"Standards" -Joshler

By ChunkyJosh

306K 13.4K 22.2K

For a boy, Josh didn't meet the general standards He wasn't your typical teenager Football? Party's? Girls? N... More

Christmas Special (1/4)
Christmas Special (2/4)
Update on the "Specials"


6.2K 154 18
By ChunkyJosh

New book out I'd appreciate if you could read it also tysm for all the comments, votes and 7K reads! I love you all like holy shit™ (not editing this story so if you noticed any spelling mistakes just comment)


(Lots of drugs!)

I entered the room, searching for him, the guy, the one who left me and came back. Ofcourse he had to be an ultimate head fuck and ofcourse I had to fall in love with him. Masses of bodies bounced around me until I saw his flame hair, the way it curled perfectly. He was sat next to the girl which I presumed was his bestfriend. His eyes seemed to peer up once he saw me and a slight smirk appeared on his face.

He held up what I presumed was a roll of weed to his mouth before lighting it and passing it to me, I lifted it to my mouth before blowing the smoke at him which he inhaled it. A smile crept on my face as our lips collided clumsily and the girl next to us pinched the spliff.

He gripped my shoulders and looked into my eyes before letting his soft voice be the remedy to the shitty music that was playing

"Come on Ty, let's go to the Pantaloon and get some real shit"

"Like what?"

"Slowtown maybe"

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