XCOM: Knights Blue

By N7Warlord

225 19 13

(I do not own XCOM or any recognizable element in any way shape or form. I only wish I did.) The year is 2035... More

II. Operation Gatecrasher Part 2
III. Vigilo Confido
IV. The Team Part 1

I. Operation Gatecrasher Part 1

48 4 3
By N7Warlord

"Not everyone believes Advent's lies. Not everyone has lost their will to fight."
~Hope Smith "Reaper" talking about why XCOM personnel are resisting Advent to Janet; Day they joined XCOM

February 17, 2035; Advent City Center London; 9:50 P.M

(Janet Muniz's "Sierra" POV)

"Peacekeeping Forces have located the assassin who took the life of our dearly beloved Ambassador Martinez and are converging on his position to bring him to justice," The female Advent Reporter was saying.

I was standing in front of an Advent news board with Central. We were watching the aftermath of "Imperator's", whoever he is, assassination of the ambassador. We watched as Advent dropships flew towards the abandoned warehouse Imperator used to snipe the ambassador. Multiple Advent soldiers, led by Officers, were shooting at the warehouse. Their red-colored, magnetic-propelled shots were tearing through the warehouse. I saw shots being fired back at the Advent forces. Those shots could only have come from an "Old World" (Conventional,  Ballistic-Powered) Assault Rifle.

Imperator is still alive, I thought, and since a lot of Advent Troops are dying, he's kicking a**.

The news report then tuned to an Advent Officer at the scene. Officers wore red with black played armor. Their helmets were huge and bulky, with a glowing line in the middle. They always held a standard-issue Advent rifle. He was giving a report.

"We have the assassin surrounded," he was saying in perfect English, "It's only a matter of time until he surrenders."

At that moment a nearby Advent Trooper was shot in the head by Imperator. Blood splattered all over the Officer, and he took notice of this. He turned around to fire, but as he did, he was shot multiple times in the chest. The force of multiple bullets impacting him made the Officer stagger backwards. One shot in the head, in addition with ending his life, caused him to back into the video camera drone, knocking it over. The feed cut out.

The feed returned to the newsroom where the reporter was.

"We have just received word that the Speaker has reached out to us following this tragic event," the Reporter said, clearly shaken by seeing one of her Advent "Saviors" being killed live, "Taking you live now."

The feed then changed to a man wearing glasses approaching a podium surrounded by Advent Troopers and Officers. The thousands of citizens in attendance were cheering loudly. He approached the podium and began his speech.

"Loyal Citizens, I stand before you with great sorrow. The sorrow is for my friend, Steven Martinez. He was assassinated by a cowardly assassin. He was a good person, and a good friend."

Sure he was Speaker. Sure.

"Advent Peacekeepers will bring this assassin to justice. Let this tragic event remind us of the errors of the old world, and all of the death and destruction they brought. He struck out while we prepare to celebrate a benevolent savior who time and time again offer only friendship and compassion. But these trivial actions could never break the bond between humanity and the elders. As we near the 20th anniversary of Unification Day, let us be reminded of the peace both Advent and the Elders can bring to humanity."

The feed returned back to the Reporter, who has appeared to have calmed down.

"Advent has assured us that today's activities will continue as planned."

The feed cut out, returning to the original screen, which was an Advent insignia on a red-tinted city center background.

"Perfect," Central said, walking away from the news screen. Not wanting to be left behind, I joined him.

We walked through a heavily populated plaza. Advent Security Scanners were on, made evident as a female citizen was randomly scanned and stopped, and there seemed to be extra guards posted. Advent propaganda was playing, something about reporting suspicious activity to "build a better tomorrow." I tuned it out.

"Approaching position. You were right. The assassination of the ambassador spread the Advent garrison thin. They definitely got their hands full," said Hope "Reaper" Smith.

Hope was a girl who didn't like taking s***. She was about 5'5". She had electric blue hair with chestnut brown highlights (unlike my hair, which was just chestnut brown). Her hairstyle was a emo-like hairstyle. She was from a Japanese-descent (I was from a French-descent).

I knew Hope since childhood. Preschool, to be exact. Out of my original group of friends, called the Gamer Blue, she was the only one I still had contact with. She had given me the idea of joining XCOM in the first place.

I'd sacrifice anything to save her. I'd let millions suffer just so she could live. I would-

"Roger Reaper," Central said, taking me out my thoughts.

Returning to the mission, Central and I got into a line to enter an Advent gathering site. Hope was already in the gathering site, as a part of the plan. We waited a bit.

