Ashes to Ashes


34 3 3

A WIP for certain. Testing to see what you all think of this. Pieces of chapters that may or may not be a maj... More



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The brown-haired young man bit his lip, looking for all the world's like a lost puppy then. He clearly wasn't happy to have Angel see this side of him.

To let Angel be hurt this way.

But that didn't explain why he was doing this. Why he was fooling around with this... this guy that Angel had never heard of. They had been friends nearly all their eighteen years, and this.... lover of his had never been a thing. Never been mentioned.

Not once.

Angel stared at the two, tears pooling at the corners of his eyes. I've been lead on, he thought bitterly. His eyes narrowed, and his tears blurred his vision for a moment. He wiped them away with a sleeve, and took a step back. He couldn't even begin to speak.... His throat had closed and his heart ached with each beat at the sight laid out before him...

Drugged as the others may have made him, he knew this was no hallucination.

Before him lay two males entangled in each other, leaning against the wall and half hidden in Theros's friend's black trenchcoat. They're about to go and fuck, was the first thought that crossed the Hispanic blond's mind.

A tear rolled down his cheek. Then another.

Theros seemed to see this, and pulled out of his deer-in-the-headlights look, a look of concern crossing his face. He made a move to get away from the other man, but he was refused.

The young man that was so horribly involved with Theros, was a sight to behold as admirable as Theros himself -- if Angel cared enough to praise his appearance. He had long light brown hair that fell around the length his breast. It fell straight and in whips here and there, as it was slightly toussled, but was painfully perfect.

His complexion was fair, and when he moved to grab Theros's wrist, Angel saw his skin was lightly tanned. Even in the lower light, it was evident that he, like Theros, was flawless in design. And it only hit him harder when the horrible young man's eyes flashed towards Angel, casting a look of distain for him in those flint-like narrow yellow eyes.

This male, whom he didn't even know the name of, was looking at him as if he were a worm.

"Come on, Theros... That boy is nothing to compared to who you are.... to who we are -- or have you forgotten that so quickly?" The cattish voice came from Theros's shoulder, where the male now stood. He was considerably shorter than Theros, but tall enough to set his chin on the other's shoulder.

Angel stared at the two, still dumbstruck. He sniffles, unable to avoid his own tears as they came freely. He felt cold -- not from any spirits that came through this odd pocket of space, not even from the cool night breeze -- but chilled from... this.

Theros looked back at his shorter partner, a longing look in his blue eyes. But his gaze hardened and his jaw clenched, and the darker brunette pulled away from his partner. "No... he's not anything compared to us...." He growled, and the smaller shrank back some but cast Angel another glare, before meeting Theros's gaze needily. Before he could speak, Theros spoke out again, voice a low hiss. "And he will never be how we are -- or were. But that's why I'm drawn to him. He's not like us, and he's--"

"Not like the others~?" The yellow eyed male drew his thin lips up in a smile. "You've said that over and over again, Theros... but that's the thing. He's just like others. The only difference is that you are his."

"I believe that those chains of responsibility for him have twisted you, Theros... but I'd never fall like that... especially with you in the same lot as the rest of us this time!" The male dropped his smirk for a deadly glare sent towards the blond, and let go of Theros's arm. As Theros shuffled to block the other off, Angel flinched, dropping to the floor with a bout of fever and chills -- a terrifying mix that hit him like a wall.

Though the pain and sudden illness that burned through him, Angel heard a faint shout. And then he blacked out.

His eyes were blurred by fresh tears as he awoke, curled tightly in his sleeping bag. He was so frustrated that the muscles around his eyes hurt from his expression.

Eyes closed and stinging, he sobbed into his hands. He could barely recognize his own voice like this.

When was the last time he had cried like this?

He shuddered, and another foreign sob ripped through his clenched teeth. A warm hand fell on each of his shoulders, rubbing them. They worked to loosen his muscles, and at first Angel resisted.

But he couldn't resist forever. And as always, curiosity killed the cat. He looked up and behind him, gaze meeting Theros's. Like this, their faces were close enough to kiss if Theros would move just a fraction. But even if he did, Angel wouldn't kiss back...

He was too angry. He turned quickly away, face red and eyes stinging with more tears as he watched them roll down his cheeks.

"You're terrible, Theros...."

No answer.

"You lied to me -- who is that? He's disgusting!" Angel's voice rose and cracked. He burst into another shaking sob, and was further massaged until it had passed.


The feel of his back being loosened by strong hands.

