The Transformation

By JessChads

80K 1.7K 346

"Just admit it princess, you love me." I snorted and shook my head. I opened my mouth to object when he crash... More

When in New York
The Player Plus The Nice Guy
Being The New Girl
Terrible Run-Ins
Target My Ass
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Welcome Back Old Me.
Grade A Bitches
"I've got a plan!"
Green With Envy
Awkward Dinners
Make Room For The Bad Ass
Desperate Measures
I'm A Ninja Bow Down To Me!
Going out with a bang
Breaking Up

Fake Date

4K 98 25
By JessChads

Sooooo... I really have no idea what to say... I'M SORRY! I know its been a while since my last update. I tried to write and I had all of the ideas it just wasn't flowing. If that makes sense. BTW Thanks to everyone who commented. Like promised I'll dedicate this chapter to the person who sent the best comment. Which is.... *Drum roll*....

DEMAABBAS123!!!!!!!!!! This was her comment:

"I see a big huge green monster on your back Logan and he\'s called *Ba doom tam* JEALOUSY. Ladies and Gentelmen, I present you the one and only : Ms. kick ass => Char <3"


*Charlottes dress to the side!* :D


~Chapter 11~

I shoved another Dorito into my mouth and turned up the volume on the tv. I'm watching reruns of Gilmore Girls and waiting for Stacey to come and spruce me up for Noah's cousins wedding.

Since Tuesday Noah and I have been keeping up our relationship façade and its actually working, props to Stacey for coming up with it. I caught Logan staring at me so many times I've lost count. I think he's really pissed off at the fact that Noah has stolen his next conquest. Me.

I smiled at the thought of Logan losing his own game. Ha! Wouldn't that be hilarious?

I felt the couch sink next to me. Before I even processed what was going on the re,one was snatched out of my hand and so were my bag if Doritos. I turned to my left and there sat Alex eating MY Doritos and watching Top Gear. Oh my God I hate that show. It's one thing to take my chips but to put this crap on as apposed to Gilmore Girls is like a crime.

Before he realised it I dived at him and pinned him against the side of the couch. His eyes widened in shock and I glared holes into his head. Now normally Alex would of just laughed because I wasn't strong enough to even push him over but I caught him of guard and I was really pissed off.

"What the hell Charlotte?!" He shouted. I gave him a cold stare and it looked like he flinched. When you mess with me and my Gilmore Girls you'll have shit to pay. And I wasn't kidding.

"Give me the remote and my chips and no one gets hurt." I said threateningly. He snorted as if to say I couldn't hurt a fly. "The only person that will be hurt is you, Char. So I suggest you get off and forget about the remote." I shook my head. "Don't test me brother. I might be smaller but do remember, I'm smarter." He growled at my words and I smirked. I knew I hit a nerve, it was what I was aiming to do. Alex wasn't always the best at school and I'd give him so much shit about it.

He didn't want to be the cliche star quarterback with bad grades when he was in high school. I told him he was already a cliche because he was the quarterback and the biggest player our old school had ever had. To the guys he was a legend and to the girls he was an asshole but that didn't stop them from dropping their pants. Stupid bimbos.

"You have three seconds Charlotte before I kill you." He said trying to intimidate me. Which I think is pretty hard for him considering I'm the one that has him pinned to the side if the couch. "Alex, just give me the remote and you keep the chips." I tried to bargain because I knew if he wanted to he would actually cause me some serious pain. Not that he would though. He's my brother and no matter how much we fight he loves me.

He is also very over protective. Sure he can threaten me and annoy me to no end but if anyone try's to get close to me or hurt me in any way you'll have to get through him.

"That's it Charlotte I gave you a chance. Your going down." My eyes widened I have to think fast or I'm in some deep shit. My mind was racing and he quickly tackled me to the ground. I tried slapping him but he dodged every blow. I knew he would keep avoiding my hits so I did the only thing I could think of. I know I'm going to regret this... I quickly lifted my knee and kneed him where the sun don't shine.

His eyes widened in shock and pain. He suddenly let me go and rolled over on the floor groaning in pain. I gave a sheepish smile. "I tried to warn you... sorry?" It came out as more of a question but I really could care less if I sounded unsure right now because as soon as he recovers I'm as good as 6 ft under.