After a while, Central said over the comms to Shen, "Prep Gatecrasher. 60 Seconds."

No response came. None was needed.

At this time, Menace 1-5 was already deployed. Their mission was to destroy an Advent statue. This would cause mass confusion among the Advent ranks. It would also stretch out the garrison even more; they had to both "apprehend" (eliminate) Imperator and "repel" (eliminate) Menace 1-5 at the same time.

We would, hopefully, complete our mission virtually unopposed.

Central walked toward the Advent security scanner, guarded by four Advent Troopers and one Officer. As he walked through the the scanner, it sounded an alarm. This was the result of Central carrying a revolver in his coat (part of the plan). The Advent soldiers went on high alert.

"Halt!" one of the Troopers cried.

Central did as asked (ordered).

Please let this ploy work, I silently prayed.

The Officer walked up to Central. "Mor Balaten," he said in his alien language.

Central didn't respond, so the officer hit him in the gut with his rifle.

"Dad!" I yelled, playing the role of a daughter looking out for her aging father. As I reached out to pick him up, one of the Troopers raised his rifle at me. I slowly backed off.

The Troopers began to talk to each other in their alien language. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hope walk up to an Advent Police Truck. She was wearing a leather jacket and black jeans with black boots. I saw her plant an X4 charge on the Police Truck. I didn't physically show it, (not to alert the soldiers, who didn't see her) but I was extremely happy.

"Mor Balaten!" The Officer told Central again.

Central simply got up. The Advent Officer made no attempt to keep him down. He glanced at Hope, who had finished setting the X4 charge and was walking away.

"Now," Central said to Hope over the comms.

I dropped to the floor and put up my arms to shield myself.

Hope pressed the button on the detonator.


The combined force of the X4 charge and the truck's explosion sent the Advent forces flying away in all directions. Central did what I did to protect himself. I felt intense heat go towards my direction.

When it was over, Central and I got up. All of the Advent troops were dead. Civilians were screaming and running away. The security station was wrecked.

"Shen, did you get that?" Central asked.

"Signal received. Loud and Clear. Alright Gatecrasher, your turn," Shen replied.

I heard the DZX-4F1 Mark II Skyranger dropship XCOM uses fly overhead, heading to assist us in our mission.

We walked over to Hope, stepping over wreckage and dead Advent troops.

Hope was just standing there, cheering.

"Take that mothertf*****s! Yeah!"

"Save the celebrations for after the mission," Central told her.

"Aww," Hope playfully make a pouty face, "You're no fun."

Central didn't respond. As he walked to a nearby car, I looked at Hope. As I did, we both began to laugh hysterically.

"Zip it," Central said, which caused us to laugh even more.

Central just sighed and opened the trunk of the car, making it obvious that someone from the Resistance put the car there. He pulled out three duffle bags. He tossed one to Hope and one to me.

"Gear up."

I opened the bag. Inside, there was my suit of Kevlar Armor, an XCOM bandana, Aviator sunglasses, a standard-issue CFD-175C assault rifle, a CZX-271 pistol, and one Fragmentation Grenade. I put on the armor, put on the bandana and sunglasses, and loaded the assault rifle and pistol with fresh magazines. Hope's bag contained the same items as mine did, although her armor was a different color than mine (Hope's armor was black and mine was teal). Central's bag had a Kevlar vest and a heavily-modified CFD-175C.

I could hear gunfire coming from two distant directions.

Looks like Menace 1-5 began their mission. Let's begin ours.

"Get in," Central said as he moved to the driver's seat of the car. I moved to the passenger's seat and Hope went to the backseat.

"Let's go," Central said.

He started the car and began to drive to the objective.

"This had better be worth it," Hope said.

"Trust me," Central replied, "This could be the difference between Victory or Defeat."

Gee, no pressure there.

At least Hope is by my side. I wouldn't want anyone else.

Okay guys, that's chapter one.
Now, this chapter would be the intro of XCOM 2, and the next chapter would be the actual mission.
Some notable differences would be the assassination part (didn't actually happen), both Central's mission and Menace 1-5's mission both occurring, and the fact that Central has two XCOM operatives with him (there was only one in the game).
Also, the names of the assault rifle, pistol, and the Skyranger are made up (as well as any other weapon or vehicle names I say). Any resemblance to actual weapons or vehicles is completely coincidental.
I'm still open to feedback.
Next time: Janet, Hope and Central enact their mission.
Warlord out.

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