The Other McCall ▷ Stilinski

By simplystiles-

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[ BOOK ONE ] ❝ there are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared; twins. ❞ Kasey McCall is t... More

The Other McCall
Chapter 1. Aftermath
Chapter 2. My Brother The Teenage Werewolf
Chapter 3. Second Chances
Chapter 4. Heart Warming
Chapter 5. Desired Coincidences
Chapter 6. A Burning Revaltion
Chapter 7. An Abundance of Derek
Chapter 8. Last Resort Limb Loss
Chapter 9. Exasperating Expressions
Chapter 10. Are you serious?
Chapter 11. Don't eat my boyfriend, please.
Chapter 12. Another illegal activity
Chapter 13. Not exactly safe
Chapter 14. One hell of a first date
Chapter 15. Biles not Stiles
Chapter 16. My brother is a lunatic
Chapter 17. Making up and forming a plan
Chapter 18. Plot Twists are Always Fun
Chapter 19. Jackson's new body guards
Chapter 20. Possible Whiplash
Chapter 21. The Formal
Chapter 22. Because I Love You
Chapter 23. Sarcasm is their only language
Chapter 24. Tailspin
Chapter 25. What am I?
Chapter 26. Harris' hair needs to go,
Chapter 28. Derek, the third wheeler.
Chapter 29. More and more weird abilities
Chapter 30. Total knockout!
Chapter 31. What the hell is that?
Chapter 32. Keeping Derek afloat..
Chapter 33. Lydia ISN'T the Kanima,
Chapter 34. Hate to say I told you so...
Chapter 35. Clubbin'... at the club...
Chapter 36. Skipping school and holding Jackson hostage
Chapter 37. Restraining Order...
Chapter 38. Disturbance in the Library
Chapter 39. Veggie is healthier,
Chapter 40. The Admonere
Chapter 41. Some Explanations.
Chapter 42. Dealing with things...
Chapter 43. Being held hostage
Chapter 44. The Argent's, Anxiety, and Much Needed Answers
Chapter 45. Finally a proper make-out session
Chapter 46. Lost and Confused
Chapter 47. Oh HALE no
Chapter 48. Still got us,

Chapter 27. Another glorious detention

95.2K 2.3K 2.5K
By simplystiles-

"Will you just tell me what happened?" Stiles asked with a drawn out sigh, he had taken me home after my little episode at the crime scene and has been asking me what happened since we got in his jeep. We were now currently in my bedroom, Scott was still gone and now I'm stuck playing 20 repeated questions with my boyfriend. 

I was sitting on my bed with my head in my hands trying to figure out what is going on with me, but I can't seem to think of anything. Maybe Stiles could help- he could have an idea or maybe he will go into his full research mode and look up whatever he can about me, like he did with Scott when he was first bitten. I need to tell someone other than Scott about what is happening with me, and Stiles is really the only other person that I can talk to about this kind of stuff. I glanced up to look at him, he was standing in front of me with a very concerned look on his face- great. 

"Stiles... okay, there is something that I haven't told you yet, that is kind of important to this whole... mystery thing." I said quietly. 

He rose an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I...well, just let me show you." I stated, as I stood up and pulled my jacket off. Stiles' eyes went wide as he watched me slip my shirt off as well, leaving me in my bra and jeans. I took the bandages off of my shoulder and my side, to reveal the wounds that had healed even more since the shower dilemma. They were practically healed at this point. 

He blinked rapidly as he took a step closer to inspect the cuts, "How... why are they... I don't understand." 

"I don't either. I've been healing entirely too fast for a human, but not fast enough to become a werewolf like Scott. I'm having sort of psychic dreams about Lydia, and I am seeing things that aren't really there. I have no idea what is wrong with me." My voice came out a lot shakier than I had meant it to, and my eyes were starting to sting. I am so scared right now, everything is falling apart around me and there isn't anything I can do to try and stop it. 