"I'm going to fucking kill you Charlotte!" He groaned. I jumped up and ran to my room. I could hear him muttering profanities and I slammed my bedroom door shut. I locked the door and let out a sigh of relief.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out.

Stacey: I'm on my way. Be ready 4 when I get there.

Charlie: Kk c ya soon.



I jumped off of my bed when I heard the door bell. I pulled on my Uggs and went into the hallway. I looked left and right to see if Alex was camping out to kill me. He wasn't.

I quietly made my way down the stairs and to the front door. If Stacey is in the room Alex won't touch me. I'll be safe at least until after the wedding. I opened the door to see Stacey with her arms crossed.

"About time you answered the door. It's freezing out here." I rolled my eyes and let her in. I saw Alex in the corner of my eye coming out of the bathroom. I jumped back and raised my arms in surrender. Stacey gave me an amused smirk. "What are you doing?" She asked trying to hide her laughter. I sighed. "Alex is going to kill me." At this she laughed. "Why?" She asked and Alex answered. "She kicked my manhood." He huffed and Stacey busted out laughing.

He glared at us. "Your safe now Char but you better sleep with one eye open." He said threateningly and I flinched. He left the hall and I dragged Stacey by the wrist up to my room. "Quick before he changes his mind." I said quickly. She chuckled and followed me up the staircase.


"Just come out already. I still have to do your makeup and Noah's going to be here in like 15 minutes." Stacey yelled through my closet door. I sighed and came out of my walk-in. She gawked at me and I groaned. "Is it really that bad? I mean I know I'm no supermodel but I thought I could at least pull of this dress." I said exasperated. She shook her head and pulled me to my full length mirror.

I matched her expression. I looked... beautiful. Stacey had curly my hair and tied it into and elegant side bun, with a few curls coming out here and there. The dress that I decided on was a royal blue strapless cocktail dress. The front of the dress rested on my upper thigh and the back was a puddle train that ended floor length. The material is a chiffon and silk like satin. The bodice is ruffled and lined with handmade beading.

I couldn't actually believe that this is me. Who is this person? Where is the shy nerdy Charlotte?

I continued to admire my outfit and Stacey rummaged through my shoe collection trying to find a pair of shoes to match. She emerged from the closet holding a pair of silver YSL heals. The were a perfect match. I slipped them on and took a seat in front of my vanity so Stacey could do my makeup.

After my makeup was done I grabbed a silver clutch and stuffed it with my phone, emergency money and makeup. The doorbell rang and Stacey and I walked to the front door. My heart was beating abnormally fast. I was nervous.

Why am I nervous? It's not a real date or anything it's all fake. It's not even a date I'm just trying to convince Noah's parents than he has a girlfriend.

No matter how hard I tried to reassure myself I was still panicked. I mean, I am going to be presented to Noah's family as his girlfriend and I can't make a fool of myself and mess things up for Noah. I have to be calm, cool and collected or else Noah will stop helping me. And I need his help to win.

"You look nice." I turned to the living room where the voice came from. It was Alex. I smiled at him. "Thanks." He shrugged. "Don't get used to it." I laughed. He just ruined our moment. We were totally having a moment and he being Alex ruined it with a stupid comment. I shook my head and followed Stacey to the door.

I opened the door and Noah's jaw dropped. I giggled and took this time to look him over. He was wearing a black tux with a royal blue tie to match my dress and his hair was gelled and styled into a stylish hair do. I smiled at him. "You ready?" I asked smugly at his star struck reaction. "Well I'm going to go" said Stacey. I forgot she was there. I smiled and hugged her. "Thanks for the help. See you on Monday!" I chirped and she smiled. "Have fun you too." And with that she left. "Ok. Lets go. The church starts in 20 minutes and it takes 15 to get there." Said Noah and I nodded following him to his car.

When we were sat in the car I turned on the radio to a random station and one of my favourite songs started playing through the car speakers. I bounced around to the popular song and Noah laughed at me. I blushed and he started on the route to the church. "You look really nice Charlotte." I smiled. "Thanks so do you."


After the church we drove to the reception. It was at the Mohawk River country club. I remember my parents talking about getting a membership for this place. It has several venues for weddings and such and heaps of different rooms where the weddings were held. We had to go to the Rose room.

