Mental Twin Q/A

By MarcusTheMarcus

89 0 1


Which band is your favourite? ~Scott Rose
Who is your sporting idol? ~ David Evergreen
Favourite song? ~Philip Howell
Have you ever had a near death experience? ~Marv Jones
Mark Lawrenson ~Carlson Overeem
What are your thoughts about American Football?~ Daniel Lester
How much do you weigh~Scott Rose


19 0 0
By MarcusTheMarcus

Sl: Hey guys!
St: Welcome to the book of questions for absolutely no reason whatsoever!!! I'm Starsky, and this idiot is Slapit
Sl: Hi!! I'm-well actually, it's so we can answer them. Numbnuts.
St: Whatever, you socially retarded crackpot.
Sl: Don't worry guys, this is common daily banter!
St: Ask us whatever the hell your brain wants!
Sl: Does Connor still have my pencil?
St: Yes!
Sl: Oh bollocks!

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