The Way ( Grojband fanfiction)

By CaitlinPetersen

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Any thing but the ordanary happens to Corey and Laney ~Complete~ More

The Way ( Grojband fanfiction)
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Second Story?
Great News!!!
Winners and job for non winner

Chapter 3

2.4K 33 10
By CaitlinPetersen

As I woke up Laney was sleeping on my shoulder and I thought that was cute. I was glad we were dating. But I was scared what kin and Kon would think.

"Hey what........ AHH WHAT ARE YOU DOING SHARING A BLANKET????" Kon screamed

"Ahh what's going on??" Laney asked

"You too were makingout!!!!" Kon sceamed again

"Wait what??" Laney asked

"Kon we arent makingout we are dating." I said

"Wait what when did me and Kin say you two could date." Kon said and then Laney got up.

"When did we say you own us?!?!" Laney asked

"Never but still you never tolled us when did you guys start dating??" Kon asked

"At like 4 in the morning why aren't you talking Kin??" I said

"Umm just surprised guys happened pretty fast." Kin said

"Yup." I said. I was afraid Kin thought it might ruin the band if me and Laney date.

"So do you guys want to rehurse??" Kon asked

"Sure might as well." Laney said

"Yay." I said agreeing with her

~Laney's point of view

It was about two hours and we still couldn't figure out lyrics. I was scared we might not figure out any lyrics before are gig tonight at the parks summer feast. Mayor Melyo wanted us play for the summer feast because he liked most of our proformensess. Then my phone got a text from my mom. Need you home to do some chores right now.From:Mom To:Laney Okay on my way From:Laney To:mom

"Sorry Core I gotta split my mom wants me to do some chores." I tolled him

"Aww can I come." he asked

"Sure I guess." I said

"Well we will see you later love birds bye." Kon said as me and Corey were leaving

"So you good today." Corey said making me smile

"Thanks you too by the way I know how you can make lyrics." I said

"Really how?!?!?!" he asked

"Just dig deep and think hard to make good lyrics just get inspriration." I tolled him

"Thank you that might just help." he said hugging me and then giving me a sweet and simple kiss on the lips

"Your welcome." I said smiling

"Well lets hurry up so your mom doesn't get mad that your late because of your boyfriend." he said then grabbing my hand and leading me to my house.

~Kin's point of view

I couldn't beleave Corey and Laney were dating. It felt different for them to be dating. Now they would be kissing and hugging more in rehursals. Hopefully it wouldn't ruin the band if they ever broke up. And the band would break up or get a new bassissest. Which would suck ass.

"I'm so happy for them." Kon said

"About two hours ago you hated the idea." I said

"I know then I thought about it and they make a cute couple." Kon said and I knew he was right I just needed to think about it

"Your right I just need to think about it." I said

"Right okay lets get home and practice." Kon said

"Race you there." I said

"Your on." Kon said

Thank you for reading my fanfiction I am so happy that you guys are reading my book. I don't own any of the charecters ~Caitlin

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