The Other McCall ▷ Stilinski

By simplystiles-

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[ BOOK ONE ] ❝ there are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared; twins. ❞ Kasey McCall is t... More

The Other McCall
Chapter 1. Aftermath
Chapter 2. My Brother The Teenage Werewolf
Chapter 3. Second Chances
Chapter 4. Heart Warming
Chapter 5. Desired Coincidences
Chapter 6. A Burning Revaltion
Chapter 7. An Abundance of Derek
Chapter 8. Last Resort Limb Loss
Chapter 9. Exasperating Expressions
Chapter 10. Are you serious?
Chapter 11. Don't eat my boyfriend, please.
Chapter 12. Another illegal activity
Chapter 13. Not exactly safe
Chapter 14. One hell of a first date
Chapter 15. Biles not Stiles
Chapter 16. My brother is a lunatic
Chapter 17. Making up and forming a plan
Chapter 18. Plot Twists are Always Fun
Chapter 19. Jackson's new body guards
Chapter 20. Possible Whiplash
Chapter 21. The Formal
Chapter 22. Because I Love You
Chapter 23. Sarcasm is their only language
Chapter 24. Tailspin
Chapter 25. What am I?
Chapter 27. Another glorious detention
Chapter 28. Derek, the third wheeler.
Chapter 29. More and more weird abilities
Chapter 30. Total knockout!
Chapter 31. What the hell is that?
Chapter 32. Keeping Derek afloat..
Chapter 33. Lydia ISN'T the Kanima,
Chapter 34. Hate to say I told you so...
Chapter 35. Clubbin'... at the club...
Chapter 36. Skipping school and holding Jackson hostage
Chapter 37. Restraining Order...
Chapter 38. Disturbance in the Library
Chapter 39. Veggie is healthier,
Chapter 40. The Admonere
Chapter 41. Some Explanations.
Chapter 42. Dealing with things...
Chapter 43. Being held hostage
Chapter 44. The Argent's, Anxiety, and Much Needed Answers
Chapter 45. Finally a proper make-out session
Chapter 46. Lost and Confused
Chapter 47. Oh HALE no
Chapter 48. Still got us,

Chapter 26. Harris' hair needs to go,

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By simplystiles-

"She ate the liver?" Scott asked as Stiles as we were walking into school the next morning, we hadn't found Lydia last night and my headache was still there. I took some aspirin when I got home, but it didn't do much at all. I had another weird dream about Lydia last night too, she was like standing in the middle of the road with leaved and twigs in her hair- oh and her hair was a mess. And then I woke up. The dream made no sense at all.

Stiles sighed, "I didn't say she ate it... I said it was missing. And if she did so what? It's like the most nutritious part of the human body."

"I've never eaten anybody's liver," Scott chuckled. 

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah and when it comes to being a werewolf you are a great model of self control."

"Wait- you're the test case when it comes to this kind of thing. When you were bit Scott what were you drawn to?" Stiles asked with a grin, he was obviously proud of himself for making a valid point. 

Scott rose an eyebrow, "Allison."

"That's it?" I dead-panned. He is obsessed with her. I have finally decided that he is past the whole being in love with her thing and now he is just obsessed. All he talks about is Allison, and how much he loves her. 

He nodded, "Nothing else mattered... but that's good right? When she was bit she was with you Kasey, so maybe she is like somehow going to be drawn to you?"

"Yeah she was already bitten when I got there, Scott. And there wasn't really much communication on her end about why she was even out there on the field anyway." I muttered in annoyance. 

Honestly, I don't think Lydia is a werewolf. I just have this gut feeling that she isn't, but- I could be wrong. If she is a werewolf that is a very, very bad thing. Derek is probably the worst person to be an alpha in the history of people being alpha's. He has no patience and he is beyond rude- so he will more than likely just leave her to figure everything out on her own- and well, using Scott as a reference point shows that a werewolf on their own causes a lot of problems..

We were now in the hallway of the school, and sadly Stiles and Scott have a morning practice for Lacrosse today- so I won't see them until Chemistry. I really am not in the mood to go to Harris' class today, but I can't really skip out on it. 

"It's fine, I'm sure we'll work this out somehow." Stiles said with a shrug. 

I glanced at him awkwardly, "Yeah- I'm sure. Anyway, good luck at practice, score some goals for me." 

"I'll be sure to do that," He replied with a grin before gently pressing a kiss to my lips. It was weird to kiss him in front of Scott- but he has kissed Allison in front of me so many times, that this is sort of payback. When I pulled away from Stiles I glanced at my brother to see him letting out a sigh, ha score.

When we got into Chemistry class, Mr. Harris had decided to pass out a pop quiz. I haven't had a chance to even pay attention to what we have been going over in class for the past week- and add the fact that I was in the hospital for three days to that list of reasons, but for some reason he still was making me take the stupid thing. If I fail it, well- I should say when I fail it, I am going to have to tell my mom that Harris is a dick who needs a new hobby. Simple as that. As he passed mine and Stiles table and slid the paper across to me, I quickly scribbled my name down. At least I know I'll get that part right, hopefully. 

