Max the Stalker

By Byanca16

271 8 7

I’m the kid you ignore in the hallways. The kid that the jocks will think it’s funny to pick on. The kid that... More

Max the Stalker
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

Chapter One

74 2 6
By Byanca16

“Do you Max Stanford, take this beautiful women to be your lawfully wedded wife?”


Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned, my stupid alarm interrupted yet another one of my wonderful dreams, where I was about to get married to her. The girl of my dreams. But of course reality has to come crashing down at precisely 6:45 am in order for me to have plenty of time to get ready for school.

I did my usual routine, which didn’t consist of much. I dragged my groggy self down the stairs, only to be greeted by wait for it… NO ONE! My mother leaves for work far earlier than I would ever desire to wake up. I have no other siblings… and the man who created me? Well let’s just say that he… um… didn’t or rather quoting my mother “wasn’t ready for the responsibility of raising a child.” So it was just my mom and I, living in a quaint two bedroom home. 

Before exiting my house, I snuck a glance at the ‘backyard’. But I think we all know the real reason I peeked. For behind my humble abode stood the residence of the love of my life; A house similar to mine, yet distinct.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, pulling me out of my trance. It was just my friend Greg, telling me that he had arrived at my house, and I should hurry my butt out before he left me, and I had to walk. I scrambled out the door, quickly grabbing an apple on my way out.

“Hey.” I said climbing into his 1977 Chevy pickup truck.

He acknowledged my existence by simply lifting his fingers from the steering wheel. Something he did every day, which I presumed was his way of greeting me.

“So uh, how’s Blair?” I asked him, just trying to make small talk. Blair is Greg’s longtime girlfriend of almost a year and a half.

“She’s good.” Was what he responded. But I noticed something different in his tone. Also he wasn’t meeting my eyes. I don’t know if it was because he was driving or… I just don’t know…

“Uh, should we play some music?” I suggested I just wanted something to break this tense atmosphere. Greg simply nodded in response, and he turned on his stereo.

“Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away. Now it looks as though they’re here to stay.”

Greg only listened to this song when he was having problems with Blair…

“W-Why this song?” I asked.   

“What’s wrong with The Beatles man?! Can’t I just rejoice in their sadness, and like this song?!” he exclaimed the frustration evident in his voice.

“Geez, take it easy man. I was just asking a simple question. I know you well enough to know that something is wrong. Just admit it.”

“Okay… fine. We had a fight.” It was all he could manage before he pulled into our schools parking lot for students. He rushed out of his car, not even bothering to lock the doors, and leaving me in the passenger’s seat. I checked the time on my phone, and realized that if I didn’t get out now… I would be tardy for my History class, yet again.

I darted to my first period, and made it to my seat just in the nick of time. The teacher, Mr. Higgins began his boring lesson. Something about civil war weaponry; or something. That I oh-so-graciously tuned out.

When lunchtime rolled around Greg, and two others Terrance, and his girlfriend Aria joined us.  We decided to just stay on campus, and since it was a nice day we settled on silently munching our food underneath an oak tree.

“So Greg… Where’s Blair? I haven’t seen her all day…” Aria asked concern etched in her features.

“I don’t know, she’s your best friend.” Greg snarled at her bitterly. With that, he stood up, and briskly walked away.

“What’s up his butt?” Terrance asked. I looked over my shoulder before answering; making sure that Greg was a safe distance away.

“Um well, I think he got into a fight with Blair…” a look of understanding crossed both Terrance and Arias’ faces, nodding their heads.

After that, and many more gruesome classes I was finally able to get home. After Greg dropped me off at my house (without saying a word the entire ride I might add) I simply flopped onto my bed.

I slightly turned my head in the direction of my digital clock and glanced at the time. I had about one hour to prepare supper for my mother and I before she came home from work. 

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