Auradon Remembers?- Disney De...

By dzny_oddity

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Everything in Auradon is back to it's original form. Mal and her Isle friends grew more closer to Auradon. No... More

Chapter 1- Be Prepared
Chapter 2- He Knows?
Chapter 3- I Missed You
Chapter 4- Did You See It?
Chapter 5- What Is Happening?
Chapter 6- Secret Visions
Chapter 7- Acting Different
Chapter 8- Followed
Chapter 9- Memories Returned
Chapter 10- Someone Is Watching
Chapter 11- The Chase
Chapter 12- Loyal to the Pride
Chapter 13- I Promise I'll Find You
Chapter 14- We Are Nothing Alike
Chapter 15- The Strongest Power
Chapter 16- We Can Only Hope
Chapter 18- Gone Again
Chapter 19- Truly Evil
Chapter 20- The Dark Side
Chapter 21- This Isn't You
Chapter 22- The Ultimate Villain
Chapter 23- The Ultimate Sacrifice
Chapter 24- Final Decision
Chapter 25- Strong Love

Chapter 17- Facing Our Parents

705 31 7
By dzny_oddity


Audrey POV

We all met up at in the cafeteria. It was the weekend, so most of the students were out to go visit the Auradon City. I noticed Jane looking worried and she looked out the window every so often.

"Do we have everything?" Ben said. Everyone nodded and grabbed onto a jug or pot to fill it with water. "Jane, make a portal that won't close so we can go back and forth."

Jane created a portal and I noticed Kiara wasn't with us. "Hey, where's Kiara? I thought she was going to help us out."

"She went with Lonnie to the city to see if anyone acts different." Ben explained.

We all went through the portal and made it to the Enchanted Lake. Ben looked around and took a deep breath. I could tell he was worried about Mal.

"We'll find them." I whispered to him. He looked to me, then back to the lake. I knew he was trying to figure out where she is.


For most of the day, we gathered as much water as we can. The water didn't run out because it had another kind of magic. It can never dry up, flood, or lose it's magic.

We finished filling up the jugs up with water. We were about to leave when a loud bark was heard in a long distance. We were quiet, looking around.

"Did you all hear that?" I asked. Everyone nodded, and Jane looked around more than any of us. I could tell she was looking for the source of the bark.

"It's him. It has to be Carlos! I know it's him!" She said. Dude howled and another howl was heard in a distance.

"We should go back to the school and figure out where that came from." I said. We all went through the portal, Jane was the last to go before me, along with Dude. She looked back, then when through.

I promise we'll find them, even if we have to face our parents enemies.

Carlos POV

All the VKs faced their parents. The greatest villains didn't care that they were in Auradon with their powers back, they only wanted their children to be just as terrible. Anthony faced Lady Tremaine, the Gaston's face their father and so on. They feared their parents but they did not want to go back to the darkness.

What they wanted was to see the light and never be in the shadows again.

Maleficent came to me, and looked into my eyes.

"Carlos, you have a very strong fear of dogs." She said.

"Not anymore. Dogs aren't my fear."

"Maybe, but you do fear something." She snapped her fingers, which took me out of my cage. A shadow appeared, I knew who I was about to face.

"Hey mom."

"Carlos how's my baby?" My mother said. Everytime she said 'my baby', she never meant me, she meant her car.

"I'm not your baby. You never cared for me! You always treated like your personal servant! You never looked at me as a son, only as another who feared you! Not anymore!" I growled out. I felt my eyes turn red, and the next thing I knew, I was in my wolf form.

My mother looked at me, I knew she feared me. I let out a loud bark, not only to scare my mother, but to give out a signal. My mother didn't do anything at first, she only stared at me in fear. I turn back to my human form and walk up to her.

"I don't fear anymore, mother. You fear me, because you don't have control over me. You lost your power over me." I whispered to her.

I waited for her to answer, she only let out a laugh. I looked at her confused. "Yes, I lost my control over you." She said loudly "But you gained it. You can control anyone, only if you join me."

I thought about what I did. I did gain control over her, but I didn't want that. I wanted to be with Dude and Jane. I want to protect them from any sort of danger.

I stared at my mom, who was waiting for an answer. A howl was echoed through the wall so I howled as loud as I could. My mother looked at me, not knowing what to do.

"I will never join you mother! I may have gain confidence to face you, but that doesn't mean I did it alone! I will never be you!" I yelled loudly.