I was supposed to stay human. I wasn't supposed to be bitten by Peter, and I most certainly wasn't supposed to be turning into whatever it is that I am. My life has done a complete 180 on me, and now I am more confused than I have ever been before. Derek may have answers, but something tells me that he won't. Peter would be the one who would know what is happening to me- and he isn't here right now, nor will he ever be. I hastily grabbed my shirt and pulled it back over my head, I felt entirely too exposed right now. 

Stiles let out a shaky breath, "We'll figure it out. It's not like you're hurting anybody, right? So... so we'll be okay. You'll be okay." 

"I don't think I'm ever going to be okay," I said quietly as I sat back down on my bed, the idea of sleeping tonight made my stomach crawl. With sleeping comes dreaming, and lately my dreams keep being these weird premonitions or creepy scenarios that I would like to avoid as much as possible. 

Stiles sat down beside me and gently grabbed my hand, running his thumb over the top of it slowly. He had his eyes fixed on the carpet and I knew that he was thinking about me, and my newly found terrible situation. At least when Scott said he was bit we had an idea of the whole werewolf thing, because of how well known they are. We don't even know what I am- if I'm even a thing. I could be the first of whatever it is that I am. Oh that's a scary thought. 

I sighed as flopped backwards on my bed, "Maybe I should just kill myself, save us all the trouble of dealing with all of this crap."

"Or you could not say things like that? What is wrong with you?" Stiles fired back as he whipped his head around to face me, his eyes were wide and he had an odd look on his face. I couldn't quite place the emotion behind it... 

"I don't know- that's the whole reason I'm in this mess Stiles, because I don't know what's wrong with me." I replied sarcastically. 

His whole body went rigid as he let go of my hand and stood up, "Yeah well we're going to figure that out. You're not going to kill yourself,"

"It was a joke, Stiles." I muttered in annoyance, he was starting to get on my nerves. Maybe I just need a break from him for the night. I've had a very eventful and stress filled evening. And even though he is my boyfriend and I love him to death, he is really only making another headache form- and I am so sick and tired of headaches. 

"No, that wasn't funny. Just... you know what, get some sleep. We're exhausted and we can't figure anything out running on fumes. I'll see you tomorrow," He responded as he stormed out of my bedroom. Great, now he is acting like a hormonal girl. Awesome.

The next morning Allison had called me and asked me to ride to school with her and Lydia- I had a feeling it was because Allison needed someone to help her with Lydia and her...comments. I was more than willing to go with them for two reasons, one being because I needed to see if Lydia could tell me anything about the night she was attacked or the fact that she disappeared for two days in the woods, and two being I still had a feeling Stiles was angry with me and he would be my ride to school... so that is killing two birds with one stone my friends.

"And you don't remember anything?" Allison asked Lydia as we climbed the steps to the school, they were both dressed like super models. Lydia wearing a tight dark purple dress that was a little too short for my liking, and Allison had on a skirt with a cute white top and denim jacket. I felt like an idiot standing next to them in my gray skinny jeans with a maroon colored jumper and my black converse...

Lydia flipped her hair, "They called it a fugue state. Which is a basic way of saying ''we have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days.'' But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds." 

I smiled at her ability to make light of the situation at hand, she really is something else. During the car ride here I actually found her kind of fun to be around, that could be the fact that I had no other way to get to school so I was making the best of the situation... but I don't know. 

"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Allison asked her best friend, she had a look of pure concern on her face. 

Lydia smirked, "Please. It's not like my aunt's a serial killer." 

And with that said she pulled open the door and strutted into the school, leaving Allison and I a little shell shocked at her comment. I get that it was all in good fun and well it's part of her personality to say things like that, but that was just...wrong. I bit my lip and followed after Allison to walk into the school- and when I saw the huge mass of students standing there staring at the three of us my whole body started to heat up. I thought this blushing thing was over? Damn.

Literally all of their eyes were glued on Lydia and I felt really bad for her, she is already in a sucky enough situation- the last thing she needs is people at school treating her differently. Allison told Scott- who told me, that people have been making comments about her aunt all week... I can only imagine what they were saying about Lydia. Thankfully the student body didn't care all that much about the fact I was also mangled by the same thing as Lydia and held in the hospital for three days. 

