The Violent.《Z.M》

By The_Monster_MK

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"You will keep struggling but at the end you will always be in my firm hold." All right reserved 2016©The_Mon... More

Chapter 1. South Part ?
Chapter 2 . Surprise !
Chapter 3. of course I know you.
Chapter 4. Going to be sold soon.
Chapter 5. Mother Natural decided to come.
Chapter 6. take a look.
Chapter 7. A soul should be set free.
Chapter 8. Blood.
Chapter 9. His Violent side.
Chapter 10. Good girls are bad girls.
Chapter 11. Nice shoes.
Chapter 12. Hateful thoughts.
Chapter 13. Unknown Past.
Chapter 14. Rough.
Chapter 15. It's Liam.
Chapter 16. Smoke.
Chapter 17. When Hell freezes over.
Chapter 18. Blind.
Chapter 19. Panic.
Chapter 20. Remember me?
Chapter 21. Even salt looks like sugar.
Chapter 22. Missed me?
Chapter 23. Welcome back.
Chapter 24. I need you.
Chapter 25. Eager enough.
Chapter 26. Him.
Chapter 27. What a coincidence.
Chapter 29. Numb.
T R A I L E R.
Chapter 30. Hitched.
Am actually alive
Chapter 31. Fool's paradise.
Chapter 32. Vexed.
Chapter 33. Lost.
Chapter 34. Cigarettes.
Chapter 35. Comfortable silence.

Chapter 28. Courage.

4.1K 190 99
By The_Monster_MK

Had to rewrite the chapter cause it was so short, enjoy.
If we could never go back, thought you would like to know that, he won't touch you like i would.

•Zayn's P.O.V.•

"I can't Zayn, i just can't do that!" Harry yells.

"Do you want to go to jail?!" I ask frustrated.

"N-No." He answers shakily.

"Then help me with dragging this body." I say trying to drag the dead body, damn she is so heavy.

He sighs and quickly take a hold of her arms lifting her up.

"Slave 1 is calling, answer or reject." My phone says vibrating in my pocket.

"Not the fucking good time Angelica." I murmur.

"Slave 1 is calli-"

"Answer." I say loudly while dragging the dead body, Harry gives me a confused look and i nod reassuring.

"Hello Master." She says through the phone.

"What do you want?" I say a bit harsher than i meant too but don't blame me.

"Uh- is everything okay? I mean today is the day were th-"

I interrupt her saying."I know what is today, You go help the orphans and come back before it gets dark."

"What about Annabelle?" She asked slowly.

"No way, she isn't leaving the south part."

"I promise master that she will behave, she won't try to run away again." She say.

I sigh and stop in my tracks.

"You know i am not in the good condition to discuss this, i am dragging a dead body while talking to you imagine how could it be hard to do both, so yeah if she ran away it will be your responsibility." I say angrily.

She half gasped at the information.

"A de-a what?" She ask.

"Have a good day Angelica, goodbye." I say quickly and end it.

I look at Harry who is giving me death glares.

"What?" I ask arching my brow.

"You just told her that there's someone have been murdered." He hiss.

"She knows everything, i trust her with my life. She won't say anything to anybody."

"Zayn Malik trust a woman? Oh my- is this the end of the world?" He asks scoffing.

I roll my eyes.

"We can talk later, now let's bury the body and hide it very well."

"We're in the middle of a forest, i can't imagine someone coming here but us." He says looking around.

I stopped and sighed.

I drop her legs and dust off my suit.

"My suit is ruined." I groan annoyed.

"Are you kidding me? Why are you acting so cold on this? Oh i forgot that you have been in this situation before." He says shaking his head, dropping her arms as well.

I know where is this going.

"Don't bring up the subject Styles." I warn.

"Why not Malik? You and i know that sooner or later you will get your ass into jail." He hiss.

"It's not the time for this bullshit Harry!" I half yell.

"You killed her and i know that you did it!" He raise his voice making me groan.

This is can't be happening.

"C'mon Harry let's finish this and bury-"

"You know what? You bury her, i am leaving." He says turning around.

"What the hell? You killed her and you expect me to bury her, it's not my business here mate." I shake my head.

He turn around looking at me smugly.

"Why, mate if you don't bury her i will call the police." He says smirking slightly.

"What would you tell them?" I ask furrowing my brows acting that i am worried.

"That you murdered her." He shrugs plastering a full smirk on his face.

"Oh well, i would tell them something too..." I trail off.

He frowns. "About what?"

"About you my friend."

"What about me?" He rolls his eyes.

I quietly chuckle.

"Did you forget that you have escaped the Mental therapy? You're a runner psycho, you should be there getting treated."

"You out all of the people knows that i am a one hundred percent sane person." He pointed his finger at me.

"You killed your slave Harry and you were murmuring that you didn't do it, you are a psycho and i guess you have to get back there." I say staring blankly at his face.

"You wouldn't report on me, you wouldn't betray your brother, would you?" He asks, a disappointed look on his face.

Of course you would. My inner devil whispers.

"Why, brother why wouldn't I?" I smirk.

"You are with them, aren't you?!" He shouts.

Okay now i am confused.

"Define them." I frown.

"The government?! They know that i am against them, i mean were, they wanted me to turn into a crazy person and now they sent you to get rid off of me? I can't believe this Zayn." He said shaking his head and pacing back and forth.

He really needed medicine.

"You are baffling Harry, i am not with anyone." I sigh.

"No! Am not, you are with them and you're going to kill me aren't you?!"

"Shi- get your self together Harry! I am not with them and yes i might report you because it's the right thing to do, you just killed someone and damn i am helping you hiding the crime so you won't get into jail! And oh my god i am so fucking confused rig-"


A shot came from the bushes and i screw my eyes shut and open it to see Harry looking at his chest, blood trickling from his wound on his chest.