We made our way to the Rose room and walked through the double glass doors that lead to the foyer. Noah pushed them open and we looked at the board with the seating chart. We were on table 17 with all of Noah's other cousins. Also know as the kids table. I chuckled at the thought and followed Noah into the actual hall.

My jaw dropped as I marvelled at the place. It was beautiful. There were tables set up around a huge dance floor. Each table had an amazing centrepiece. It was a tall vase with crystals hanging out and inside was water and beautiful white flowers. The tables were elegantly set with expensive china.

There were people everywhere, talking, sitting at their tables, children running around the humongous dance floor and people mingling around the bar and drinking. The was a DJ at the front of everything on the dance floor and the most magnificent cake I have ever seen in front of the bridal party's long table.

Noah laughed at my star-stuck expression and dragged me to table 17. There we a total of 6 seats. Two reserved for Noah and I and the other four were occupied by 3 boys and 1 girl. To of the boys looked exactly the same. They were obviously twins. They both had brown hair and green eyes. They looked about a year younger from Noah and I. The other boy looked to be in college and he also had brown hair but his eyes were the same brown as Noah's. Lastly the girl looked to be my age and she had light brown hair that was it an elegant up do.

"Hey guys this is Charlotte my girlfriend. Charlotte these are my cousins. Chris the oldest, he's in college-" He gestured towards the boy with the same eyes as him and he offered me a kind smile, which I returned. So I was right he is in college. "These are the twins Mark and Jake. They are two years below us." They both waved simultaneously and I waved back. When you look close enough you can see that Mark has a scar on his left cheek. That's how I'm going to tell them apart! "And this is Olivia, Chris's sister and she's our age." He finished the introduction and I smiled at Olivia who beamed at me.

"Oh my God! It's so nice to meet you Charlotte!" She stood up and gave me a hug and I laughed. She seemed like a very genuine and nice person. Something I wasn't used to. "You too." She smiled. "Here you can sit next to me." I nodded and took the seat next to her and Noah took the seat to my right.

"So your Noah's girlfriend?" She asked and I suddenly felt bad for lying. Then it dawned on me. I'd be lying to his whole family. What if they wanted me to come over or something? Oh God.

I looked over to Noah and he nodded. I looked back to Olivia who was waiting expectantly for me to answer. "Yes." I said simply. She smiled.

"We are going to be the best of friends I can tell. By the way you look beautiful." I blushed. "Thanks." She waved a hand as of to say its no big deal. "No problem."

"You don't go to Lockwood, do you?" I asked. She shook her head. "No, too much drama. I go to Lakeview." I nodded. We kept chatting for a few minutes, all of us, the boys included when Noah stood up and dragged me to meet his mum who had just walked in.

"Mum!" The lady turned around. She had the same brown eyes as Noah and the same facial features. She was pretty. She smiled at me. "So is this the girlfriend?" She asked and I smiled at her. "Yes ma'am. I'm Charlotte." I introduced. She grinned at me. "Nice to meet you Charlotte. You look beautiful. And please call me Laurel." I nodded. "It's nice to meet you too Laurel." She nodded. "We'll you kids have fun."

"Come on let's dance!" Noah said enthusiastically when his mother had left and I laughed and nodded. Even though it was still early the dance floor was packed and pounding with life. We jumped around to 'Wake me up' by Avicii. We danced for a few more songs until the waiters started to serve dinner.

We took our seats back at the table where everyone had started eating. "So Charlotte, how did you and Noah meet?" Asked Olivia. I smiled at her. I've prepared for this question. "Well at school obviously. We are health partners and when we met we just, clicked." I said and turned to gaze into Noah's eyes who was trying to hold back a laugh. He covering it up with a cough and I almost lost it and was about to start laughing too but Chris distracted me from doing that.

"So what kind of things are you into?" He asked obviously trying to get to know a little bit about me.

"Uh... well I love fashion." He nodded. "So would you, base your carrier around fashion?" He asked. "Well, I mean my mum is a fashion designer so I have connections, so yeah I think I will. But just not the designing and sewing stuff. I'd probably chop my fingers off." The table laughed and I smiled.

