
By saddepressing

8.1K 844 850

In which Luke was dating a girl named Daisy who had depression, he couldn't take it until he broke up with he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 > currently editing
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 > currently editing
Chapter 13 > currently editing
Chapter 14 > currently editing
Chapter 15 > currently editing
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 > currently editing
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 > currently editing
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Important !!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 22

166 12 21
By saddepressing

Daisys pov.

"Why the fuck!"

"This is all your fault!"

"No, yours!"

"Fuck you!"

Calum and I yelled in unison to each other angrily after getting out of the school building. We were off the hook today since it was a bad day, so he let us go.

"I don't want to go to a fucking camp, especially with you mini slut!" He growled, as I gave him the middle finger.

"I'll have you know, I'm taller than you." I snapped, as he laughed like an idiot.

"Man I was gonna go to the bar this weekend!" Calum said angrily, kicking the dirt rocks while walking.

"Your under 18??!" I said confusingly, as he glanced my way with a glare.

"Yeah well I have my ways you bitch."

"Go fuck a duck." I blurted out.

"I'd be glad too, considering it's not you." He said before rolling his eyes with a stupid grin, and walking the opposite way from where I was walking.

As I was walking to my car to drive home, I drove to go get some McDonald's since I was really hungry for 3 cheeseburgers, and large fries,

I know right I'm fat, too bad that doesn't stop me from eating. Like I always say im on a diet, but then next thing you know im eating 3 burritos from a taco truck, and hella junk.

When I went to the drive thru, I took my time and got my order I wanted.

All I thought about was the camping trip Mr. Joseph was talking about, he wanted Calum and I too go... Why? Why me? If he knows how I feel why would he put me in this kind of situation.

Calum and I barely even know each other and we already got into big trouble? It's all his fault for choosing me as his stupid Science partner! I can't believe im saying this but i'd rather choose Collin then Calum.

I wonder why he did that anyway, I mean why would he choose me if all he is going to do is whine? Something is up, and I intend to find out.

As I was driving home already, I decided to pick out a movie like Mean Girls since the 2nd one sucked fucking ass. It's basically the same as the 1st one but different characters, and is worse.

Right when I was putting on the movie, my doorbell rang making me jump off my couch with a gasp.

"Fucking shit." I mumbled, walking over to the door.

I peeked through the whole seeing a familiar white boy standing in front of my door.

And I know what your thinking, you think it's Luke but it isn't cause if it was, I wouldn't even answer my door.

As I opened the door I groaned saying, "If your not the pizza guy I-"

"Taylor!?" I gasped in excited shock, cutting myself off as his eyebrows were raised.

Right before I was going to say something, he picked me up twirling me around making me giggle.

"I missed you so much oh my gosh!" He said happily.

"I did too come in." I grinned making him look around my house.

"Damn, it's been a year and your still living in this house." He smiled, glancing over at me as I went through my cabinets to get a water bottle for him if he wanted one.

"Of course Taylor, you helped me find this house. I couldn't thank you enough." I smiled, making him do also.

"Anytime Daisy, I can't believe I've known you since we were young when we were internet friends, remember that?" He giggled making me gasp in embarrassment.

If your wondering who's Taylor, he used to be one of my best friends on the Internet, we met on Instagram and decided to just talk. We got to know each other when we were like in 6th grade, he would tell me nice things on the Internet that he would want to meet me one day since we lived in the same country, but I always thought he would think I'm hideous and would want to stop texting me forever.

But finally he saw me at the movies once, and said I was the most prettiest girl he has ever seen. He would always make me feel better and text me paragraphs when I felt down.

"And you would tell me that you would be scared to see me in person." He giggled, making me ignore the stupid memories I had.

"Haha, so since I came to visit mind me staying over for a sleepover?" He asked.

"Sure anytime, I have an extra room anyways."

"Yeah, and uh this Sunday there is going to be a fair next to the mall if you want to come with me and my friends?" He asked, typing away on his phone.

