Just can't let her go {Punk L...

By weisdirectioners

104K 2.8K 504

"Why do you keep pretending you're afraid of me?" He hissed, obvious anger in his eyes. "Becau... More

Your heads in space again, darling {Chapter 2}
Dumped all the sparkle in your eyes.~ {Chapter 3}
State Of Dreaming~ {Chapter 4}
Please Take Me To Space And Back~ {Chapter 5}
Just Take Your Breath Away~ {Chapter 6}
Choking On Your Alibis~ {Chapter 7}
In Love With The Thought Of You~ {Chapter 8}
All These Scars You See Through {Chapter 9}
Written In His Eyes; Intemporal.~ {Chapter 10}
To Be Someone Else For You~ {Chapter 11}
A Prisoner Of History.~ {Chapter 12}
Seeing Is Deceiving.~ {Chapter 13}
Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You {Chapter 14}
Say Something I'm Giving Up On You.~ {Chapter 15}
He Will Escape Unscarred {Chapter 16.}
Too good to be good for me. ~ {Chapter 17} END

Day one, 1,440 minutes too long. {chapter 1}

27.3K 262 34
By weisdirectioners

There was a time when life was simple, and I was oblivious to the evils of this world. When I could just take everything lightly and live for the moment. That all changed, September 3rd, when I met someone who came like a storm, left you confused, but somehow craving to know him. His name was Louis Tomlinson.

                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~September 3rd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I looked up at the big stone building in front of me. It was the first day of school in a new city and I was terrified, alone, and confused. I was lucky to start at the beginning of the year with everyone else. but that didn't change the fact that I knew absoloutley nobody. And to be quite frank, I wasn't exactly the 'social' type. I swallowed nervously, looking at the kids piling in and realising I hadn't moved from where my mom dropped me off 10 minutes ago.

  "C'mon Elliott, people are the same everywhere you go. Tell a good joke, don't dry heave in the middle of class, and you should be good!" I whisper shouted to myself, trying to muster up the best prep talk I could manage. "Dry heave? Sounds nasty! Hope that's not a typical problem." A voice suddenly says from behind me, causing me to jump and turn to face them. I saw a tall boy with sun kissed skin, sandy blond hair that was lightly gelled, and dazzling green eyes. He laughed and stuck out his hand.

"Names Zurich., but if you don't want to awkwardly say 'waaah?' for the next 5 minutes and try to sound it out, you can just call me Zur." He said confidently, a playful tone etched in his voice as he grinned. "I-I'm Elliott, but alot of people call me El." I said, a smile slowly spreading on my lips as I thought 'hey, this isn't too bad!' "Well El," He said cheekily, hooking my arm and sighing. "You can just call me the welcome wagon, cause I'll stick by your side as long as you need!" He squealed, making me silently laugh.

"I was the new kid too, and I remember All I wanted was someone to just reach out and say 'oi! this really isn't as scary and cray as it seems!' He says wistfully, a distant look in his eyes as though he were replaying that day in his mind. "So from that point on, I made it my goal to reach out to all my little new kids, making sure they aren't as scared as I was." HE finally said, smiling down at me. I nodded and grinned wider. "Thanks, I really appreciate that." He waved his hand and shrugged, laughing lightly. "ooooh I can already tell you're going to fit right in with us!" He happily shrieked. "Wait, us?" I said as we stopped in front of the big oak tree right near the large set of granite stairs leading up to the school.

"A newbie?" A sweet voice lulled from above us. wait... I jerked my head up in confusion to see a girl sitting on one of the thick branches of the tree. She gracefully hopped down and assessed me. "Wooooow, YOU'RE GORGEOUS!" She yelled, pulling me into a tight hug. I gasped but still awkwardly hugged her back, making Zurich laugh. "Ah, sorry! I'm Anna!" She chirped, pulling me back to arms length. I finally got a good look at her and gasped, realizing how pretty she was. She had long golden hair with hazel eyes and was slightly tanned. "She's Elliott, but call her El." Zur said for me as I simply nodded. "Love the name!" Anna grinned, pinching my cheek lightly.

"So what's your first class?" They both asked, looking at me intently. My eyes widened as I realized it was a question for me. I fumbled with my rucksack, quickly flipping it open and pulling out the manila envelope with my schedule, map, and all the other necessities. "u-uhm...it's trig with Mr.Marshlow." I said slowly, earning a squeal from both of them. "US TOO US TOO!" Zurich said as he hopped around, excitedly grabbing Anna and I into a hug. "w-wow, that's so exciting!" I said, thankful my only friends so far had my first class.I was about to ask where exactly it was when a hush fell over the whole outside area. I looked between Anna, Zurich, and the rest of the crowd puzzled as they all tracked something, watching in the same direction. I followed their eyes and saw a boy with tousled brown hair, tattooed skin, pierced ears and a hard scowl set on his lips.

"Now you be careful for those bad boys, they'll only tear you up." My grandmothers words echoed through my head as I watched his arrogant walk that said 'I am the best, and if you question that I will seriously mess up your face.' As I openly starred along with the rest of the crowd, two unexpected things happened. One; he looked directly at me. His head snapped towards me and his eyes bored into mine as though what ever I was thinking would get me into serious trouble. And two; I was completely and utterly shocked by how beautifully blue his eyes were. They pierced right through me like ice, sending ripples down my spine.

After a good minute of solid eye contact, he slowly looked away, walking inside the school. "What...the hell..was THAT!?!?" Anna shrieked, shaking my arm and giggling madly. "What was what?" I asked innocently, furrowing my eyebrows. "Oh just the whole 'freaky deaky I just found my soul mate' staring contest you and the schools biggest bad boy just had!" Zur said with as much excitement as Anna. "I-I definitely wasn't thinking that! I mean, I don't even know his name!" I said quietly, looking down at my feet. "Louis Tomlinson." Those two simple words out of Anna's mouth sent chills down my back. "And he's nothing but bad, so be careful." Zurich said, nudging a grinning Anna. "It's strange though, Z. He never makes eye contact with anyone. unless he has a bone to pick with our little El- which is out of the question cause she's too FRIGGIN ADORABLE to dislike!" Anna replied, pinching my cheeks again.

I laughed sheepishly and then looked at my watch. "o-oh guys, we're going to be late..." I said, looking at them with alarm. "No we're not, come on Elliott. We told you, we'll take care of you!" Zur said, hooking my arm again. "We'll even protect you from big ol' bad boys. Unless you don't want to be." Anna teased while hooking my other arm. "He simply looked in my general direction, you're thinking about it too much." I said with a small laugh. Because even if that was true, I knew I felt an electric buzz go through me when I saw his stunning blue eyes.

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