Olivia and I talked a lot after that mostly about girl stuff while the boys talked about God knows what. Olivia is actually really cool. She's genuinely a nice person and really fun to be around. I just met her yet I feel like I've know her my whole life. We've already made plans to go to a party next Friday. I can't believe I made another new friend. I guess things really are looking op for me.

After dinner and talking to Olivia, Noah and I danced some more. It was getting really hot and I needed some fresh air.

"I'll be back." I yelled over the music to Noah and he nodded. I squeezed through the people dancing to 'Girlfriend' by Icona Pop. I walked into the foyer and out the double doors. I took a deep breath and breathed in the fresh air. But it wasn't that fresh I could smell cigarette smoke. Gross. Should've thought the smokers would be out here.

I rounded a corner trying to get away from the smell when I heard someone speak.

"Princess?" I stood there frozen. Who is the only person that calls me princess? I turned my head and was shocked at what I saw. Wow he really is a stalker.

"Logan?" I asked shocked to see him yet again. And to add to my shocked state he was smoking a cigarette.

"You smoke?" I asked in disbelief. He shrugged. "Occasionally." He said nonchalantly. I stared at him wide eyed.

"Smoking kills you, you know that right?" I asked. He sighed. "We're all gonna die some day." He had a point, but still.

"Doesn't mean your supposed to speed up the process." I counted. He groaned. "What are you doing here?" He said trying to change the subject. I could see he really didn't want to talk about the smoking or death anymore.

I shrugged. "I needed some fresh air." I said cooly. He shook his head. "I mean here at the country club?" He clarified. "Oh it's Noah's cousins wedding. How bout you?" I asked and he shrugged. "Grandparents vow renal or some shit like that." I nodded. "So you and Noah are getting pretty serious huh?" He asked randomly.

I smirked. "I guess. Why?" He shrugged. "I just think that you deserve better." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

Excuse me rewind. Did I just hear him correctly? Did Logan Parks just tell me that Noah West wasn't good enough for me? Who did he think was good enough? Him? The one thats trying to get me to fall for him so he can win a stupid game? I don't think so.

"Oh really? And who do you think I deserve? You?" I scoffed. And he turned to face me a look of hurt evident in his eyes. I slowly regretted what I said and was about to take it back when I remembered the game. It was an act.

'It's just an act Charlotte. Dont fall for it!' My subconscious was yelling from the back of my head. But it was so hard to listen. Logan deserves an Oscar award for his acting skills. Damn him.

"You don't think so?" He asked. I shook my head and he took a step closer to me. But I didn't move, I stood my ground. I didn't want to end up, up against a wall trapped by Logan again. If you recall the movie theatre scene.

"And why is that?" He asked sounding genuinely curious. I scoffed. "Your kidding right?" He shook his head and I heaved a heavy sigh. "Logan, I could never be with someone like you. All you care about is yourself. You play stupid games and- and" I stammered. I don't know what else to say.

He threw his cigarette on the ground and stomped on it and looked up at me.

"Come on. What else you got?" He challenged which made me to red with rage. "Your a fucking relentless asshole. And I hate every part of your existence and I wish I never met you!" Now his face matched my rage but I didn't stop there. Oh god no. "You think the world revolves around you, Logan Parks, well guess what sorry to burst your bubble but it doesn't. And I bet all of those supposed friends that you surround yourself with would all agree."

I can't believe I'm saying all of this. And to his face! What is wrong with me? Who am I? This isn't the Charlotte Buckley I know. The Charlotte Buckley I know was to shy to ask the teacher for a bathroom pass. What am I turning into?

If we were in a cartoon Logan would have smoke coming out of his ears that's how angry he was. "And you think your any better?!" He shouted. "Look at you. You are just as bad as me. If not worse. Did you hear what you were saying not moments ago?" I stood there stunned. He just said I was worse than he was. That's not true. Is it?

'Well you are bribing Noah to help you win a game that'll cause pain and hurt to the loser.' My subconscious said obnoxiously.

Oh my God! I am as bad as Logan.

"Logan, I-I- I'm sorry. I can't believe I said that to you. Even if you did deserve it. It still wasn't fair for me to explode on you like that." He looked over my face for any signs that I was playing him. But I wasn't I was genuinely sorry. Even if this is just an act and he is trying to get me to fall for him, I'm still doing the exact same thing. So I can't be a hypocrite.