"I'll try if I have money, but if I do get to go can I invite my friends?" I smiled as he nodded.

"Sure we can have like this big group to go with." We laughed unison.

Taylor was a blonde, who was very tall and dressed like he was part of a gang kind of, but he was still good looking with his green eyes and his polite attitude in front of girls.



It was night, Taylor and I watching the walking dead on Netflix.

"God those zombies are nasty." He said cringing, making me giggle.

But right when I was going to respond to him, my phone began to rang.

"Hold on." I said to Taylor, as all he was doing was watching the tv while shoving his mouth with popcorn.

I looked at the caller ID and it said, Fuckboy #1

It was Calum, why the hell would he be calling me at 10:45 at night, I decided to just decline the call, as my phone began to ring again when I was about to go back to the living room.

I growled at how much Calum was calling me, I declined the call again, giving him a text.

To Calum: Why the fuck do you keep calling me

From Calum: I'm at a party and someone was supposed to take me home after getting waisted but someone took my car

To Calum: What!

From Calum; Yeah and I want McDonalfs

To Calum: I'm not picking you up, you can walk

From Calum: please it's cold to walk and very dangros

To Calum: you mean dangerous

From Calum: Yeah that word, okay fine I'll walk, but what you doing?

To Calum: I'm watching the walking dead with my friend WBU?

From Calum: OMGGG

To Calum: What????

From Calum: my crush texted me lol

To Calum: Really? You have a crush!? Who is it

From Calum: Her name's Melanie I think

To Calum: You think? Oh gosh Calum your extra drunk

From Calum: She's texting me oh dang she's so cute

To Calum: Cool is that all you wanted to text me about

From Calum: No I wanted to say hiiiiii

To Calum: Hey

From Calum: Lol wud

To Calum: I already told you what I'm doing, what are you doing???

From Calum: texting

To Calum: fun

From Calum: Right always fun when I'm texting you

I took a look at his message, very confused on why he would send that. I didn't even bother to open that message I just turned off my phone going back with Taylor to watch the walking dead.

Calum is just drunk that's all, he doesn't even know what the fuck he's saying. Someone took his car and he's walking home, I feel bad now.

I would pick him up but I don't want to leave Taylor home and plus I'm too lazy to drive, and Calum is nothing but a man whore who has two legs and he can walk his ass home.

I'm still really worried about going to the camp with him, it's going to be the worst week ever. All he's going to do is pull pranks with his guy friends and make fun of me.

But thank god there is going to be tents for girls, and the other for boys. I guess the camp is for the teenagers who hate each other and it's supposed to help them get along.

But I doubt it's going to help Calum and I get along.

"So who was on the phone?" Taylor spat out, still eating his popcorn.

"Oh just some random number that accidentally called me." I lied, him nodding his head.


Ding dong

My doorbell rang, making me jump off of my bed with my heart racing.

I tried walking over to my phone in the dark, to check what time it was and it was 3:00 in the morning.

Who is knocking on my door now?! I groaned turning on my light, and walking downstairs with a bat just in case it was someone bad.

I did the usual, peek the whole too see a lazy boy who looks asian but actually isn't.

I growled, opening my door with a glare staring at Calum, as he had a corona in his hand, and blood on his nose, and a black eye.

I set down the bat aside, giving a look of confusion.

"Daisy..." He mumbles, wobbling over with his eyes looking like there about to sleep.

"Calum what the hell!" I said with a small yell, pulling his arm to lay him in my couch.

"What's wrong?" Calum asked me, looking worried as I furrowed my eyebrows.

I instantly went to my bathroom and grabbed a first aid I had under the sink running over to Calum.

"I can ask the same thing." I sighed, opening the first aid to see bandaids, cotton balls, and some wipes and alcohol.

He giggled, scratching his nose, making the blood smear around his top lip.

"Calum what happened!?" I said, with a worried tone but I didn't care.

"I got beat up, no biggy, I'm happy now." He smiled putting his hand on my cheek making me shove it off.

