Knights of Zuku

By trueluv

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Granted immortality and the ability to become werewolves the Knights of Zuku started protecting New York City... More

Knights of Zuku: Prologue
Chapter 2: Rakeen and Savannah
Chapter 3: Rakeen and Savannah
Chapter 4: Rakeen and Savannah

Chapter 1 Rakeen and Savannah

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By trueluv

Rakeen and Savannah

Chapter 1

Rakeen and Galim started their evening out in the lower Manhattan area searching for vampires. The area always seemed to have the most action. This night didn't disappoint them. The moment they stepped out of the parking garage the sent of death and blood hit their nose.

Rakeen's nostrils flared as he took in the putrid scent of vampires. “Smells like it's going to be a good night.” He smiled over at Galim.

Galim was always a little more intense when he was out searching for vampires. “We got our work cut out for us.” he frowned as they followed the rancid scent.

Turning down a long poorly lit alley their senses led them to an old friend. Crouched down by a dumpster Simon glanced up from his early evening snack. “Hello gentlemen” He grinned widely showing his sharp bloody fangs. “If I would have known you were coming I would have saved a little for you.” His smile widened as he held up the pale lifeless body of a man he had just drained.

Galim reached into his backpack and pulled out a wooden stake and slammed it quickly into the heart of the man Simon snacked on, just to be sure he was dead. “Thought you gave up human blood.” He twisted his face in disgust as he watched Simon lick blood from his fingers as if he were lapping up a delicious treat.

Simon casually shrugged his shoulders and raised his hands giving a sweet innocent look. “Let's just call this a moment of weakness.” he smirked and looked over his shoulder. Standing behind him was Rakeen holding a wooden stake about to ram it straight into his heart. “Cheryl take care of that.” Simon swiftly moved to the other side of the street. Cheryl, Simon's vampire friend grabbed Rakeen from the back and yanked the stake out of his hand.

Rakeen and Galim were now surrounded by four female vampires. Simon stood on top of the large dumpster rubbing his chin watching his harem surround the vampire slayers. “Take care of them ladies. While I find us a nice dessert for the night.” Simon zipped away using his vampire speed.

Rakeen and Galim were left standing back to back encircled by the 4 vampire temptresses.

The first female jumped at Galim with her razor sharp fangs and claw like nails and raked them along his chest leaving for deep long gashes. He grabbed his chest in pain as it burned like it were on fire. Galim shifted to heal and end the pain. As the vampire approached him again he kicked her sending her flying back a few feet into the alley. Smashing into the wall hard she fell straight to the ground. She quickly jumped up and dashed back over to Galim mouth opened fangs out ready to bite and kill. Galim grabbed a long sharp pole off the ground and as she ran to him he thrust the rod into her heart, she let out an ear-piercing screech and exploded into a pile of dust.

The other three were now all attacking Rakeen. Rakeen possessed the greatest strength of all the knights, all three ladies couldn't bring him down. One lady wriggled onto his back and bit him. The venom from the bite caused a stinging burning pain to surge through his veins and forced him to shift. When he shifted he snatched the vampire off his back and turned and wrapped his large lupine mouth around her small neck. He squeezed tight holding her down. Galim seeing that he held her immobile grabbed a stake out his backpack and surged it through her heart and she burst into flames and then her ashes blew away.

The two remaining vampires stood strategically watching trying to decipher the best way to kill the men. The first using her vampire speed ran quickly flipped over Galim landing on his back. The other picked up a stake and drove it into his chest, she grinned proudly at her accomplishment. Galim roared in pain, but didn't die. Rakeen raised and eyebrow and laughed loudly at her. “We don't die like that.” He uttered in his deep scratchy wolf voice. The stake slid from Galim's chest as the wound closed. Rakeen picked it up and shoved it straight into the chest of the temptress that tried impaling Galim.

