When Stars Align

By Iukehernmings

77 4 4

"She glanced up at the sky and for a moment She could have sworn that She saw the stars aline to shape His sm... More

The Bookshop
In The Corner
Hush Up

Talking To The Moon

14 2 1
By Iukehernmings

[Chapter One]

 "I know you're somewhere out there/somewhere far away/I want you back/I want you back/My neighbors think I'm crazy/but they don't understand/you're all I had/ you're all I had." ~Bruno Mars, Talking To The Moon

*                       *                         *                          *

Later that evening, Drew sat up on the roof of her house, her blanket discarded beside her. The Moon illuminated the sky, dimming the twinkling light that the stars gave off. Tonight, however, was different from the other nights that she'd spent up here. This time, instead of just feeling content with watching the sky, Drew's mind was clouded with thoughts. She couldn't get that darned image of Mackenzie out of her mind. When she looked up at the stars, instead of seeing the usual constellations, she saw his eyes. Those brilliantly, vibrantly coloured eyes. And that bothered her, because he was just so damn annoying. But was he? Was he really as annoying as she perceived him to be, or was she just being rude because of all the feelings she'd kept bottled up for so long?

Bringing her knees up to her chest, Drew gazed up at the Moon. "What do you think?" she murmured, "Am I truly the one in the wrong?" For a moment, she could have sworn that she saw the moon smile. But obviously, that was just her imagination. The Man in the Moon was a myth, after all. Drew shook her head, "Niether of us are the problem." she decided, finally, " We're just different from each other. That's what is wrong, right?"

For an hour straight, Drew bickered with the Moon. But in all reality, she was bickering with herself. Every now and then she would think that she'd reached a conclusion, but then she would think of another reason why that conclusion was incorrect, which would cause another long conversation between herself and the "Moon". Finally she stopped speaking, and just sat there. In that moment, she ached for nothing more than to be with her mother. Surely, if she were here she would know what to do. She would know what to say. Those thoughts opened up old wounds, bringing fresh pain back to Drew's heart. Maybe she was in the wrong. Maybe she didn't like Mackenzie because she didn't trust him. Or maybe it was that she didn't trust herself.

[You may be wondering why Drew didn't trust herself, or maybe you're not. Either way I'm going to tell you. See, when Drew was 15, she had a boyfriend. Emphasis on had. About a year into their relationship, the boy wanted to take it a step farther, Drew didn't. That decision lead to a messy break up in which the boy laughed mercilessly and told her that he never truly loved her. Which in turn lead to some severe trust issues, eventually making her state of mind much worse. Does that make sence?]

As she climbed down from the roof and back into her bedroom, She decided that she was going to try to trust Mackenzie. No matter how hard it was or how much it hurt her, she was going to trust him. That is, if he ever wanted to talk to her again.

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