The Here And The Now

Autorstwa HachiRoku

508 5 5


Keep Your Enemies Close
Watch Out
Still Walking
Yet To Show

All That I See

25 0 1
Autorstwa HachiRoku

Oh my lord, 6 months for just a 1 chapter update. I am dissapointed with myself but am also going to try to get on top of this and start producing more chapters when I can. Cheers, Devon/MrhappehFaic

I woke up dazed, all I could hear was a constant beep. I took a deep breath and all I could smell was something familiar... I was in a hospital. What the fuck happened to me? All I can remember is that something hit me in the head, and from there I don't remember anything... I heard someone yell "Doctor, He's awake!" and then a nurse with blonde hair and white clothing ran into the room. She looked fairly young, Perhaps she had just got her first job here. The nurse asked "Can you hear me?" as I slowly responded "Yeah" and then everything went blank infront of me, and I could see the nurse... She was saying good bye to me as I left the hospital... Everything all of a sudden came back and it was like time never even went on while I had that... I guess it was a vision? I have no idea what happened... Everything is getting wierd all of a sudden... The nurse and doctor were bent over me checking to see if was awake still. The doctor said "Finally, You're awake. I was hoping you would come back around sooner." I replied "How long has it been? Was I in a coma?" Wow, that is really wierd... It didn't happen again. Maybe I was just making it up in my mind. In the middle of my though, The doctor started to say  "Almost 2 months, Yuri. you suffered a really hard hit to the head. When you arrived here we thought you wouldn't even survive. Natalie, could you please go get this man some lunch? I imagine he is starving." The nurse, obviously Natalie, got up and left the room.

I started to do basic math on a piece of paper. I guess this is supposed to test me to see if I became brain damaged from the hit. I dont even know what happened, as soon as I get out of here I'll have to call Vic to see what happened.

I passed all the tests and stayed a few extra days to see if everything else was fine. Apperantly I got really lucky, But I have no idea what happened. The "visions" never happened again while I was at the hospital, but I have a theory. I only had conversations with the nurse and the doctor the whole time I was at the hospital, So what if it only happens to me when I meet somone new. It is really plausable that I met the doctor before. This small hospital only has a few major doctors in it, so I could have met him as a child. I was being let out in 5 minutes, time to test my theory.

The nurse said goodbye to me in the exact same manner that it happened in the vision... This is seriously tripping me out... I walked down the street towards my house and saw a pretty girl, about my age, walking down the street. As she walked by I said "hi" and she said "hi" back. Then the same white colour washed over my sight and I saw her saying hi to me just as she did a second ago... So my theory is true, The visions only happen when I meet new people and start a conversation with them... I also see what happens at the end of my relationships with people...

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