Overprotective twins

By FriendsIsEverything

3.7K 139 54

The twins Javier and Alejandro have all their lives been aware that they properly would share their mate, and... More



3.5K 133 51
By FriendsIsEverything

Prolog – Javier POV.

The clock says five minutes to midnight, 5 minutes more before it official is me and my brother Alejandro's birthday. 5 more minutes before we turn 16 and we can find our mate. 5 minutes to find out if our suspicions are correct our suspicion that I and my twin brother share mate, and not a random mate but Maisey. Little Maisey who ever since I saw her the first time have got all my protector instincts to be at its highest, the girl I would protect against the whole world. But it was midnight, I couldn't just walk over and ask to see Maisey, yes I was an upcoming Alpha, even though I would have to share the title with my brother when our father hand the title down to us, and the pack Maisey was a part of was our neighbor pack, but we've always acted as if we were one big pack. But to go there in the middle of the night would be strange, I had to wait until tomorrow, after all I couldn't do anything about it yet, if Maisey actually was my mate. I lay back in bed with the firm belief that I would wait, but when the clock showed midnight I got out of the bed, I couldn't wait, I had to know. I opened the door, and saw Alejandro who opened the door to his room. He smiled when he saw me.

"Well. You couldn't wait either to find out?"

He asked, and I smiled back.

"No I have to know if Maisey is the one."

Alejandro swallows nervously but nods. And I know that he is just as nervous as me, to find ones mate is a big thing, but finding ones mate while she is only 10 years is another thing. You see as werewolves a male wolves can find their mate as 16-year-old, whereas the female wolves only find theirs when they turn 18-year-old, and our laws says, that you're not allowed to do anything, until the other person reaches the age for which he or she knows who is their mate, that way no one can take advantage of a minor. This means that if it turns out that Maisey actually is our mate then we need to wait eight years, before we can tell her that she is our mate. At least that's how it is with werewolves and Maisey is a part of a werewolf pack, but since she is adopted, she is completly human, so I don't really know what the rules are in this situation.

4 minutes later me and Alejandro stand outside the Dusts packs house, but before we can knock on the door it gets opened and Simon, Maiseys dad stand in the doorway and look seriously at us before he exclaims.

"That took you long enough, I thought you would be here earlier. Come on in. And by the way, happy birthday."

I and Alejandro looked surprised at each other before we stepped inside, and Simon showed us up to Maisey's room, which was odd since we had been here many times, so we knew very well where her room was. But before we could open the door, Simon stops us by resting one hand on each of our shoulders.

"I give you permission to enter because I've seen how you are acting around Maisey and therefore knew that you probably would suspect that she is your mate. But remember our laws, even if it turns out that she is your mate then you mustn't tell her, or touch her in anything but friendly way before she turn 18, and you best remember that. "

Both I and Alejandro nodded; we already knew that, we just had to know. After another hesitation Simon opened Maiseys bedroom door and let us enter her room. But I didn't have to enter, as soon as the door opened and Maiseys scent was revealed my wolf get crazy, and shouted 'Mate. Mate ', it was her, Maisey was my mate, I looked up at my brother, and smiled, chance that, Maisey was our mate. Now you're probably think that it must be weird for us that we have the same mate that we have to share, but it's not. You must understand that since we were very young, our parents made it clear to us that since we are identical twins, we would probably get the same mate. It therefore comes as no surprise that we actually both have Maisey as our mate, right now we're just happy by the fact that we have found our mate, and that it is little Maisey only makes it better. I
gently caress her cheek, I just have to touch her, make sure she really is my mate and my smile only gets bigger when I feel the sparks everyone always talks about. And they are just as amazing as I had been told, even though I had never believed it, nothing could feel that great, but it did, it was more fantastic then you could ever imagine, it told me that it was with her I belonged. I noticed that Alejandro like me had been unable to resist touching her, but we both pulled our hands away when she moves. But we grinned as she drowsily murmured.

"Javiar, Alejandro."

Even before she opened her eyes she knew it was us. True, she was human and still only 10 years, but it was clear that her being had recognized our touches as her mates. Slowly she opened her eyes, and looked confused up on us.

"Alejandro, Javiar! What are you doing here?"

Neither I nor Alejandro can get a word over our lips, but it seems like Maisey is still half asleep so she doesn't really think about it. But as we slowly draws back to avoid her losing any sleep she grabs hold of each of our hand and look sleepily up on us.

"It's your birthday. I have gifts for you, but you only going to get them at your birthday party."

She muttering still sleepy, and Alejandro answers smiling.

"It's okay baby girl we've already got a gift ..."

This makes her frown confused.

"You have?"

She asks, and this time it's me who anwers before I bend down and kiss her on the forehead.

"Yes, we've got the best gift you could ask for in life, and we will take care of it the rest of our lives."

This makes Maisey, who again has closed eyes to mutter.

"I am glad to hear that..."

Before she fall bag to sleep. Alejandro bends down over her before he also give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Goodnight baby girl, go back to sleep, see you later today"

We gently pulled the blanket around her before we left her room, where we ran into Simon who smiled wryly at us.

"I'm glad you have found your mate. But remember that the next eight years, she is my girl"


Finally the story about Maisey and the twins is up. Hope you all enjoy and remember to vote and leave comment since they encourage me to keep writing



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