"With as much mental anguish as this causes me... you know Jackson is right," Stiles whispered to Scott- who was sitting at the table in front of us. Apparently Jackson had warned them about Lydia attacking people ruthlessly- I didn't ask for details on how he knew that. 

Scott nodded, "I know."

"Plus what if the next body part she takes is from like- a living person," I added. 

Mr. Harris cleared his throat, "Mister Stilinski and Miss McCall- this is a pop quiz. If I catch either of you talking again I will be very tempted to give you detention for the rest of your high school career." 

Stiles rose an eyebrow, "Can you do that?"

"And there it is again, your voice. The only thing that has caused me to want to strike a student- repeatedly, and violently. See you at three for detention," Mr. Harris said to Stiles in distaste. 

I bit down on my lip, "That doesn't include me, does it?" I asked awkwardly. Mr. Harris narrowed his eyes at me as he gave me a look that said I was an idiot for even asking that question.

"Of course it does," I muttered as I glanced back down to my pop quiz. Why is it that I always find myself in these types of situations? Stiles needs to stop getting me in so much trouble in this class, Mr. Harris already hates me enough as it is.

After all of my classes were over for the day, and I had a total of five minutes to get to my locker and back to Harris' room for detention- my headache seemed to dull. I don't know why, nor do I want to question it- I'm just happy that it's not as bad as it was this morning or last night. When I pulled my locker open a small piece of paper fell out onto the floor, I glanced around awkwardly- but the hallway was empty... with a shrug I bent down and picked it up. 

I unfolded it to see small handwriting that read, You look so beautiful today. Smile more often, it lights up the whole school. 

Did Stiles write that? I shoved the piece of paper into my pocket and slammed the locker door shut, okay since when does he write little admiring notes like that? And why didn't he sign his name? I made my way back to Harris' room to see him already sitting at a desk watching the clock.

"Miss McCall you could at least arrive on time to the detention," Mr. Harris said with an aggravated sigh. 

My eyes widened, "I still have like two minutes."

"Sit down." He dead-panned. 

I clenched my jaw as I sat down at the table beside the one that Stiles' was sitting at. I knew that as soon as I sat down next to him that Harris would say something and I would wind up having to move. So I just saved myself the trouble. 

After ten minutes had passed and Harris was intently grading papers- I pulled the note out of my pocket and started to wave it around to get Stiles' attention. He glanced at me with a raised brow, "What was this for?" I mouthed the words in fear that Harris would hear my not so quiet whisper. 

"What is that?" Stiles mouthed back.

I rose an eyebrow as I quickly tossed it to him, he opened it up and read over it in confusion. Oh, I don't like where this is going at all... He glanced at me again, "I didn't write this..." Well if he didn't write it... who did? 

The rest of the detention rolled by slowly, and once the clock hit four I nearly jumped out of my seat as did Stiles, "Sit back down Mister Stilinski." 

"What? It's been an hour?" Stiles said in confusion. 

Mr. Harris rose an eyebrow, "My detentions are an hour and a half."

"What? You can't do that!" I argued in annoyance, now he was just being a bigger dick than usual. He can't extend a detention after already saying it was only an hour. And why is he only detaining Stiles longer? 

He rose an eye bow, "You see I can, Miss McCall. Due to the gracious judicious ways that Mister Stilinksi's father handled me in the past- I decided to make your boyfriend my little project. He is going to benefit from all of the strict disciplinary ways of teaching I have to offer. Now sit down Mister Stilinski, Miss McCall you are free to go."

I glanced at Stiles and he nodded once, telling me to go. I bit down on my lip and stomped out of the classroom. I don't have a way to leave without Stiles- so I guess I'm just going to have to wait in his jeep until he's done serving this stupid detention. 

"I hate him, I freaking hate him." I muttered to Stiles as we made our way through the woods towards the cemetery. Scott had told us to meet him here because of the funeral being held, and we were apparently going to see who these new people are that Allison had told us about last night. I wonder if they're like her family or something? Maybe more hunters...

Stiles nodded, "Yeah I hate him too. He can't just keep me like that."

"Let's have Scott sneak into his house tonight and chop all of his hair off, leaving him bald. I'm pretty sure the only reason he feels so superior is because he takes care of his stupid hair." I pointed out, it was a valid point. 

My boyfriend chuckled as he grabbed my hand and started to crouch down, we then made our way to my brother- who was trying to keep himself hiding behind a large headstone. From what I could see the paparazzi were all over this funeral, and the only people here were Allison and her parents. I saw Stiles' dad over by the camera people, trying to keep them detained I suppose. 