Lydia looked a bit put off as everyone looked at her, I guess I assumed she was used to everyone paying attention to her- she is Lydia Martin and she does have, well did have, every guy at school wanting to be with her, and most of the girls here wanting to be her. I gently nudged her with my elbow,"Maybe it's the nine pounds."

She let out a breath and straightened her shoulders before flicking her hair and making her grand entrance down the hallway. Allison and I both chuckled as we followed after her, she was a girl on a mission that's for sure. And she is walking in heels too- maybe I should ask her how to do that, because I clearly need some serious practice... 

"I gotta stop at my locker, I'll see you later." I waved good bye to Allison as I made my way to my locker. When I was with Lydia earlier I didn't black out or whatever happened to me last night when she showed up on the road, so that was good... right? 

As I pulled my locker open, another little folded up piece of paper fell out. Once again I glanced around the hallway to see if someone was maybe watching me retrieve it, but not a single person was paying me any attention. I picked up the paper and unfolded it, Haven't seen you at the lacrosse practices lately... 

My eyes widened as I once again looked around in the hallway, is this person stalking me? What the hell? I snatched my Chemistry book out of my locker and shoved the note in my pocket before slamming the locker shut and heading to class. This is really starting to freak me out..

"Why would Derek choose Isaac Lahey to be a wolf?" I asked Scott quietly, we were in Chemistry and he had just informed me about the totally eventful practice. Apparently Isaac was bitten or something and when Scott found out- the police showed up and took him away. His father had been murdered and they could possibly be holding him for 24 hours, during the night of the full moon, in a holding cell. 

Yeah, sounds like a recipe for disaster to me.

"Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you, it could kill you. And maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving." Stiles said with a shrug, he hasn't actually addressed me at all during the class. Instead he has been speaking to me with Scott in the conversation. I don't know why he is acting like this, we don't have the time for him to be pouting. 

Scott nodded, "Okay well does him being a teenager mean that your dad can't hold him?"

"Well not unless they have solid evidence. Or a witness... Wait-" Stiles then quickly turned around to look at the table behind us- where Danny and Jackson usually sit.

Stiles quickly then started a conversation with the beloved goalie of the lacrosse team, "Danny. Where's Jackson?"

Danny glanced up from his book, "In the principal's office, talking to your dad."

"What? Why?" Stiles asked in confusion.

Danny sighed, "Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac?"

Stiles then turned back around to face Scott and myself, "We gotta get to the principal's office."

"How?" I asked slowly, I didn't like the look he was giving me- his little wheels in his mind were turning and something tells me that this whole little plan in getting to the principal's office is going to be... unscripted.

Harris continued to write on the chalkboard loudly, "Everyone please turn to page 73."

Stiles then balled up a piece of paper and threw it at Harris' head, the class started to laugh as the spawn of Satan himself whipped around to face us all- "Who in the hell did that?" Stiles, Scott, and myself all pointed at one another- knowing fully well what Harris was about to do.

"You know, I've never been sent to the principal's office in my life." I said with a sigh as I played with a piece of sting hanging from the sleeve of my jumper. Scott, Stiles, and I were all sitting in the chairs outside of the principal's office- waiting to get called in. 

Scott nodded, "We haven't either."

"Anyway- since we have time to talk, I have something to tell you two." I said as I sat up straighter in my chair, I fished the note out of my pocket and unfolded it. Scott doesn't know about the first note, but he is about to..

Stiles huffed as he crossed his arms over his chest, clearly he was still annoyed with me. I'm going to have to talk to him about it after school, I don't feel like having this sort of discussion in front of Scott. "Someone keeps putting notes in my locker. I got one the other day before I went to detention, and there was another one in there this morning." I explained as I flashed them the note. 

My boyfriend then snatched it out of my hand and read over it, his eyes narrowed before he handed it back over to me. I passed it to Scott and he glanced over it as well, "Hmmm seems you have an admirer that's on the lacrosse team, Kase." 