Theros's undecided attention. But no answers. Angel let out an exasperated breath and pushed himself to sit up. A hand forced him back down on his pillows and sleeping bag with a thick pomf. Angel glared up at Theros.

The rest of the group was long gone, he saw from around Theros. He was glad for that.... but still.

Theros looked at him, face unreadable for a long time. It softened, turning to something like resigned grief. "That was Wick. Wick White. That's how you'd know him...."

Angel recognized the name, to his shock. His face twisted in confusion. That was the name of a popular model and trap porn star that went to their school the year before. He had graduated a year early...

"So you follow trap-stars around now?.... What the hell was he talking about? About you guys, and all that, huh?"

Theros shook his head. "N-no... it's deeper than that."

"You've....?!" Angel was disgusted now. As far as he knew, Theros was still a virgin. He had said not even a ducking week ago that he was saving it for somebody special.

Some why to Angel's relief, Theros' s eyes widened and he turned a dark red. "No!-- If I had, you'd be the first to know!"

"How so?!" Angel nearly shrieked, but instead, he growled as he thrust himself back up, sitting fave to face with the love of his life. The man whom had betrayed him, it seemed. "I'm apparently the last to know you were in with Mr. HOT-Stuff!"

"That's because it was never a thing. Not in this lifetime." His lips twitched, and his dark brows lowered. He looked Angel in the eyes, however, and continued quietly."Not since I was given to you. To put it simply, I'm your Guardian Angel... but I've fallen for you." Theros paused, eyes shutting as he drew a shaking breath, and pulled Angel into him, arms wrapping around the blond in a protective hug.

Into his ear, Theros whispered the rest of his answer. " And you'd be the first to know, because I'd lose it to you...."

"Then... then who is Wick to you...?" Angel felt a little guilty along... but he had to know. Theros saying all this... it would sound crazy to any other person. But to himself, Angel knew it to be the truth, somehow.

The brunette shifted, holding Angel tighter. "He.... he's also an Angel. Not a Guardian Angel, though. He wasn't given a human to keep watch for...To me, he is one of my other halves. "

"Us Angels, some of us share names and duties with another of our kind. Our souls are linked, and w... we are somehow fated to one another. I'm called the Angel of Summer Equinox. My Primary Fated Partner is also the Angel of Summer Equinox... but is also the Angel of South Winds. Now, that Angel's other half, also carries this double name as Angel of Summer Equinox and South Winds..."

"And because of that link, he is also your other half." Angel paused as he said this, before shaking his head sympathetically. "It's so complicated... and it sounds like that.... that bond of fate with him is so distant."

"As distant as it might seem, he's as close with me as my Primary, or First Partner is. He just happens to be the closest to me at the moment," Theros muttered, shifting back to look at Angel. The blond nodded. He didn't like it, but he understood vaguely. Enough to grasp the situation... but it was a lot to digest, even for one so open minded as he was.

His love for Astrology, Mythology, and Theology took up a whole knew meaning now...

The blond sighed. "Are we alone...?"

Theros nodded.

"Then let me... let me say two things. Fuck you and your whole race of Angels.....And I love you and thank you."

"That's three things," Theros corrected softly, a fire dancing in his blue eyes.


The brunette, more gorgeous than anything he'd ever seen, and especially this other other half of Theros's, blushed and smiled sheepishly.

"Apologize," Angel prompted playfully, his own blue eyes flickering with laughter that was barely withheld. Theros looked thoughtful for a moment, then replied, "Can I kiss you while I apologize to you, my human?"

Angel giggled a bit, but nodded. Immediately after that, Theros pulled his head close. For a moment, they stared at each other like this, foreheads pressed together, both paintings slightly in anticipation. And then Theros' s eyes half kissed, and he pressed their lips together.

That was the last thing Angel saw as he closed his own eyes: the sky-blue voids of Theros's eyes, and the blush on the Guardian Angel's cheeks.

"I'm sorry, my special human..."he heard the words vaguely as they were breathed on his lips, and the blond's pale lashes fluttered for a moment, before he was pulled into a deeper kiss that sent his head spinning more than it had been a moment ago.

When they broke off, he was breathless, and had to hold onto Theros for support as he caught his breath. "Apology accepted...hh..." he painted softly, holding himself to Theros as tightly as he could.

Theros pulled him into his chest, and Angel became vaguely aware that the others fingers were running through his hair. "Hey... so I've always wondered.... why did you chose me...?... p-por qué?"

Theros paused, and tilted Angel's face up to meet his. "Don't you worry, child... See, Heaven's got a plan for you..."

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