Kagerou character bios

נכתב על ידי despaircreeper

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Ayano (no.0)

13 0 0
נכתב על ידי despaircreeper

Ayano Tateyama
Ayano is a girl with long brown hair, with two red clips attached to her left fringe. Her eyes are colored in a dark brown.she is seen wearing a red scarf and a black school uniform with a white ribbon attached to it. Her stockings are black and her shoes are dark brown.
She was a cheerful girl.It is presumed that she got rather low grades, as she was seen with only a 56 as a test score once. Even though she called herself stupid, she was always smiling and seemed to be having fun.Ayano cares deeply for her family and wants nothing more than for them to be happy, even if everyone couldn't be together. She treated her adopted siblings equally and always played with them when they were younger.
Eye power:
Favoring Eyes: Her eye ability allows her to project thoughts and memories to others, which she refers to as "the power of caring"
ayano died to protect her siblings and friends when she found out that her father,who was token over, was plaining to kill them.she found that cruel and jumped off her school roof to try to stop him by entering the heat haze and getting her snake,the favouring eyes snake,
So her father can't do his plain

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