One day can change everything

By Huaye20

11.2K 390 163

Kai changed Aichi's life by giving him a vanguard card. But what happened after that day? Here is what I thin... More

The beginning
Friends and Pain
We will always be there
Authors note
New school
Extra story!!!!
Lies and Understandings


1K 35 9
By Huaye20

"Aichi you can't die not yet!" Kai thought. He was breathing in air and giving it to Aichi through the mouth. Second felt like minuets and minutes felt like hours. "Hey Kai!!" Kai heard then he saw Miwa and paramedics. "Finally!" Kai thought then he and the teacher moved out of the way to let the paramedics through. They then took panels and put them on Aichi and Aichi's body jumped. (Panels in this case is a tool doctors use when someone's heart stops. The panels emit an electric shock to the heart making it start beating again however sometimes it doesn't work.) Then the paramedics rolled out a stretcher and laid Aichi on it then they took him to the ambulance. "Can we go with her?" Kai asked. "I'm sorry kid but there isn't enough room and would you mind telling us what's happened?" The paramedic asked. "Hold on I will take these two to the hospital." The three heard then they looked behind them and saw Aichi's doctor. "Is it okay if I take these two?" The doctor asked the teacher. "Yes you can go we will phone your parents and tell them what has happened." The teacher replied. "Thank you." Kai and Miwa bowed. Then they followed the doctor to a black car and got in the back.

The car ride was quiet and eventually they arrived at the hospital. The ambulance that Aichi was in had already arrived meaning that Aichi was already having treatment, Kai and Miwa were relieved. "What will happen to Aichi?" Kai asked. "The amount of damage done is greater than before. The internal damage especially. Before Sendou's organs were fine because the damage was just outside of that area where the vital organs are. However, now some of Sendou's organs have been severely damaged do to fractures on the rib cage." The doctor explained. "How could a fracture on a bone effect an organ?" Miwa asked. "Well actually some of Sendou's ribs were minimally fractured before now but it seems Sendou was hit in that area causing some of the ribs to break off and pierce the organs near. So now there is much more damage than before and if we don't hurry Sendou's life will end." The doctor explained. Kai and Miwa were now panicking and shaking more than ever. "But there is still a chance Aichi could live right?" Miwa asked shaking. "Yes but it is slim." The doctor replied. Both boys felt as if some of the fear had lifted but some was still there. "Please come with me." The doctor gestured. The two boy obediently followed him down the familiar hallways. Then the doctor opened a door to a room that looked to be an office. It was very neat to there was a big oak wood desk, a computer, a bookshelf, cabinets, a file cabinet and three chairs in the room. "Please take a seat." The doctor instructed. Kai and Miwa both took a seat and the doctor took a seat as well.

"Okay boys I need to talk to you." The doctor stated seriously. Kai's and Miwa's ayes widened. "About what?" Miwa asked. "Sendou." The doctor replied. Both boys readied themselves for the worst. "Alright there is something you don't know about the damage that was dealt the second time you boys called and ambulance. There was a lot of damage done to Sendou's head." The doctor explained. Both Kai and Miwa weren't to surprised because when they found Aichi his head was bleeding. "As such we saw that one place in particular has been dealt the most damage. The place that was dealt the most amount of damage was the place where memories are kept. There are different types of memory they are: short-term memory, long-term memory, sensory memory, explicit and implicit memory, episodic and semantic memory and retrospective and prospective memory." The doctor explained Kai and Miwa listened carefully. "The area that has been damaged is the long-term and short-term memory meaning that most of Sendou's memories will be wiped after today." The doctor explained. "What? But how could Aichi's memories disappear?" Kai asked. "We have to do surgery. If we just leave it it could cause an infection in the brain and it could kill Sendou. We didn't do the surgery before because we were unsure which area had suffered damage, and if it was even possible to do surgery without Sendou dying."The doctor explained. "Wait so then will Aichi remember anything?" Miwa asked. "Yes. Sendou will probably still have memories from the age of about four." The doctor explained. "So then Aichi won't remember us?" Miwa asked. "Yes. As such I must ask you to not have any connection to Sendou what so ever." The doctor stated. "But why?" Kai asked. "Because you two have both been very close to Sendou but you have only met recently so Sendou will forget you and if Sendou sees you again it could mess up Sendou's mental health." The doctor explained. "What? But how?" Miwa asked. "The memories that Sendou will loose will come back with time but it will be a really long time. If Sendou were to see you it could make the process faster and Sendou will remember all of the painful experiences that Sendou has endured leading to severe mental damage." The doctor explained. "What about school?" Kai asked. "Sendou is going to be tutored from now on. Sendou's mother already knows about this and this is what she thought of. Also Sendou will also be moving away so that the memories will come slower." The doctor replied. "Why though wouldn't you want the memories to come back sooner?" Miwa asked. "As I said before all the painful experiences will come back as well and it will definitely effect Sendou's mental health. This could lead Sendou into self harm or even suicide." The doctor explained. "I'm sorry but please follow through." The doctor stated. You could tell by his voice that he was really sorry, you could literally hear the pain he was going through just to tell them this. "We understand. Let's go Miwa." Kai replied. "Okay." Miwa replied. The two left the room with their heads down. Then Kai and Miwa fell apart. They started crying and crying upset that they won't be able to see their best friend ever again. "Good-bye Aichi." Both of them thought.

After the surgery Aichi woke up with no memory of what had happened from the time he was four. He had to stay in the hospital for a few day and then was let out. A few days after Aichi had returned home he moved out of town and started learning from home with a tutor Shizuka hired. Emi went to school though and Aichi asked why he couldn't but Shizuka just replied with "because you are still recovering and I want to keep an eye on you." Aichi was confused with a lot of things. The fact that he was much taller than before and looked much older, that he was homeschool instead of going to an actual school, that his mom said he was recovering but he didn't know from what and by the fact that in his dreams he sees two people, two boys one with brown hair and the other with blonde and the two boys were smiling at him. He also had a feeling that those two boys were people important to them but he just could remember their names. Also he had cards too. He didn't know what they are but felt as if they were important and that the two boy he had seen in his dreams and the cards were connected. He also felt as if both the cards and the boys were very precious to him "Who are you and what are these cards?" Aichi consistently wondered for he had forgotten the two people that meant the world to him and the card game that they shared.

                                                              THE END
That's the end of the story. I had a lot of fun writing this and thought that I would end this book and make a sequel to it. The sequel will start soon so please be patient. I'm also sorry that I didn't put in a part where Kai and Miwa find out that Aichi is a boy and not a girl but I just thought that it would be better to put it in sometime later. Not promising that it will be in the sequel but who knows. Well thanks for reading ONE DAY COULD CHANGE EVERYTHING and hope you enjoy the next book of the series that will be coming soon and I mean really soon I might just start it tomorrow or maybe not don't know. THANKS FOR READING!!!

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