The last female flipped back off Galim and the men backed her into a corner. She had her razor sharp fangs down claw hands in front of her and she stood in a defensive stance. She lunged at Rakeen, he grabbed her and held her steady facing him. Galim grabbed a stake and rammed it straight into her back the stake pierced her heart and came through her chest just inches away from Rakeen. Rakeen looked down at the stake and then back up at at Galim as the vampire dissipated into dust. “That was close.” He gave his brother an evil eye.

“You let that bitch stake me, I figured a little payback wouldn't hurt.” Galim cocked his head to the side and returned the evil stare back at his brother. Both men shifted back to their human forms and put on fresh clothes from their bags. Turning to walk away they both sniffed the air catching Simon's putrid scent. Simon stood at the front of the dark alley clapping his hands.

“Bravo, bravo.” He continued clapping. “Good job gentlemen. But wasn't it me you really wanted?” Simon taunted them and then zipped away again. Rakeen and Galim followed hoping to finally get rid of the pesky vampire.


Savannah came to the big city to follow her dreams. She grew up in a very unstable household, her mother a heavy drinker, her father disappointed with his life, left when she was 5 and he was never seen again. She had two brothers, twins, who loved her dearly but they couldn't take their home life either they left the moment they turned 18 leaving Savannah to deal with her mom. Savannah turned to dancing to taker her mind off of her home life. Once she turned 18 she followed her dreams to leave her small town of Georgetown, SC and went straight to New York City to land a spot in a play on Broadway.

As with anything accomplishing her dreams was not an easy thing. Though she never landed a part on Broadway she did find a way to use her dancing to her advantage. She took a job in a small club called Fantasies as an an exotic dancer.

As with every night, Savannah prepared the same way for her show, she woke up, showered, got dressed, grabbed her wardrobe bag and caught the bus to work. But this night she was tired and decided to stop for a coffee.

She entered the sweet smelling coffee shop and ordered her favorite drink a Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino. After taking a few sips of the delicious cold coffee drink she decided to walk the remaining five blocks to work so she could enjoy the rest of her treat before having to deal with her customers and her boss.

As she exited the coffee shop Simon ran straight into her almost knocking her to the ground. Stumbling backwards, she held her drink close only knocking a little of the whipped cream and chocolate onto her shirt. Irritated she regained her balance and snapped at him, “Watch where you're going asshole!” She furrowed her eyebrows and gave him the evilest look she could muster up.

Insulted by her chiding he turned and made eye to eye contact with her. He was pale, his eyes red, hungry, and animal like, he slightly growled and then opened his mouth showing a set of fangs to her. Savannah gasped and took a step back. Her heart began to beat wildly as he stepped right up and sniffed her.

His mouth curled into a slight smile, “Umm, you smell tasty” he raised his eyebrows while continuing his gaze on her. Slowly Simon stroked her hair out of her face and off of her shoulder exposing her neck. Swallowing hard his fangs extended more with the anticipation of her sweet smelling warm blood running down his throat. He looked around and remembered he was standing on the sidewalk with several possible witnesses passing by. Grabbing her arm he pulled her to the side of the building.

Fear now cursing through her body Savannah began to beg for her life. “Please, Please don't hurt me.” He ignored her pleas and acted as if he didn't even hear her. Now she wished she would have gotten a hot drink, she could have used it to pour on him as a distraction and ran away. “I have a family, they will look for me, please don't hurt me.” He chuckled at her attempt to stop him.

Once he reached the end of the dark alley he pushed her against a wall and ran his cold pointy nose slowly down her neck. Raising his head up he hummed with pure satisfaction “Umm...” once again showing the fangs she had seen earlier. He went back down to her neck and this time he slowly swiped his tongue and gently ran his fangs slowly seductively over her skin. “You taste like the sweetest candy I've ever had” he whispered by her ear in his smooth sexy voice. Savannah dropped her drink as she began to shake with fear. She wanted to scream, but no sound would escape her mouth. Closing her eyes she silently began to pray.

