decent people there but nothing special.

Family life is pretty normal now. We don't really talk about Adam and Katy but that doesn’t mean we avoid talking about them. We just don't talk about them and to be frank, i would rather it stay that way. The past is the past and it should stay like that; let's live for the present.

"That was really nice lasagne, Karlin," Arden said as he finished his second helping of mum's special lasagne. 

I'm not even sure why we call it 'special' because there is nothing really special about it. It just tastes nicer than any other lasagne that I have ever eaten.

"Thank you, Arden," mum grinned as she walked back into the dining room; in her hands, a big bowl of mint ice cream.

Not wasting anytime, i dove into the ice cream and devoured it's minty goodness.

"It's so good!"  I moaned at the taste, earning strange looks from everyone around the table.

"Anyway..." Arden said, trying to steer the subject away from my arousal. "Karlin, how did you get away with killing Adam?"

Nobody was shocked at his bluntness. It always seemed that Arden always had a new question to ask my mum about her past. If I’m terribly honest, I too wanted to know the answer to his question. I had never thought about it before.

"Well, it wasn't easy I'll tell you that," mum giggled before scooping some ice cream into her mouth. "The police actually thought that i had killed them all so they took me to jail for a few months. It was really scary while I was there because all i could think about was Nathan. I was hoping that nobody had taken him away from me. What kept me going was the hope that i would soon see Nathan again." she paused to look at me, a soppy smile on her face.

"Aww, you cheesy Wotsit!" I giggled, trying to hide the embarrassment under humour. "Carry on with your story"

"Well, okay then," she laughed. "It took them a month before they finally realised that i hadn't killed Katy and the doctor, and that i killed Adam purely out of self-defence. I swear I almost sued them but I didn't; i was too caught up in trying to find you and trust me, when i did, i never let you go ever again."

There was a wave of ‘awws’ around the table before Arden jumped in with another question. "How did they find out it wasn't you?"

I rolled my eyes at his nosiness.

"I really have no idea. I guess God was just looking out for me, eh?"

We all nodded in agreement before we went back to devouring our ice cream in a comfortable silence. 

How can life get any better?

Author’s Note- I hope that was sufficient! I hate ending a story but it must be done. Please tell me who you want to read about next or I will just pick a random person out of the four. Leave your thoughts and views below and don't forget to vote, share and, hopefully, FAN!!

Alright, I LOVE YOU GUYS, bye!!

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