"Why the fuck-

"Cause im here." He made a cheesy grin cutting me off, making myself cringe.

"Weirdo." I mumbled, grabbing the wipe and dabbing it onto his nose so the blood would come off.

"Ow." He groaned, squeezing my thigh making me jump.

"What the fuck Calum, stop touching me!" I said angrily, hoping Taylor wouldn't hear from upstairs.

"I can't help it." He said, moving everywhere, me trying to keep him still.

"I'm sorry Calum if im hurting you but this seems really bad." I said as he mumbled something under his breath but I didn't want to bother asking what he said cause he was drunk anyways.

After applying the bandaid on his nose, I caught a large scar on his forehead, blood leaking.

I gasped, quickly grabbing a small towel from my bathroom and a bandaid ready.

"Oh my gosh Calum your really hurt." I said putting the bandaid on his head.

"I'm tired, sleep next to me." He mumbled, under the couch pillows as I disgustedly groaned.

"I have my own bed Calum, you go home." I demanded.


"Okay fine, since your drunk you can sleep here, but only on the couch."

"Alright, good night flower!"

I giggled at his basic nickname he gave me, I ignored him and locked the door skipping upstairs seeing Taylor coming out of the bathroom.

"Who's downstairs? You woke me up." Taylor grunted, giving a small yawn.

"My bad, it's just my frie- someone from school came here drunk and I let him stay over and told him to leave in the morning." I stated, cutting myself off.

"So you just let someone from school stay and sleep here?" He asked, looking quite confused.

"Yeah pft.. Is that bad?" I nervously laughed, pretending to scratch the back of my neck.

"I guess not for you." He shrugged, walking back into his room, as I sighed leading the direction to my bed and turning off the lamp.


Finally it being morning from the light flashing my eyes when I'm opening them, a shadow was in front of me.

"Morning, Daisy." I'm guessing Taylor said, releasing the blanket from my chest as I gasped.

"Oh my gawd, give me that I'm freezing." I groaned, pulling the blanket quickly cuddling with it.

"So your just going to spend your Saturday at home sleeping?" He giggled.

"What time is it?" I whispered for no reason, as he blurted out, "2:34pm."

"Well maybe I want too." I groaned, but finally realizing Calum slept over.

I opened my eyes instantly, jumping off my bed, skipping downstairs.


I cut myself off, finally seeing Calum already left since he wasn't on the couch, and my door was open.

I shoved the door close, and made a yawn while boiling water to make myself some coffee.

"So are you planning to go anywhere today?" Taylor said, walking down the stairs.

"I don't think so, nobody invites me anywhere." I said with a frown crossing my hands over my chest.

"Well your lucky cause I was wondering if you wanted to come to the mall today with my friends and I?" He asked, with a proud grin.

"But we're going to the fair tomorrow?!" I said confusingly,

"So? We can hang out today, and tomorrow." He said.

"Will there be only guy, friends of yours?"


"Well than im inviting one of my friends, I don't want to just be around guys." I shrugged pulling my phone out to text Melody and Alexa.

"Fine, my time to flirt with one of them." He snickered, making me stop and stare at him for a while.

"Fuckboy." I muttered, putting the phone to my ear, waiting for Alexa to answer my call.


After sliding my white vans on, I skipped downstairs to see Alexa and Melody giggling with Taylor.

"I'm ready." I said, as they all looked over at me nodding there heads.

"So are we meeting your friends there or something?" I asked Taylor, getting inside his car.

"Yup, and I think one of them is your type." He spat out.

"Why do you think that?" I asked, with a grin as he got in the drivers seat.

"I just think."

After finally stopping at the gas station, we were at the mall a few minutes later.

"Why don't we just go to the fair right now." I said pointing, where the Fair was.

"Tomorrow, we can go at night." He sighed, parking his car.

"So where are we meeting your friends?" Alexa asked Taylor as we all got out of the car.