He sighed. "Look, I'm sorry too. But I should get back in there my mum will freak when she realises I'm gone." I sighed. "Yeah I should get back too." I turned around and went back into the reception. How the hell am I supposed to win now when he's seen that side of me? He's never going to fall for me after that stunt. Great I just fucked things up big time.

"Hey princess! Wait!" I turned around and Logan was smirking at me. "Your hot when your angry." I blushed and frowned at him. "See you on Monday." He winked at me and with that he pushed past me and went back into the reception.

What the fuck just happened?! One minute we're about ready to kill each other and the next he's calling me hot. Boys. Who know what the fuck goes on in their perverted, boyish minds.

I walked back into the reception and the party was stating to slow down. I found Noah and we made the rounds and said bye to people. I made sure to give Olivia my number and she was coming over next Friday night so we could go to a party that one of her friends was hosting.

"Come on let's go." Said Noah and he led me to his car.


Noah dropped me off at my house. "Thanks for doing this Charlotte. It really helped." Noah thanked me and I smiled. "No problem. It was fun and at least now I'm not indebted to you." He chuckled and we said our goodbyes.

It's close to midnight so I tiptoed quietly up the drive so I don't wake any of the neighbours. I noticed my parents cars in the driveway. They must've just got home. They always come home late. I hardly see them anymore. I sighed and trudged up to the front door.

I unlocked the door and stepped inside. "Charlotte? Is that you?" My mother called from the living room. "Yea mum." I replied. "Come hear for a moment I want to tell you something." I groaned in annoyance but still went into the living room despite my tiredness. "Honey you look beautiful. Did you have fun?" She asked and I nodded to tired to talk.

"Well that's good. So anyway I hope you didn't have plans for tomorrow because the four of us are going to the club for dinner tomorrow night." I furrowed my eyebrows. "What club?" I asked. "The Mohawk River country club." She replied and I almost laughed at the irony of the situation.

"Your father and I ran into our old friends the Parks there today when we were getting our membership. Apparently they are members too and we have arranged to have dinner with them tomorrow night." She said and I nodded. What she said hadn't fully processed into my brain but when it did I shot up from my slouching position in the doorway.

"The Parks? As in the New York socialites and their son, Logan Parks?" I asked hesitantly. She nodded enthusiastically. "So you know him?" She asked excitedly. "All to well." I said exasperated but she didn't notice my sarcasm.

"Oh that is wonderful because our family's will be spending a lot of time together. Maybe even a few holidays." My breath caught in my throat. Holidays? Oh my God. I could only handle so much of Logan. To much and all hell will break loose. I'm in deep shit.


After my usual bedtime routine I layed in my bed and read the latest Cosmo magazine.

How amazing would it be if one day I worked for Cosmo? It's one if my dreams to work at a fashion magazine and to work for one as amazing as Cosmo would be a dram come true!

My phone interrupted my day dreams when it buzzed and I looked at the message.

Logan: I guess I'll c u 2morrow. Looking 4ward 2 it ;)

I groaned. How did he even get my number? Oh right he's Logan Parks. And what he wants he gets. Including me. Well at least that's what he thinks.

I quickly typed a reply.

Charlotte: The feeling isn't mutual.

I debated whether or not to put a devil face but decided against it. I need to stay on his good side. Even if that text practically screams 'I hate you'. Whatever I could care less at this point.

My phone buzzed again and I groaned.

Logan: you'll come around. ;)

Charlotte: Ha! In ur dreams!

Logan: Oh, u r. ;) Goodnight <3

I didn't bother giving him the satisfaction of another text and just turned off my phone and mentally prepared myself for tomorrow.

Lets hope I can get through this with the least amount of drama as possible. Oh, who am I kidding?! I'm Charlotte Buckley, I'm a magnet when it comes to drama. It's drawn to me.


Sorry again got the long wait! Hope you liked the chapter though. And as an apology for the long wait I made this chapter a little longer by combining 2 chapters. Hope you liked it but I expect lots of comments and votes!!

Not sure when the next update will be. Hopefully soon! :D xoxo





Jessica <3 xoxo

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