Simon made another throaty satisfaction sound, “Ahh...” he breathed, “Your fear smells so nice and the rapid beat of your heart is music to my ears.” He then opened his mouth wide. Just as he was about to bite a noise distracted him and he quickly turned. Rakeen and Galim came running into the alley and Simon dashed off behind the buildings. Galim followed him and Rakeen stopped in front of Savannah.

Rakeen stood examining her he inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, “Are you alright” he asked his voice was very deep and gruff. Savannah still had her eyes closed she was shaking, sweating, and she just kept mumbling prayers. “Open your eyes” he softly commanded. Slowly she opened her large emerald colored eyes her pale scary man had been replaced by a very tall handsome caramel colored savior. He had shoulder length silky black hair, long black eyelashes, beautiful big brown eyes, nice strong jawline, small sexy pink lips, and a very big muscular body. This man looked like an Egyptian god.

She wrapped her arms around him tightly. “Oh gosh, thank you, thank you so much.” She breathed heavy as she rested her head on his shoulder. Then she started looking around. “Where did he go, did you see him?” she asked in a panicked tone.

Rakeen's heart was racing from the physical contact with her. He suddenly felt the need to relax her. “Don't worry about him, he won't bother you again,” He stroked his hand over her back attempting to calm her.

Savannah stepped back and looked at him and then she suddenly realized what had happened. “Was he a...” She swallowed hard. “A vampire?” her voice trembled with fear.

Rakeen nodded his head and looked at her neck. “Yes, did he bite you?” he brushed his fingers down the side of her neck and then examined her arms and shoulders.

Savannah closed her eyes as she enjoyed the feel of Rakeen's fingers on her neck. Then she felt her neck where Simon ran his fangs over her skin and she shook her head, “I think you scared him before he had a chance.” She closed her eyes again as fear and anxiety took over and her tears finally started to flow.

Rakeen pulled her into his arms and tried to comfort her. As he rubbed his hands up and down her back again he enjoyed the feel of her small petite body in his arms. He was very much infatuated with her at this point he had to find out who this lady was. “What is your name.” he asked holding her tighter.

She sniffled now trying to hold her tears back. “Savannah” she softly responded looking up at him.

He closed his eyes and pleasurably murmured, “Umm...Savannah.” Opening his eyes wide shocked at his own utterance his eyes met her's.

Surprised by him moaning her name she raised an eyebrow and gazed hard into his eyes. His eyes were deep and enticing. His touch was warm and seductive. He was the most intriguing man she had ever seen. She breathed in deeply and noticed even his strong masculine scent was appealing to her. Savannah slowly stepped away from him as her heart started beating wildly for the tall dark handsome stranger.

As Rakeen gazed back into her eyes he took in every bit of her beauty. He had been alive for well over 600 years and in all this time he never quite meet anyone as beautiful as her. He stood for a moment studying her perfect small sexy well shaped body, he looked up to her medium sized breasts that were just the size he liked. Then he looked back at her beautiful face and admired her green eyes, small cute nose, and perfect small mouth with her nice shaped kissable pink lips. He brushed her soft long brown hair back over her shoulders and behind her ears. “Savannah, I'm Rakeen.” He uttered almost breathlessly. “Let's get you out of this alley. Where were you going?” He asked wiping her last remaining tears away.

Savannah still gazing broke her trance as she remembered she had someplace to be. “I was...I was” She lowered her eyebrows. “On my way to work.” she was confused by all that had happened within a few minutes.

“Do you mind if I finish walking you, just to be sure you are safe?” He reached his hand out for her not wanting her to leave him yet.

Savannah looked Rakeen over, though she was very proud of her job, she didn't want the handsome man who had her heart going crazy to see her dance or know that she was an exotic dancer. “No!” She quickly replied. “I am fine to go alone.” She took off running out the alley down to her job. She glanced behind her once making sure she wasn't being followed and then entered the side door and ran to her dressing room.

