
By Just_Another_Dreamer

213K 4.1K 462

I'm off to go and live with my sister, Amy in New York for a while. I can't wait. I'm expecting a lot of fun... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ninee
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Fifteen

7.5K 164 12
By Just_Another_Dreamer

"Somebody is happy this morning." Adam comments as I walk into the kitchen.

"I'm not happy every other morning?" I ask.

"Well... A zombie like state doesn't count as unhappy I suppose."

I chuckle and roll my eyes.

"And you're early." He adds.

Truth was I couldn't sleep all night, but I feel full of energy this morning. Not tired at all. Also I'm eager to get to school. To see Oliver.

"The early bird catches the worm." I reply.

"As you're so early, wanna go out for breakfast?"

"Yeah!" I grin.

"Awesome." He smiles and grabs his car keys.

I slip my arms into my denim jacket and my feet into my cherry red Doc Martens. Following Adam out the door I grab my bag.

"Donuts sound good?" Adam asks as he starts the car.

"Donuts never sound bad." I reply.

He chuckles and begins to drive. He pulls up outside a little bakery. I unbuckle my seat-belt and follow him in. My jaw drops. So many donuts.

We leave the bakery with 12 donuts each and two coffees. I climb back up into the car and open the box of donuts.

"Did you order the same ones as me?" Adam asks peering at the many donuts.

"No. You ordered the same as me." I reply with a smirk and pick up a chocolate covered donut.

He chuckles and picks up one I think is filled with jam. We sat in the car eating donuts. Obviously we didn't get through the whole load of them. I only had three and I had to force the third one into my mouth.

"Mmmm..." I moan satisfied and put my hands over my full stomach. 

"Yummy donuts." Adam agrees nodding.

"Do we get to eat the left over donuts for dinner?" I question.

"If Amy doesn't get to them first." Adam chuckles.

"I swear your baby will be born a sugar cube." I chuckle, referring to the insane amount of sweets and chocolate Amy has been craving.

"I know." He laughs.

Adam starts the car and drops me off at school. I'm still earlier than normal.

"Have a good day."

"You too."

I slip out of the car and wave Adam off as he drives away. I'm left in the practically empty car park. I look around to see a few people walking into the building. I don't recognize any of them though. I do however recognize one person heading over inside. Mr Denim. He looks... Well... Rough. It looks like he's had a heavy night's drinking. And that's just from a distance. He disappears inside the building. Should I go after him and speak to him? I do plan to. Should I now?

The rev of a motorbike pulls me out of my gaze. I look to the sound and see none other then dread-lock boy. He parks it up and climbs off. He spots me and a smirk appears over his lips. He walks over to me, still smirking.

"What a lovely sight to see first thing in the morning."

"You ride?" I ask, ignoring his compliment and admiring his bike.

"You didn't notice?"

"It's a gorgeous bike."

"I'm looking at something even  more gorgeous."

"Do you ever stop flirting?" I grin.

"Not with beauties like you."

"Ah... So there are others like me?"

"Oh there is nobody quite like you..."

I feel my cheeks heat up slightly. Damn this guy is such a flirt. Not that I'm not loving every second of it. He's fun and playful. And not bad on the eyes.

"You sure about that?" I challenge. "You don't really know me."

"I'm planning to get to know you. Over pizza. Tomorrow."

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that." I tease.

"How could you?!" He fake gasps.

"I have a busy schedule." I shrug.

He chuckles. 

"You know I don't know your name." I say.

He raises his finger and beckons me to come closer. I close the gap between us and he whispers in my ear.

"I'll tell you tomorrow."

His warm breath tickles my ear. Then his lips press onto my cheek. I feel them flush red.

"Do you not have classes to get to?" A raspy deep voice says.

We jump apart to be met by Mr Denim. He certainly looks as I thought. His eyes are blood shot and he looks exhausted. Some might think he's slightly ill. I of course know he is suffering one hell of a hangover.

"Not until 9." Dreadlock boy replies cheekily.

"Very funny." Mr Denim sarcastically replies.

He turns and walks away to his car. Then realization hits me. Oh God! He's gonna think I'm such a slut! I kissed him back and then he sees me with some other guy all close and cozy. He must think I'm a total slag.

Wait, why should I care?

He kissed me! Then he just left! I don't owe him loyalty or faithfulness. We're not dating. What would it be like if we were? It would be a dream and impossible. 

"See you around." He smiles and then turns and wallks away.

I wait in the car park for Heather and Ali.

* * * 

The bell rings and students file out of the History room.

"Coming?" Ali asks.

"I'm gonna stay behind."

"Ah okay." She nods.

"See you tomorrow." I smile.

"Yeah!" She grins.

She walks away but as she walks out of the door shoots me a wink. I stick my tongue out in reply and shake my head. Mr Denim turns around and jumps when he sees me.