That was the last thing I wanted. Why is it that life decides to give you more than you can handle? If this would have happened last year- I would be over the moon because I am a total sucker for romantic gestures like this, but honestly- right now while I am dating the boy I'm in love with and I have all of this werewolf/  my own personal issue crap going on, the last thing I want to deal with is a secret admirer. 

"It's starting to kind of creep me out," I mumbled as I shoved the note back into my pocket. Maybe I should install like a camera or something in my locker... or I can set a trap and pretend to walk away, but in actuality I'll just be around the corner so I can see who is putting it in the locker...

Sheriff Stilinski then walked out of the office and Stiles spazzed out as he pulled a magazine up to hide his face- even though his dad already saw him. Mister Stilinski rose an eyebrow as he glanced over at my brother and I, "Hello Scott, and Kasey."

"Heh," Scott replied with smile, I waved as I smiled as well. He rolled his eyes and then made his way down the hall with his deputy following behind him. Stiles pulled the magazine down and let out a sigh, did he really think that his dad didn't see him?

"Boys, and... girl. Come on in," I glanced up at the voice to see that it was the old man from Allison's funeral- the old man that is her grandpa. Holy crap. Allison's grandpa is the new principal of Beacon Hills High School..

We all stood up and awkwardly shuffled our way into his office, my stomach was churning at the moment and Scott looked as white as a ghost. How in the hell is he the new principal? The Argent family will stop at nothing to make sure they are in control, I swear- they have some serious control issues. I took the seat in between Stiles and Scott and watched at the older man made his way behind his desk, sitting down and then flipping through some manila folders.

"Scott McCall, academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete." He mused as he glanced up at my brother, who nodded slowly. 

Grandpa Argent then shifted his gaze to me, "Kasey McCall, very nice grades and attendance... and you worked for the yearbook last year, will you be continuing that this year as well?"

I blinked in confusion- is he seriously asking me about yearbook committee? "Um, maybe. It depends on other things that I have going on." 

He nodded and then glanced back down at the folders before moving on to Stiles, "And Mister Stilinski. Oh, perfect grades but little to no extracurriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse?" 

Stiles did one of his famous hand gestures as he replied, "Oh, actually I'm already--"

"Hold on," The old man held his hand up to silence my boyfriend and then looked back over to Scott, "McCall... you're the Scott that was dating granddaughter."

Scott's eyes widened slightly, "We were dating but not anymore. Not dating, not seeing any of each other or doing anything with each other... at all."

"Relax, Scott, you look like you're about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth." The old man mused as he watched Scott intently. This was starting to get really awkward, really fast...

My brother nodded slowly, "It was just a hard break-up."

"Oh, that's too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me. Now listen guys, yes I am the principal, but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy." Our new principal explained as he leaned back in his chair a bit. 

Stiles rose an eyebrow as he coughed out, "Is that so?"

"However, this being my first this being my first day I do need to support my teachers. So unfortunately two of you are going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention."

The room fell silent and I felt Scott and Allison's grandfather glancing between Stiles and myself, oh no. I am not sitting in detention with Harris for the second day in a freaking row. Why can't Scott go? I didn't even want to come to the principal's office in the first place, it's was Stiles' brilliant idea. 

Stiles and I looked at each other and let out a sigh, guess we were back in detention again. 


HAVE YOU SEEN MY NEW COVER?! HAVE YOU SEEN IT?! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! Madigan, aka @occlumeny made it for me and I just- can't even. She is so freaking nice! Also, she is a flawless writer- so if you haven't read her book, Both of Us or Holding Out For a Hero yet- you should do that, they are so good and are also teen wolf/ stiles fics! 

Anyway, what did you all think of this chapter? Hope you like the direction that season two is taking so far! I watched the finale of season three this morning, and it killed me... I have to wait until January sixth! Ugh, I don't know how I'll manage. Don't forget to fan, vote, and comment! Also, give me your theories on the notes and on what could possibly be up with Kasey! I love hearing them! xx

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