Stephen Curry's Baby Momma| #...

By WritingsByKay

81.5K 1.1K 39


Part 1- Finding Out
Part 2- Why didnt you tell me?!
Part 3- Meeting Half Siblings
Part 4- Telling the Family
Part 5- Uncle Seth
Part 6- The Kiss....
Part7- Divorce!
Part 8- Its Final...Its Official
Part 9- Injury
Part 10- First date
Part 11- 1st Christmas
Part 12- New Year New Love
Part 13- Rhemmie's Birthday
Part 14- Moving in.
Part 15- Oh Baby
16- Say what now?
17- Marry My Daddy (VERY SHORT)
Part 18- Dress Shopping
Authors Note
Part 19- Night before
Promotional Page

Part 20- Wedding Day

2.4K 28 0
By WritingsByKay

Stephen's POV

Today was the big day. I am getting married to the love of my life. I was in the  grooms room getting dressed. My dad came in and tied my bow toie for me.

"You look great son." My dad said smiling.

"Thanks." I said.

"So are you ready to marry Ms. Kae'Lah?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just can't wait to see her." I said.

"Trust me she feels the same way." He laughed.

Kae'Lah's POV

I was in the brides room getting my hair and makeup done. Sydel was looking at me weirdly.

"What's wrong?"I asked her.

"I just can't believe THE Kae'Lah Landry is going to be my sister in law." Sydel laughed.

"Wow I can't believe the Sydel Curry famous volleyball player is going to be my sister in law." I laughed.

"Do you ever think about going back to the WNBA after you have this baby." My cousin Neisha asked.

"I don't know, coach said when I'm ready to come out of retirement I can come back but I kind of want to wait til my kids get a little older. It wouldn't be right to have 2 parents that are in the NBA and on the road all the time." I said.

"So your just going to be a stay at home mom for now?" Sydel asked.

"Yeah, it gets boring sometimes. Either that or I'll stay on as a trainer for Steph's team." I said getting up and slipping my heels on.

"Trust me once you have this baby it won't be boring." Steph's mom said.

Yeah I know. I hope this ones a boy." I said looking at my self in the mirror.

"We can only hope." I heard from the door.

I turned around to see my brother standing there ready to escort me down the isle.

"You look beautiful Kae." He said hugging me

"Thanks I just wish Nikhole and K'eye could be here to see it." I said

"I know me too but Nikhole sends her blessings. K:eye is watching over you I promise." Jalen said.

"Well let's get this show on the road." I said smiling.

Jalen helped me off the stool and walked me to the door. First it was steph and then then his parents.

Stephen's POV

I was waiting at the end of the isle for my beautiful bride to come down the isle. The music started to play and the doors opened. Kae'lah looked beautiful. She smiled and began to walk down the isle. Once she got to the end her brother handed her off to me. We stood at the altar waiting for the Justice of the peace to begin.

"Who gives this woman away." He said.

"I her brother does." Jalen said sitting down

"If there are any objection as to why these two shall not get married speak now or forever hold your peace." He said.

"Okay well let's get started. Do you Wardell Stephen Curry take this woman to be your wife in sickness and in health, for better or for worse, for poor and or for wealth. Til death do you both part?" He said.

"I do." I said.

"Do you Kae'Lah Rahyne'na Landry take this man to be your husband in sickness and in health, for better or worse, for rich or for poor. Til death do you part?" He said.

"I do." She said.

"By the power vested in me by the state of North Carolina. I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." He said.

I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers.

"Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Curry." The JOP said.

We walked back down the isle as everyone clapped.

I married the love of my life.......


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