Fearless In The Eyes Of A Bea...

By wwepurplevixen

167K 4K 1.1K

Brock Lesnar is the Beast Incarnate who hasn't been with anyone since his divorce three years ago and doesn't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Q&A about Fearless Beasts!♥

Chapter 8

3.9K 90 18
By wwepurplevixen

"I want you inside of me so badly..." I whispered and he smirked before pushing into me slowly ..

I heard faint sounds of vibrations and I was confused as I slowly opened my eyes.

I sat up and my heart stopped as I saw Brock sitting at the edge of my bed with.. my purple..vibrator in his hand.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I meant to shout out but my voice croaked due to me just waking up.

I was mortified seeing him with it .

"How do you turn this shit off?" He chuckled as he turned it around.

I leaned forward and tried to snatch it from him but he immediately stood up and I glared at him while he was smirking.

"Give it to me!" I extended my hand.

"Why do you need it ? I mean I heard you moaning in your sleep I guess you need to get a proper ..."

"Shut up!" I could feel my cheeks heating up as I had been dreaming about him.

"Found it.." he chuckled and switched it off.

"Please just fucking give it!" I begged as I knew I would never live this down.

"No.. if Ambrose cant get the job done.. you could have just called me.. you know I can make you feel better than this crap"

"What so you can run away before you finish the job?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

I didn't understand why he was here as on Monday he had immediately left the car and disappeared before I even got inside and now here he was.

I could feel my body heating up when thinking about our short car ride but I immediately dismissed it.

"I saved you the humiliation Barbie!"

I stood up onto the bed which actually made me a bit taller than him.

"Brock.." He wasn't listening to me as his eyes trailed down my body and while I wore a baggy merch sweater of mine, my choice of underwear had been red lace .

I took his distraction as an opportunity and immediately jumped forward and gripped it but it was still in his hands . He chuckled and fought with me .

"Brock please..." I breath out while laughing as I couldn't believe this was actually happening to me.

"Fuck!" I heard him breathe out before I felt my back connect with the bed and my laughter stopped.

"If you wanted your shit all you had to do was ask Barbie"

He whispered and let go of it and while half of me wanted to kill him the other one became aware of how close his lips were to mine and his hand on my bare lower back as it had slipped underneath my top with the fall.

I leaned in to kiss him but pulled back.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered instead as I felt his hand graze over my behind slowly.

"Why does it matter you know you want me here .."

He whispered and he was right as I felt his hand slowly make its way to the front of my underwear and my breathing increased.

A moan escaped from me unintentionally as his fingers trailed back and forth above its waistband. He was teasing me as his eyes were on his fingers while mine were on him..

"Brock "I whispered as I felt his hand slip into my underwear and he stared down at me. I pulled on his top as I wanted to meet his lips but he immediately pushed his tongue past mine as he kissed me.

I pushed myself against his touch as I had on Monday except this time he could do more and he did as I felt two of his fingers enter me.

I could feel his manhood pressing against the side of my thigh and I wanted him so badly.

I gripped his hand even though I didn't want him to stop.

He broke the kiss and frowned at me but I pulled him onto me and his hand gripped my thigh instead as he pulled it over his back and moved against me causing his bulge to dig into my upper left thigh which was underneath him..

He looked me over and then kissed me again and I continued pushing against him wanting him to be inside me but it was like he was denying me for some reason.

I let my hands move to the front of his top and I pulled on the neck and immediately ripped it down the middle, I wanted him to know how badly I wanted him as I didn't care anymore.

My hands trailed down his body slowing making its way to his waistband but as I did his hands gripped mine and placed them above my head as he continued kissing me and teasing me as he grinded against me....

"Nicole!" I heard my sister's voice and I prayed it wasn't real.

I heard the banging on the door and Brock tensing but I tightened my leg on his back.

"Your sister" he mumbled in my lips.

"I don't care I want you inside of me!" As I said it he immediately stopped.

He gripped my thigh and pulled it off his back and stood up.