Rakeen furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he watched her run out of the alley. Turning to walk away he noticed a exquisite scent on his shirt, he raised his collar up to his nose. The spot where Savannah had rested her head held her scent. His shirt smelled of vanilla, jasmine, and maybe a hint of honeysuckle mixed in. She was absolutely sweet. He started sniffing her mouth watering scent out again and following the path she ran off in.

Galim stepped back into the alley searching for Rakeen. He spotted him walking seeming completely unaware of his surroundings. “Rakeen!” Galim called from the back of the alley. But Rakeen was on a mission to find his sweet smelling Savannah. “Rakeen!” Galim called again louder this time.

Rakeen shook his head broken from his trance he turned around to Galim. “What!” he growled, angrily at Galim for breaking his concentration.

Startled by Rakeen's anger he nervously responded, “Just trying to get your attention. What are you doing?”

Rakeen snarled, “What I am doing is none of your business.” He noticed Galim still had on the same clothing from after their last shift. “Did you get the disgusting creature?”

Galim lowered his eyes away from Rakeen in shame and shook his head. “He was too fast, he got away.”

“Got away, too fast,” Rakeen repeated Galim's words. “That is unacceptable!” he glanced down the street to where Savannah had disappeared. He now was worried for Savannah, “Vampires normally do not show what they are and then leave a human alive, you know this. Simon is going to come back for her, he tasted her, knows her scent and she is aware of what he is. We have to protect her.” Rakeen started walking to Savannah's scent again.

Galim reached out grabbing Rakeen's shoulder turning him back around. “Protect her!” Galim crinkled his face. They had always protected the entire city, but never an individual. “Why are we going to protect her?”

Rakeen jerked away from Galim insulted that once again Galim was questioning him. “I already told you why she needs my protection.” He snapped back showing his agitation.

Just as they were about to open the door Rakeen's cell phone rang. He pulled the phone out his back pocket and answered, it was Vadid one of the other knights. Vadid and Lakim were in a bit of trouble with a vampire den and needed Rakeen's help.

“You stay here, find Savannah, and protect her until morning.” He ordered Galim.

Galim looked around, “Find her, where?” he shrugged his shoulders.

“Her scent goes in that building.” Rakeen pointed into the building they were standing by. And then he took off running to the parking garage to get his car so he could meet up with Vadid and Lakim.

Galim was upset, he never had to guard a person and he felt like this was a waste of his time. He could be out hunting vampires but instead he had just been ordered to babysit. He reluctantly walked into the building and immediately his eyes opened wide. It became clear and obvious why Rakeen was so interested in this female.

Galim took a seat at the stage and sat looking around for Rakeen's mystery lady. He only had a brief glance at Savannah while chasing the vampire, but he was pretty certain he would be able to find her if this indeed was the place she was at. There were more men in this place than women, so finding one particular lady would be easy.

Galim sat and watched as it was announced that 'Peaches' was coming to the stage. He stretched his eyes opened wide when he recognized the lovely seductively dressed 'Peaches' was Rakeen's Savannah. She had on a peach colored extremely short skirt that barely covered her backside and left her peach colored g-string slightly showing. She sported a small peach colored bra that pushed her breasts up and held them tightly together. Her hair was covered with a black short wig and she had on a pair of small black glasses that gave her a naughty teacher or school girl look. The high heeled leather boots she wore were thigh high and laced on the sides. Her body had black and orange glitter all over that sparkled as the blue, green, orange and red strobe lights of the club shined on her.

Savannah strutted around the stage and twirled around a pole very suggestively giving the men a full view of everything she had to offer. All though she did have the most private areas covered with the thin fabric from the g-string underwear the sheer fabric was nearly see through leaving little to the imagination. Men grabbed at her and groped her throughout her performance. Savannah played along with their grabs she flirted with and seduced the crowd. Money was thrown on the stage and tucked in various parts of her clothing. She pulled a man up on stage and tied him to a chair and emulated a sex act with him. Which absolutely drove him and the other men crazy and they in turn threw more money on the stage. Galim watched as the man she performed with put a fifty dollar bill in her bra as she led him by his tie off the stage. The show was very hot and sexy, but this girl didn't really strike as much interest for Galim as she did the other men in the room. Savannah simply wasn't very interesting to him at all, she was cute, but he was getting the feeling that Rakeen would have benefited more from this show than him.

