
By AlyssSwan

69 1 1

Cassidy Wilson ran away from everything she ever knew, her parents, siblings, home. Accepting Dr. Wilshire's... More


69 1 1
By AlyssSwan

     London was, in short, dreary. The city gave off a sense of lifelessness that was unappealing to any American's spirit, but for Cass it was a comfort. The dull air provided no unwanted encouragement to force a smile, and the people were to busy to notice her.

     She was nearing Saint Maria's Cathedral, and the splendor of the dawn splashing against the marbled temple took her breath away. So much so that she couldn't even focus on the turmoil she was sure to face upon entering. A multitude of obstacles stood in the way of her getting through the initial meeting without embarrassing herself. And if that wasn't enough, she was going to meet everyone looking like a drowned rat.

     She pulled the muffs down more securely over her ears; her own hair, although thick, could never offer enough protection against the howling English wind and the biting cold. The stereotypical British weather had definitely come to play. Even inside the church every splinter of rain could be heard shattering against the stone. The echoes were so loud that she almost, almost, didn't hear the footsteps behind her. 

     Although Cass had never met the man she was supposed to be meeting tonight in person, she knew exactly who he was. Dr. Coop Wilshire was one of the most revered anthropologist in the world. His likeness had been pasted on countless journals and his all of his books were international bets sellers. 

     It was one of her many dreams to work with him, even if anthropology wasn't her area of expertise. She shivered in anticipation of everything she would get to study, all of the information she would be able to compact into her brain. Just the thought was exhilarating.

     "Cassidy Wilson," Dr. Wilshire uttered, something akin to affection in his eyes and a smile tugging at his lips. "We've been expecting you for some time now, and I'm afraid you'll have to join us now." Without giving her time to respond he walked down to the hall to the others, and by the time Cass had retrieved her composure he was halfway down the hall, believing in just how well she could find her way not if, but when, she got lost.

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