"If that's what you wanted then sorry cause that ain't happening Barbie" he discarded his shredded top onto the floor as I sat up.

I was meant to be the one in control but some how over these couple weeks it had changed.

He left the bedroom and made his way to the door and I heard him open it.

I walked to the bedroom door to listen as I didn't get why he opened it.

"Now I asked where she was.." I heard Brie's annoyed voice.

" Busy.. in fact I was just about to join her in the shower so can you leave?" He said calmly.

"Just tell her we're only working on Tuesday"

He nodded and then closed the door and made his way to me. I knew I would have questions to answer once I saw my sister on Tuesday.

"Where were we?" He pulled my waist towards him.

I pushed against his chest and walked away.

"I'm going to shower and I suggest you leave!" I slammed the bathroom door shut .

"Are you mad at me cause I won't sleep with you?" I heard him ask through the door but I ignored him and felt the hot water run over me.

"You're still here?" I snapped as I walked out in my gym clothes .

"Yes Nicole" He sighed. "Where are you going?"

"Why do you care?"

"You ran away from me every time I wanted to fuck you and now when I refuse to , you get pissed at me?"

"I ran away because..."

He didn't let me finish, "I don't have time for fucking games Nicole!"

"Games? You were the one who was in my room while I was sleeping.. you are the one who slipped his fingers.." I shook my head.

"The only one playing games here is you Brock and I would appreciate it if you stopped."

"Now why didn't you tell me to stop before your sister interrupted us?"

"Because I wanted you then but I don't now" I shrugged and I saw his face change a bit but he didn't allow me to see as he looked away.

"Answer me this.. I fuck you and then what? Dean comes waltzing in as your boyfriend while I'm just the guy you fucked? That isn't how things work with me.."

"So that's what changed.. you found out I had him"
I said mostly to myself.

Fucking Dean.

I wanted to just scream out that Dean was nothing more than a stupid friend but he was my stupid friend and I couldn't just sell him out to the Beast.

"Now why kiss me.. why .. touch me...why are you here?"

"I don't fucking know but I know its not to be second choice to Dean Ambrose .. and why am I here? I came to train you that's what I came for but every fucking time you have to make things difficult!"

"How am I making things difficult? Like I said you came into my .."

"By looking so fucking beautiful when you wake up! By looking at me like you are now when I am so fucking pissed I want to destroy this fucking suite! "

The beast just called me beautiful?

"Brock.. " I moved forward but he chuckled and it wasn't the one filled with happiness like before.

"You have a fucking boyfriend Nicole and I might be a lot of things but I don't use people just to get off"

"How can you say that to me? " That wasn't what I was doing.

He walked over to me as his glare slowly surfaced, "from the very first day you kissed me you knew you had Dean. You went from John to Dean pretty quickly and I wonder how it was so easy for you to do it when you claim to have loved him so much... You allowed me to.."

"To what?" I whispered but he sighed and turned away from me but turned back and I hated how cold his blue eyes seemed.

"I wont be fucking used, especially not by the leftovers of John Cena when even he didn't want the spoilt barbie!"

I fought back the tears as his words hurt me but I guess from his point of view that's exactly how it was.

I heard the smashing of glass as he had thrown the vase against the wall as he walked out.

I walked after him carefully stepping away from the glass and left the bedroom as he was about to leave my suite.

"Just let me explain!" I didn't care about Dean anymore. I didn't even care about how much he hurt me by bringing up John.

"Save it Barbie!"

He called back as he walked out shirtless due to me ripping his top .

I wanted to run after him but I saw Renee holding two cups of coffee giving way for him and then looking at me with her eyebrow raised and I knew I had some explaining to do.


So this chapter did a 360 pretty fast hey!

Nikki's purple vibrator! :/

Do you think Brock's outburst was right?

Thank you for reading and hope you liked it :)

Thank you for the votes :)

Please comment, I really want to know what you guys think of the chapters <3

Oh and I will be doing dedications in the next chapter ;)

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