"Hey, what did we miss?" I asked him quietly. 

"Nothing yet," Scott replied.

I then saw some kid who I recognized from school crawl under the block off thing and start snapping pictures of the Argents. Why does he want those pictures so badly? An older man who appeared to be in his sixties, maybe even his seventies then approached the kid from school and picked up his camera. I watched with wide eyes as he pulled out the memory card and snapped it in half. Oh, yikes. 

The old man then hugged Allison's parents quickly, before getting into a conversation with Allison herself. I rose an eyebrow in confusion, who was this guys? He then whipped his head to the side and my heart stopped when Stiles jerked me farther behind the headstone- I hope he didn't see us. 

"Who is that?" Stiles asked Scott, maybe he heard something.

Scott let out a breath, "He's definitely an Argent."

"Maybe they're just here for the funeral... or maybe they're like the non-hunting side of the family. They could have a non-hunting side right?" Stiles suggested to try and calm Scott down- he looked very nervous. And I don't blame him, the last thing he needs to deal with is more hunters coming after him.

Scott sighed, "You know what they are. They're re-enforcements,"

I opened my mouth to point out that we didn't exactly know that, but Stiles grabbed onto my arm- and jerked me up off the ground. I turned around quickly to see that Sheriff Stilinski had pulled Scott and Stiles off the ground- and for some reason, Stiles grabbed me in a panic. At least I know now that he grabs me whenever he gets scared. 

"The three of you are unbelievable," He hissed as he started to pull us away from the funeral. Great, this is so not what I needed to have happen. 

After Sheriff Stilinski ripped into us about invasion of privacy and all of those kinds of things, he made us sit in the back of his cruiser. The backseat was cramped with the three of us sitting back here, but I'm used to the backseat so it wasn't anything new to me... 

"Why were we even listening in on the funeral anyway?" I asked with a sigh, now that I have had time to actually think about what we were doing- it sounds really weird and creepy. 

The little radio in the front of the car started going off, some guy was talking and I knew we weren't supposed to hear what he was saying. We all leaned forward anyway though, trying to get closer so we could hear better. Sheriff Stilinski was in the front seat and he picked up the little radio thing to respond, "I'm sorry did you say 415, Adam?"

"Disturbance in a car," Stiles whispered- obviously knowing what a 415 meant. I smiled at him brightly and he returned the gesture. 

"They were taking the heart attack victim away, but on the way to the hospital something hit 'em." The guy who's name I assumed to be Adam, said form the other end of the radio.

Sheriff Stilinski looked confused, "Something hit the ambulance?"

"Copy that. I'm standing in front of it right now, something got in- there's blood everywhere. And I mean everywhere." Adam relented, sounding very put off about the whole thing.

"Alright unit four what's your 20?" Sheriff Stilinski asked quickly.

"Route five and Post, I've never seen anything like this." 

He nodded, "Alright take it easy- I'm on my way." I glanced at Stiles and he silently pushed the door open, Scott and I followed after him as we made our way to his jeep. I am praying that Lydia didn't kill anyone.

When we got to the scene of the crime, and I saw the inside of the ambulance my eyes widened in shock. There literally was blood everywhere, and it made me want to vomit. Scott had gotten the scent of whoever the attacked was and took off running, leaving Stiles and I to wait it out here. 

I had just been standing by the ambulance, holding Stiles hand when it happened. My vision started to black out and all I could see were little white specs of light- just like what I saw when Peter bit me and I passed out. My grip on Stiles' hand must have set him off that something was wrong because he turned to look at me in confusion. 

"I-I can't see." I said quickly as I tried to blink away the vision issues, but it wasn't working. It was only getting worse. 

His voice was frantic, "What do you mean you can't see? Kasey? What's wrong?"

And then I let out another scream- just like I did in the hospital, but not because I was scared or because I was hallucinating. No, this time I was screaming out in pain. My head felt like it had just exploded, and I fell against Stiles' body. He caught me quickly and was yelling at the paramedic's on the scene to help me. A pair of hands I didn't recognize grabbed me and helped me stand up- the voice leaving them revealed them to be Sheriff Stilinski. 

But then, just as sudden as the whole thing started it all stopped. The pain was gone and I could see clear as day. And what I was looking at- was Lydia Martin, standing in the road in front of me, naked with twigs and leaves in her nappy hair. Just like I had dreamed about. 

"Lydia?" I asked in confusion.

She glanced up with wide eyes and she was shaking from the cold temperature, "Well- isn't somebody gonna get me a coat?"


Omg. So I finally finished episode one. Okay, so I have been getting bitched at by my mom because my senior pictures are like in forty minutes and I still haven't gotten a shower- but I was too sucked into writing this to care. So, now I have to go and hurry up and take a shower so I look nice. I hope you all enjoyed this! Because I got in trouble for writing it! Aha, :) fan, vote, and comment!! xx

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