Deceptions (Evie Cortez Book...

By Isabelle88

374K 4.4K 159

Book 2 is posted titled: Anticipations. What is Evie? Well they call her a vampire and then later a witch bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23 Fin
Author's thoughts

Chapter 22

13K 165 5
By Isabelle88

Chapter 22

Even after my upsetting talk with Michael it felt good to be back at work. Some of the staff asked where I had been all those previous days. Michael told everyone I was taking care of a family problem and I stuck with that because it wasn’t much of a lie. I kept expecting to hear something from my father or the coven. Thankfully they stayed away and there was nothing to suggest they’d come looking for me.

LA Amour continued to be the busiest establishment in Celestin City. I greeted humans, most in pairs of two coming out that Saturday night on a date, vampires were out in full bloom too, some with their own kind and others with their human prey. I learned a lot about vampires being with Michael and living in Celestin. I didn’t fault them for their instincts and thousands of years of tradition but I had always known I couldn’t live my life to their rules. As much as I loved Michael I could never change who I was for him.

That didn’t mean I belonged with the werewolves either because I could take on their shape. I didn’t agree with their lifestyle either. The label of a lone animal applied to me in many ways, I liked living by my own standards and answering to no one.

My shift lasted eight hours, by one o’clock that morning it was time to go home and hand over the reigns to the next shift. The restaurant ran in three shifts to keep all of its unique customers happy. I saw Dominic a few times while worked in the kitchen and greeted guests but Michael hadn’t been in. It was bittersweet not seeing him, it saved me from anymore saddened feelings. I still missed seeing him though, oh how I did love to torture myself.

I was falling back into my routine like I had hoped for. I went home and found it empty just the way I left it that afternoon. I showed and changed into a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt. I changed the bandage on my arm and noticed the gunshot wound was going to leave a scar; the area of skin was damn ugly and no mix of vampire virus and lycanthropy was going to make it go away.

I went back downstairs to eat the food I brought back from work. There was nothing better than Dominic’s four cheese chicken pasta. It was nearing three in the morning when I finally laid down in my bed for the first time in days. I sank into its comfort and sighed contently to be able to sleep with no pressing matters attacking my focus.

It was nice while it lasted, even my dreams had been peaceful but when it ended it ended abruptly. A soft haunting voice kept telling me to wake up, he even used my name and that was a problem.

I jumped up with wide eyes and managed to get to the opposite side of him. “You’re supposed to be dead.” I said to the warlock.

“Yes and so should you. For such a smart girl you can be very stupid. I was too valuable to be killed and the wolf knew that but seeming as if I was dead had its benefits.” He said, grinning from ear to ear as he added; “Benefits like this.” He threw a burst of energy that sent me flying out the window with such force the two story drop was going to hurt.

I screamed and did the only thing I could before I fell to my death, I shifted. My wolf body skated across the street and landed in the neighbor’s yard. I felt blood rising in my mouth from the force of the painful landing. I didn’t want to move but if I didn’t I’d be killed. I rushed to stand as the warlock came busting out my front door.

The warlock wanted to fight fair so his victory wouldn’t be questioned. Pride wasn’t going to let him make this easy or quick. He shifted into the same four legged animal he used the other night and snarled showing his long sharp teeth to me.

My whole body was shaking with fear and fury. He was supposed to be dead and I was supposed to be back to my boring life. I had so many strikes against me and the fight hadn’t even begun, I hurt everywhere. It was all his fault every one of my troubles and bodily aches. I snarled back and jumped at him.

This fight wasn’t short lived, I think the warlock wanted to take his time and play with me before closing the deal. We swiped our claws at each other; I managed to dodge most of his attempts except one that caught me on the shoulder. I got him across the nose, he whined and that small victory made me feel a tad better.

He lunged at me and dug his nails into my skin as we rolled around the grass, each trying to gain the upper hand. Giving up felt so tempting, for all the pain to stop and continue the fight later but if I gave up there’d be no more fight, now or ever again. It was either him or me. I kept focusing on that.

He shook me free and tossed me to the other side of the lawn. I laid there panting for breath and rushing to come up with my next move. The warlock came over with hesitant steps to see if I was dead and if not to make his next move.

That’s when I made my next attack, before he could realize it and stop me my jaw was wrapped completely around his neck. He shrugged to get me off like he had done before. I wasn’t letting go, this was my last and only chance.

At first I pierced through his fur and skin and after what felt like endless meat and blood I felt his bone. I didn’t stop until I felt that bone crack against my teeth. 

I stepped back and looked at the dead animal. It didn’t feel vindicating or joyful like I wanted.  I shook with pain and felt tears along my eyes, I took a life, and there was nothing good about what had just happened even if he deserved it.

I heard nothing as my eyes focused on the body but people started coming around me, a faint scream made its way past my ears and I knew it was Jamie. I couldn’t move, I started thinking about guilt and who the man was besides the dark side I saw of him. That wasn’t how it was supposed to be, I didn’t want to feel bad for the man who would’ve killed me and enjoyed every second of it.  

I stepped back and shook my head when I felt someone touch me. I wanted to be left alone. I ran away from the bleeding dead animal back into my home where I hoped to forget.

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