The Bad Boy I Once Knew | G...

By dreamyxdolans

294K 7K 5K

"Adriana, I've never stopped liking you after these 3 years... Not even. I never stopped loving you..." he st... More

Before you read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
New fanfic up!

Chapter 18

7.6K 162 77
By dreamyxdolans

I woke up the next morning with the bright sunlight shining in my eyes. I stretched a little, and I guess that caused Grayson to wake up cause he had his arm sorta wrapped around me. I heard him groan, and say, "Good morning princess," in a raspy voice that sounded 10 times more attractive.

"Morning," I said yawning, and stretching a little bit more. I then leaned over to grab my phone from the nightstand, and I noticed it was almost 9 o'clock. I suddenly felt my stomach hurting and grumbling, indicating that I was hungry. "Let's get food," I said.

"I'm too tired," he replied with his face in the pillow. "And I just wanna sleep here with you." I giggled.

"But I'm starving, and I can't fall back asleep if I am," I said laughing a little, and all he did was groan into the pillow. I then thought of something to get him up. "If you come get breakfast with me, I'll give you a kiss afterwards." I smirked, and his head shot right up. I started laughing, and he said, "Okay, I'm up." I then started getting out of bed, along with Grayson.

I headed over to my suitcase, picking out some clothes to wear for the day. "I'm gunna head in the shower, if you wanna join me," I heard Grayson say, and I knew he had a smirk across his face. "I'm good for now," I told him, laughing. I heard him say, "Okay," and he shut the bathroom door afterwards. I then changed into shorts, a white flowy tank top, along with my black converse. I didn't go full out on my makeup, and I only did mascara and some lipgloss. For my hair, I just put it in a ponytail. I then sprayed some perfume on myself, and put on the necklace and bracelet Grayson got me. I soon headed for my phone, calling Julia.

As the line was ringing, the bathroom door swung open, revealing Grayson coming out with a towel around his waist. I gave him a quick glance, taking a peek at his toned abs. He smirked irresponsibly towards me before I turned around, and I felt my insides get that feeling from his appearance. All I wanted to do just then was attack him with kisses. "I didn't ask for a wake up call," I heard Julia say on the other line, breaking me away from my thoughts. I started laughing. "I'm sorry, I was just calling to see if you were up," I told her.

"I am now thanks to you," she said in a grumpy tone, and I laughed once again. "Well Gray and I heading downstairs for breakfast soon, so yeah, get ready!" I said before ending the call. "Are you changed?" I asked Grayson.

"Yeah," I heard him say, and I turned around to seeing him pull a shirt over himself. "Where's my kiss now?" he asked, and I giggled. "I said after breakfast."

"Ugh," he groaned, and I giggled. We soon headed out of our room hand in hand, and headed downstairs to the room in the hotel where breakfast was being served. Once we entered, we both grabbed a plate, and piled it with a delicious breakfast food that was being served. We soon got a seat that would fit all of us, and as I took a bite from my waffle, Ethan, Julia, and Nate were coming into the room grabbing some food. They soon took a seat with us with their food, and we started talking. "What's on the agenda for today?" Nate asked.

"We should go sightseeing!" Julia said.

"Yeah! We should go to the Eiffel Tower!" I said a bit excitedly.

"Awe, you just ruined the surprise I had for you today," Grayson said pouting.

"Oh, I'm sorry babe," I said getting a bit less excited, cause I guess I ruined it. "It's okay," he said laughing, and I let out a sympathetic smile. We talked some more as we ate, and we all soon finished up our breakfast. We then decided on going to the jeep, and Grayson said where we're going is another surprise that I can't figure out. I sat in the front passengers seat with Grayson on the other side of me driving. We all started blasting music throughout the radio, singing along to the lyrics. The ride was also pretty long, and probably about 40 minutes.

As we got stuck in traffic, Grayson said, "We're here."

"In the middle of traffic?" I asked giggling. He laughed too, and said, "We're basically here, there's just traffic holding up." The traffic soon started to clear up, and Grayson drove a little more. As he did, he pulled up into a huge parking lot filled up with cars, and we passed by a sign that said 'Disneyland Paris'.

"We're at Disney?!" I asked a bit more excited. Everyone replied with a 'yup', and Grayson pulled into a parking spot. You could see the entrance, and even see some roller coasters around it. It made me even more thrilled about this day. We all got out, and I met Grayson on his side. I intertwined my fingers with his, and he said, "I still never got that kiss after breakfast."

I then leaned up to him, connecting my lips with his. I felt those sparks inside me as our lips touched, and I kissed him for a long 5 seconds. "Happy now?" I smirked and we both laughed. We all finally headed towards the entrance, and we all paid to get in. We then started walking around till we found a good ride to go on. We then found a Pirates of the Caribbean ride, and it was like a little roller coaster inside a small building that went through the Pirates of the Caribbean.