She looked at me, and went into the shadows. I was flashed back into my cage and Maleficent walked up to me.

"You learned to gain control over the weak, just like a true villain." She whispered.

Evie POV

Maleficent whispered something to Carlos but none of us heard her. Carlos looked at her expressionless. She walked to me, not saying anything.

"Princess, you still have your beauty." She said.

"True, but I'm more than that." I said back. She snapped her fingers, which flashed me out of my cage.

A shadow appeared, it was the Evil Queen. She walked up to me, not making a sound.

"Mom, hi." I said, not knowing what else to say.

"Evie, you completely forgot how to apply your makeup." She said. I frowned. I was here for nearly half a year, and she only care about my beauty. "Don't frown, it'll make you grow old."

"Mother, that the only thing you care about, you never thought of anything else. There's more to life than beauty."

"Of course, there is also to way we dress."

"That's the same thing as beauty. And I learned so much more here then all my years being castle-school for ten years. I even learned to love someone who isn't a prince." I said. Before she could say anything else, I walked to the middle of the circle and closed my eyes.

I thought of Chad, how this was my mom choice of love. I turned into him, which surprised my mother. "This is Prince Chad Charming Junior," I said in Chad's voice "the son of Cinderella and Prince Charming. He got me in trouble because I used my magic mirror to cheat on a test. He betrayed me, he only used me for my mirror. I would've been sent back to the Isle of the Lost if it weren't for him."

I turned into Doug, knowing my mother wouldn't approve. "This is Doug," I said in his voice, "the son of Dopey, one of the Seven Dwarfs who helped Snow White. He helped me do the rest of the test without the mirror. I got a B+ on it. If Doug never helped me, I would have never fell in love with someone who wasn't a prince and see how smart I truly am."

I changed back to myself, and my mother looked at me. "You can't fall in love with the son of one of the little men! And smartness won't get you anywhere!"

"You can't be in charge of my love life, Doug is much of a prince than any prince will ever be! And you will never how smart I truly am because all you do all day is look the mirror. Even the magic mirror can see that!" I yelled out.

She looked at me, and left to the shadows. I was flashed back to my cage and Maleficent walked up to me. "You may have learned to love, but you will soon learn the true meaning of evil." She whispered.


Maleficent walked up to me, after she whispered something to Evie. I waited for her to say something.

"Jay, the Prince of Thieves. You can steal anything from anyone all by yourself."

"I'm not a thief, and I learned to work with others" I said. She snapped her fingers and I was flashed to the middle of the circle. I saw my father's shadow, knowing I'll have to face the man who never loved me.

"Hey, dad" I said in seriousness. I knew he was made at me for not stealing any gold or jewels for him.

"I can see you didn't bring the gold." He said. I noticed he had his snake staff, and the eyes of it glowed. I immediately knew he was about to attack. I quickly turned around and felt the earth beneath my feet.

I felt the vibration of my father through my feet, and I dodged each of his attacks. He was out of breath when I opened my eyes again.

"I may have been a thief on the Isle, but not in Auradon. I changed father, and there's nothing you can do about it." I said. He looked at me in surprise.

I felt the air move around me. Fire burned in my hands, and small pieces of rock swirled around me. I felt the sweat on my forehead come off me and swirling around me with the air and rock.

"You no longer control me!" I yelled out. I felt the earth rumble beneath me. I noticed my father watching me, his eyes in fear. I stopped.

The water and rocks fell to the ground and the air became calm. The fire burned out of my hands, and all I did was look at my father.

"I may not control you, but I know you will always be a thief, a street rat." He yelled out. He went back into the shadows, and I was back in my cage.

'..., but I know you will always be a thief, a street rat.' Those words echoed through my mind. I knew it was true, but a part of me somehow believed it.

"You will always be a street rat." Maleficent whispered to me.


My mother walked up to me. I looked away, trying to forget about the heat that is burning me.

"At last, but most certainly least, Mal. You have disappointed me so much throughout your life. All you have to do is join me, then I can finally be proud of you. You can finally earn the name Maleficent." She said. I looked into her eyes, she did her stare.

"I will never join you!" I yelled out. She snapped her fingers, and I was in the middle of the circle.

I was about to face to mistress of darkness. ________________________

A/N-  I decided to write Mal's part on the next chapter.

'Why?' you might ask... I feel like that part will be more interesting and might have a twist. And also this took me a long time to write, and I need time to think about the next few chapters.

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