"Megan!" He gasps. "What are you still doing here? I thought tutoring was Monday?"

"It is." I smile and stand up.

I nervously walk over to his desk.

"I um... Wanted to talk to you."

"Shoot." He says and sits on his chair.

"Um... First I just wanna say about this morning. I-"

"Your relationship status and personal life is none of my business." He cuts me of sharply and coldly.

"Um... Okay... Secondly about last night..."

"Last night?" He asks furrowing his eyebrows.

"You don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

He doesn't remember. He was so drunk. He probably didn't even realize it was me. I feel a little let down at that. There was so much passion in that kiss... It felt so special. When really in his life it didn't even happen. This shouldn't bother or upset me the way it does.

"Nothing. You just bumped into me was all. I have to go."

I exit the classroom speedily. I spot Adam's car parked up. I run over, desperate to get away from this place.

"You're in a hurry! Are you okay?"

"I just want to get home..."

Understanding Adam nods and begins to drive, quicker than usual. The car ride is silent and he doesn't push the matter. When we get back I shoot straight to my room. When I close my door a tear escapes my eye. Why do I even care so much? He's my teacher! It's not like anything could ever happen between us. That kiss got my hopes up. He just shot them down.

But that's not the only reason I'm upset. He doesn't remember! I feel so tacky, cheap and in a way used. That kiss meant something to me and it was nothing to him. Literally nothing. 

I pull my clothes off and slip into my PJ's. I climb into bed and wallow in my thoughts and self pity.

"Knock knock." Amy says as she opens my bedroom door.

"Hi." I greet her weakly.

"Aw Megan..." She sighs and walks in. 

She sits on the end of my bed. I notice a big box of chocolates in her hand.

"It's a boy isn't it?"

I nod.

"Shift over and tell me all about it."

I move over and make room for the pregnant Amy. She lies back and cracks open the chocolates. We both take one.

"Chocolate first and then we'll talk." Amy smiles.

I nod and pick up another yummy chocolate. It doesn't take long for us to finish off the massive box. They were so delicious. And more-ish.

"There is no problem that chocolate can not solve." Amy grins.

"I feel slightly sick..." I mumble.

"Except that. But everything else it does the trick for. Now, tell me about this guy."

I have to bend the story a little. I don't want to tell Amy that he's my teacher. Its not that I don't trust her but I'm kind of embarrassed about it. Plus it could cause a load of complications. 

"My advice, forget him. He doesn't deserve you. You need a guy who will give you his full attention."

So what Amy is saying is: forget Oliver and go for dreadlock boy.

* * * 

History passes painfully slowly. I keep my hand down and my eyes glued to my desk the entire lesson. I think I felt Mr Denim's gaze on me a few times but I doubt it. When the bell rings I'm the first one up and out. Ali quickly behind me.

"You're in a rush." She comments. "Excited for your date?"

"Can't wait." I answer honestly.

"That's good then." A new and familiar voice says.

I jump and turn to see him standing there, smirking and leaning against the wall.

"How'd you know I had History last thing?" I question him.

"I have my ways." He answers.

"I don't know whether to be impressed or freaked out."

"Go with impressed." He replies. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. See you tomorrow Ali."

She pulls me into a goodbye hug.

"Text me everything!" She whispers in my ear.

I chuckle and pull away. Dreadlock boy places his arm over my shoulder and we walk out together. He leads me to his bike.

"Wave goodbye to your virginity." He says and chucks me a helmet.

"My bike virginity." I point out.

I put my helmet on and climb on after him.

"Hold on as tight as you want."

I wrap my arms tightly around him. Damn somebody has been working out... His bike comes to life and we speed off. I fall in love with riding on a motorbike instantly. We finally pull up at a pizza joint. I climb off and return the helmet.

"What did you think?"

"I think take me the long way home later."

"Because you wanna hold onto me for longer?" He smirks.

"Something like that."

He smiles at me and then leads me inside. We're lead to a table by the window which looks out onto the street.

"So do I get to know your name now?" I question.



"No." He laughs.


"Do I really look like a Paul to you?"

"You have a slight Paul look about you. Besides what is wrong with Paul?"

He chuckles. A waitress approaches.

"What can I get you to drink?" She asks.

"A diet coke please." I order.

"A root beer for me, thanks."

"So Paul, tell me about yourself." I smirk.

"My name isn't Paul."

"Then what is it?"


"We are going round in circles..." I mutter.

He chuckles. 

"I'm Leo." He finally introduces himself.

"Nice to meet you, finally, Leo. I'm Megan."

"It's very nice to meet you Megan."

I return his smile and then admire the street outside. Suddenly something catches my eye. A pair of green ones. I look away and back to Leo.

Forget Oliver. Oliver is impossible. I actually have a chance with Leo. Goodbye Oliver, and hello Leo.

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