Finally after hours of sitting and watching Savannah put on two shows and work her way around the room taking pictures with and giving various men lap dances, it was time for the building to close. As Galim stepped outside he could see the light orange glow of the sun through the buildings. All the vampires would be sleeping now so Rakeen's precious Savannah wouldn't have any threats to worry about. Galim watched as Savannah got on a bus, and just to be able to reassure Rakeen that she was fine, he also boarded the bus, but he sat far away from her so she wouldn't get suspicious. She got off on a corner in Harlem and Galim followed. As she approached the building she lived in she turned and walked back to Galim.

“Thank you for keeping watch over me last night.” She smiled and hugged him. Galim shocked at how friendly she was returned the hug not knowing what else to do. “Tell Rakeen I appreciated the extra security.” She whispered. “Am I safe now that it's daytime?” She started feeling the same fear she felt when she came face to face with the vampire.

Galim nodding his head replied, “Yes, the vampires only come out at night. You will be fine today.” Then he stopped and thought. “How did you know I was watching you.”

“I wasn't sure in the club, but you look a lot like Rakeen, and once you followed me home without posing a threat, I figured you were sent by him.” She confidently shrugged her shoulders.

Galim nodded his head and smiled at how observant she was, “He is my brother, that is why we look a lot alike. Do you work again tonight?” He asked hoping to be able to report all the needed information to Rakeen when he returns home.

“Yes, same time.” She frowned as she thought about having to go to work again at night. “Will I need protecting again tonight?”

He shrugged his shoulders, “I'm not sure. But I will let Rakeen know your schedule and he will decide. Get some rest, you're safe right now.” Galim turned and started walking back to the Manhattan area catching a cab when he was a few blocks away from Savannah's.

When Galim reached the large apartment that the men shared he went in and found Rakeen and was about to start reporting the nights events when Rakeen walked up and sniffed him and growled lowly at him. Rakeen grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him close. “Come with me” Rakeen demanded in a low voice trying not to catch the attention of the other men. Galim pulled away but followed him to his study. “When I said watch her, that is all I wanted you to do, you have her scent on you. What reason did you have to touch her?”

Galim backed away from Rakeen. “Touch her? Scent? I don't know what you are talking about.”

Rakeen sniffed Galim again and snarled, “You smell like her, Why did you touch her?”

Galim smelled his shirt he barely noticed her smell and he couldn't figure out how he could smell like her. Then he remembered her hug. “She hugged me and thanked me for watching over her last night. Her scent may be on me from that.” He raised his eyebrows at Rakeen. “What has gotten into you with this Savannah?”

Rakeen sat down and shook his head, “I don't know, I just can't explain it. I feel a physical need for her and a need to protect her.” He tried to explain but his explanations seemed to confuse even him.

Galim stood with his arms folded watching his brother. He was worried and confused by his brother's feelings as well. “She works again tonight, and she lives in Harlem.” Galim gave Rakeen the exact address. “Maybe you should try to see her to figure this out.”

Rakeen nodded his head about his brother's suggestion. He just didn't know exactly what or how to figure his problem out. He decided he would go to her house an hour before she had to be at work, so he could talk to her and see where it would lead. “I will take her to work, but I need you and Lakim to protect her again tonight. I have to straighten up Lakim's mess from last night with Vadid.” Rakeen scowled. “I would appreciate if you remain silent about Savannah until I can figure out what is going on with me.” He turned and looked at Galim. “And I would also appreciate it if you do no touch her, I do not want anyone touching her.”

Galim still confused with his brother's possessiveness over this girl just simply nodded and walked out the office.

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