We waited in line, and after about a few minutes, it was our turn to go. We all got in a cart that was filled with some other people, and I sat in a row with Grayson and Ethan, while Julia and Nate sat in the back. The ride went pretty slow since it went through the story line, and it went through some bumps. But towards the end, there was a huge drop, and I held onto both Grayson and Ethan's hands since I was in the middle of them.

After we got off that ride, we were all laughing as we searched for another ride. The next ride we got in line for was called the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, which was a roller coaster. By the time it was our turn to get on, I got in a cart with Grayson and Julia, and I sat in between them. Behind us was Ethan and Nate together, and the ride soon began. The ride was slow at first since it went up a big hill, but I gripped onto Grayson's hand a lot tighter once it dropped. It then went fast, and it made me laugh throughout the whole ride. It was honestly so fun after we got off, and this day was already going perfect for me.


After hours of spending our time at Disneyland, we soon had hit all the rides during a minimal amount of time. The park was pretty smaller than the other ones in Florida and California. We went on all of the roller coasters and all the slower rides that were within the park.

It was now late in the afternoon, and we had left Disneyland. We were all at a restaurant in the sightseeing area of Paris, and we checked out all the monuments and other things before we headed into a restaurant. We had also shopped along the area, well mainly Julia and I. But we didn't shop a lot though, cause it was pretty expensive down here. While we were in the restaurant, we all ordered a French meal of course, and it was actually pretty good.

Once we finished paying the bill, we headed outside of the restaurant. Grayson grabbed a hold of my hand, and said, "It's time for that surprise you found out earlier."

I looked up at him, with him smiling down at me. "I'm still sorry about that," I said laughing. "It's alright. I still love you," he said laughing, and he pecked my lips for a few seconds. I pulled away smiling, and he did the same. It's just little kisses and things like that that make me go crazy about him. I just love him so much, and I'd have no idea what I'd do without him.

We all soon headed across the street that had the Eiffel Tower. I was honestly so excited to go on it, especially since not a lot of people from outside France get this chance. By the time we headed over there, there was a lot of people, and about a quarter of them recognized us. "It's Ethan and Grayson and Nate!" the fans chanted in their French accents.

More fans came up to us, hugging and taking pictures with the three of them in front of the tower. That left Julia and I to the side of them, and a couple of fans wanted to take pictures with the both of us. It still shocks me seeing their fans want pictures with me, cause I'm not even that famous at all. But I did take pictures with them, and they even wanted me in with the ones Grayson was taking with them.

After about another 20 minutes or so, the fans started to settle out, and that finally let us go on the Eiffel Tower. We all paid to get in, and we started at the entrance. "Ready?" Grayson asked me.

"Ready," I repeated with a smile, and he kissed my forehead. We locked fingers, and we started walking from the first set of stairs. I knew it was gunna be a long while to walk these flight of stairs, so hopefully I won't get too tired. It only took about 10-15 minutes to reach the first floor of the tower. We were also still high up, but not so much. We stopped to take some pictures, but we soon headed to the next flight of stairs to reach the second floor.

That took about another 10-15 minutes, and I was already feeling myself get a bit tired. We were even higher now than before, and I already felt myself get that feeling inside me from being so high up. As I was taking the last picture on my phone, Ethan and Grayson came over to us. "We just finished paying for the elevator." We were taking the elevator to reach the very top part of the tower, but I was a bit unsure of myself because of the height. Everyone else nodded, and we headed the start of the elevator.

By the time it was our turn to get on, we all piled in with a few other people. About a few minutes later, the elevator door opened, and we all got out. Our group headed over to the edge of the tower, taking even more pictures. As I stood over the edge, I looked down, which was probably the dumbest thing to do if your afraid of heights. I felt myself get a bit weak from being so high up, but I felt someone's hands on my arms. I jumped, and I felt the arms wrap around me. I then felt Grayson's face in my neck, kissing it a bit roughly, but yet passionately. It's literally the worst time to make me feel like that...

"Grayson," I said a big shaky. He pulled his face from my neck, saying, "Adriana."

"We're way too high up," I said, and he pulled away from me, but held onto my hand. "Are you scared?" he asked me.

"A bit," I said giving him a small smile. "Well don't worry," he told me, gripping my hand tighter. "Prince Charming right here is gunna protect you from falling." I smiled a bigger wider, knowing how he's gunna keep me safe. "Your gunna be fine if you stay by my side the whole time," he added with a smile.

"Prince Charming eh?" I asked with a smirk.

"Well you are my princes right? A princess needs its Prince Charming," he smirked back, and I laughed. I leaned up to connect our lips, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, with his hands resting on my waist and butt area. "Today's been perfect," I murmured as we pulled our lips away to take a breather.

"I'm glad you liked it princess," he replied, bringing his lips back onto mine. I never knew who would make me so happy in my life, which is always gunna be him.

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