Deceptions (Evie Cortez Book...

By Isabelle88

374K 4.4K 159

Book 2 is posted titled: Anticipations. What is Evie? Well they call her a vampire and then later a witch bu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 Fin
Author's thoughts

Chapter 14

13.8K 161 4
By Isabelle88

Chapter 14

Jared and I went back to Caleb’s house to see if we overlooked anything. There was a slim unspoken hope that maybe Nick would make contact and reveal what the hell is was he wanted.

“We have to get him back.” Jared spoke for the first time since we discovered Caleb missing.

“I know.” I was tense, he didn’t say it but I felt the accusation in the air. I decoded the note that led to an ambush and now Caleb was in the hands of a ruthless wolf. I didn’t want to think about what Caleb and Jamie could be going through. “We’ll continue with the original plan to try and find where Nick is hiding out and we’ll bring Jamie and Caleb home.” I walked down the hall to where I remembered Jamie pulling out extra sheets. I grabbed two towels and tossed one to Jared. I called Jake and asked if he found out anything new without mentioning Caleb was gone. The police database held nothing on Nick Tobias. I called Mikey next for an update from the rest of the pack members; they had nothing new either.

“Now what?” Jared asked.

“I don’t know, do you have any bright ideas because if not you can stop acting like this is my fault. I did what I was supposed to. He wanted to catch Caleb off guard and take him but what I don’t understand is why take Jamie first.”

Jared grew silent and thought about it and actually came up with a good answer. “Having Jamie made Caleb ready to do whatever he wanted.”

I nodded. “It wasn’t a kidnapping, he wanted Caleb to walk into his trap and having Jamie allowed that.”  I ran my hands over my face, as one aspect became clear ten more made no sense. “What the hell does he want?” I sat on the sofa and thought about calling Jake back to arrange a meeting but it could be risky if it got around town the alpha was missing. Enemies might decide to strike during the vulnerable time. I said as much to Jared. “We have to do this ourselves and tonight is our only chance.” We finally agreed on something.

It was time to come up with a plan. “Those wolves stayed hidden until they wanted us to notice them.” Jared started.

“Nick is still using some sort of magic and I just hope it’s not another witch from the coven. He also had a lot of wolves with him tonight.” We had to factor those wolves into our plans because there was no way we could take them on alone.

“Don’t you have something up your sleeve?” He asked, literally pulling on the cuff of my shirt. It looked he liked me again.

“I don’t know, it depends on where and how many people are there.” I racked my brain trying to remember everything I ever learned from the coven. “Caleb said that Nick was a lone wolf and no one would work with him. How would he get all those wolves tonight to be loyal to him?”

“They probably agree to work with him on equal footing and not as a pack level.”

“So no blind loyalty. Why do you guys do it? Because it’s instilled in the wolf?” At the village everyone followed the same rules because our Elders said so and to disobey them was death. I didn’t know much about packs or how it felt to be willing to do as the alpha said when he said.

“Mostly yes but with me it’s personal. I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for Caleb.” Jared left the sofa and took up pacing. “We travel in packs for many different reasons and it’s not always blind loyalty. There’s always good and bad in any dynamic and Caleb is one of the good guys. He gives what he asks for.”

I turned around on the sofa and watched him. “How did he help you?”

 “I was a new wolf in a bad place. I should’ve been put to death for my lack of control and the problems I caused but instead Caleb took responsibility for me and taught me what I needed to know. You should trust him.” He glanced at me to add more push to his words before walking over to the window and looking out at the rain.

“I don’t need his help. I’m not like the rest of you and if something does become a problem I can certainly handle it.” I looked at the paper I had written down the facts we knew, it wasn’t much to go on. I hated feeling so defeated. I didn’t want the morning to come with them still at the mercy of Nick Tobias. “Let’s get out of here.” I couldn’t sit and wait for that one piece of the puzzle I needed to fall into my lap.

When I decided to settled in town I made a point of knowing everything around me. It was safer to be aware of the people around you because they could easily become an enemy. Vampire hangouts were more spoken of because anti-groups made a habit of causing trouble. Vampires were made public after a tape of a tortured vampire going viral put out any doubt they existed several months ago. But werewolves had their spots too and knew how to stay hidden from the scared trigger happy public. So far the general public only knew of the vampires existence.

“You’re crazy.” Jared said with a groan when we pulled up to Forbes Pub, a werewolf owned business.

I gave him a mocking smile. “I have you to protect me.”  The Grayson Pack wasn’t the only one of Celestin but they were the best and highly respected. When we stepped inside I gained ten different looks from the patrons and none of them were nice. In their eyes I was a vampire and had no right stepping foot into their hangout. I walked up to the counter. “I need to talk to the boss, now.”

“It’s about Caleb.” Jared said before the young wolf behind the counter could protest and attempt to stake me. The bartender walked away through a side hallway with on words said. “You’re trouble.” Jared was more uncomfortable than I was probably because he knew something I didn’t.

I also didn’t really care about wolf law and all that bullshit. “I agreed to protect Jamie and that’s what I intend on doing.”

The bartender came back and motioned for us to follow him down the same hallway to Forbes office. Forbes was older than most when he was turned into a werewolf; he wore a long white beard and a matching head of hair. “What is this about the Grayson Alpha?”

I spoke. “A rival from his past is here to collect on an old beef. He’s kidnapped Caleb and his daughter. It’s taking too long to try and track him down with only the pack’s help. I’m asking for yours.”

Forbes leaned back against the old wooden desk. “You’re the Winston daywalker, why are you involved in any wolf business?” he revealed nothing about what he thought or felt on the situation. His tone was flat and so was the look in his brown eyes.

“Caleb asked and I was in a unique position to help him.”

Forbes didn’t need to know more than that and he knew it too, whatever going on was between me and Caleb. Forbes stayed silent as he considered the information he had to go on and the benefit of helping an alpha. What can I do?” he asked minutes later.

“We need to find Nick Tobias, tonight.”

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