"In the Starbucks place." He added, us three nodded.

When we opened the doors to head inside, the fresh cold air hit me, making a shiver go through my spine, people surround at stores, and some children.

Since the Starbucks was right there, we passed inside the glass door to see a group of guys on a large table.

"Hey yo guys!" Taylor yelled, making all the boys turn around just to let my jaw drop.

"Taylor!!" They all yelled running over to us, my heart pumping so fast my cheeks began to heat up.

One of them were Zander.

And the worst of all, one of them was Ashton Irwin.

And some other guys I didn't know.

Zander and the guys began doing some handshakes with Taylor, then beginning to shake Alexa's and Melody's hands.

My eyes widened largely, I turned the other way hoping Zander or Ashton won't see me, even though I bet Zander didn't know I existed.

"Hey." The familiar voice, belong to Ashton grabbed my hand making me instantly turn to face him.

A grin was on his face, but quickly fading to a deadpanned look.

I gulped, as he continued shaking my hand, and quickly released not even paying attention to me.

He crammed his hands into his pockets, giving me a glance licking his lips.

"Hey, I'm Zander." Zander popped up next to me, holding his hand out with a grin so I shaked his.

"I'm D-Daisy." I stuttered,

I'm so retarded

"Hey! You look familiar? Do you go to-

"Yeah, I have science with you, and ela, and math.." I said awkwardly, as he raised his eyebrows, also cramming his hands into his pockets looking down.

"Sorry about that." He said slowly, backing up next to his other friends, Ashton snickering.

"Not a problem." I quickly spat out, turning to hand shake his other friends.

Of course it was a problem, I knew him for years and he still doesn't recognize me.

I was literally so shocked, by the moment I found out Taylor was friends with Zander and Ashton. I mean, why Ashton?

Ashton needs to get the fuck out of my life.

"We should go to Victoria's Secret, I really need some new bra's." Melody spat out, quietly too Alexa and I.

"I do too." Alexa and I said in unison.

So we told the guys we would talk to them later, that we're going to go get some underwear's and bras.

"I assumed you didn't need any, I thought you would use some like training bra's maybe." Ashton blurted out, making his friends laugh, and Zander smile, glancing over to me.

I couldn't help, but hold in my angerness and clench my fist. This boy really wanted to be punched in the face.

But considering it was true that I had no breasts, it really didn't offend me.

"Fuck you." I whispered, making sure no one heard me, as I looked away so none of them saw my face of embarrassment.


"So, do you have a boyfriend?" One of Taylor's friends moved up to Alexa, I'm guessing named Edward said.

"No but I want one." Alexa sighed, looking down.

"Well than it's your lucky day." He smirked, making Melody and I cringe and snicker at the same time.

"No thanks." She said seeming very disgusted, heading up quickly next to me.

"Fine your ugly anywa-

Before Edward could finish his sentence, Taylor shut him off.

"Sorry, Edward has a large mouth he can fit 5 dicks in it." Zander spat out, glancing over at me with a snicker and a grin.

I couldn't help but laugh, and my stomach filled with butterflies after him grinning at me. It was so embarrassing how my cheeks just turned a bright red.

"Your blushing." Melody whispered next to me, making me jump a little.

"No I'm not, it's just got in here." I mumbled, pretending to fan myself.

"Save it Daisy, you like him." Alexa smirked, besides Melody.

"Who?" I pretended to sound like I didn't even know who the heck they were talking about.

"The one with the blue eyes, and blackish hair." Melody smirked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Zander, you like Zander." Alexa said in utter amazement.

"Maybe I do..." I grinned proudly, glancing over at him to see him giggling with the guys.


So hey guy that was it for chapter 22, sorry it sucked oh my gosh );

Anyways I have been reading the book skinny, and I love it so much I cried when Luke died that's really sad.... But besides that, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

What did you think of Zander and his old memory about the girl killing herself?

What do you think about Taylor?

Stay tuned for chapter 23, Calum will be popping out in the fair!

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