Before him, someone i could never imagine to see holding the gun this time aiming to me, suddenly all my courage had disappeared.


Anna's P.O.V.

After sitting for god knows how many hours doing nothing in this crappy place, finally Angelica came back and sat beside me, looking so exhausted.

"You okay?" I ask bored.

"After playing with forty-three boy and girl, i think i am great." She sigh.

I roll my eyes and look at the opposite chair, i found a girl staring at me from up and down, she looks sad but she have a cute face and oh my god, this cheeks!

"You are so cute, can i pull your cheeks off?" I ask the little girl with a warming smile on my face.

Angelica gave me a weird look while the girl gave a terrified one.

"You are creepy." She whispers in her tiny voice.

So cute.

"And you're so beautiful, can i at least have a hug?" I ask with a hopeful look on my face.

She rolled her eyes and then patted her teddy bear.

"Do you think i could trust this woman belly?" She whisper to her teddy.

She stared at him for a while and then nodded.

I grin thinking that belly haven't said no and i can have my hug.

She looks at me with a smug smile.

"Belly thinks that you are a crazy woman and i should stay away from you." She said while sitting mr.belly beside her.

I narrow my eyes at her and her teddy.

"Your teddy bear is rude." I say matter-of-factly.

"Anna!" Angelica scold, poking my side.

"What?" I ask confused.

She gave me a look and i shut up immediately.

"We should get going." Angie say while standing up.

I frown. "But it's early, let's stay here for alittle while."

A little while as you think of a plan to run, right? My subconscious ask.

"We had given them all they wanted, they played with us an-"

"You have, i only stayed here staring at you." I interrupt, pouting.

"Kids don't love you i guess." She shrugged with a smile.

I groan childishly.

"You are so childish, grow up woman!" I hear a petit voice and i look beside Angelica.

I like this kid. My subconscious say.

I stare at her frowning while Angie laughs.

"How old are you?" I ask amazed.

"None of your business." She said giving me her back.

"No seriously how old are you?" I ask again, standing up.

She didn't answer.

She have a big brown eyes and black hair that is made in braids, she is wearing a white dress with blue flowers sketched on it.

"Let's go Anna." Angie say while gripping my arm.

"Okay," i say to her and stare at the little girl.

"Bye sweet cheeks and belly." I say waving at her, she gave me a blank look and rolled her eyes.

Am i really crazy? I ask myself.

If not taking this moment as your ONLY opportunity to run away and be free, then the answer is yes darling.

Why do you hate me that much?! I ask my subconscious.

I am you idiot! But more wiser, i can't hate my stupid self.

I scoff.

"What?" Angelica asks.

"What what?" I asked back confused.

"You just scoffed out of no where." She say, frowing.

No i was just having a battle with my inner self.

"Oh nothing, i just thought of something."

"Is it Zayn?" She asks, staring at the road for the bus.

I was so deep in thinking or talking to myself that i hadn't realized that we were already out of the orphans house.

"No, of course not!" I deny.

"Sure?" She ask narrowing her eyes.

"Yeah why would i be thinking of him?"

"I don't know." She shrug with a smile.

I shake my head annoyed.

"What time is it?" I ask changing the subject, why don't i have a watch or anything to know the time?

"Six thirty-five." She say, still looking at the road but she seems worried.

"What's wrong?" I ask frowning.

"I think we missed the bus."

"So? Can't we just call a cab?" I ask shrugging.

She gave me a " are you kidding me."look and i just shrug.

She sigh,

"Cabs aren't allowed in the South."


"Oh, why?" I ask.

"No one will ask for a cab, everyone in the South are rich they all have cars to drive." She say.

"You mean men, i recall that all the people that live in the South-"

"Why do you hate them?" She interrupt me asking.

"Because they are the reason that there's north and south, a place for men and women. Men are good but women are bad and useless but why can't we just live in peace? Like many years ago? No cause we're just a trash to them, sëx toys and nothing."

"Don't look at it in a negative way." She said shaking her head.

"A negative way? Where is the positive then? Tell me, cause i see no positive in the way we live." I say crossing my hand over my chest.

"There is always positive with the negative Anna, like we do live in shit but we still eat, look at that house we have gotten out just a minute ago, the kids are happy and they have a place where they can grow up, isn't this a positive thing?"

"After they get out of this house the boys will be the masters of the girls in there, oh yeah i can see the positive." I laugh sarcastically.

"You have got a mind made up of stone and i refuse to complete this conversation with you." She say before sitting on the bench near the sign of the bus stop.

I glare at her.

I do not have a mind made up of stone.

Yes you do.

Shut up!

I look around, the road is empty it's never that empty.

Not even a human walking around, no women buying things and the stores are closed, what is happening?

I look at the end of the road and i find two figures strolling our way, i narrow my eyes concentrating on their features.

I widen my eyes at them, Tyler and Niall.

"Annabelle!" Tyler say as soon as they reached us, he has a bandage on his nose.

I guess Zayn really broke his nose.

"Hello Tyler, i am sorry for your nose." I say examining it.

I grimace at the sight, it looks in such a bad state.

"Oh don't worry about it." He shrugs, grinning.

"He in matter o'factly is very happy that 'Zayn Malik' broke his nose." Niall say beside him, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Like yes, i have been dreaming of meeting him but guess what? I have met him and got punched by him!"

"You sound so ridiculous right now." Niall shake his head annoyed.

"Ahem." Someone clear his throat and i look behind me to find Angelica raising a questioning brow.

"Tyler and Niall this is Angelica, Angie this is Tyler and Niall." I introduce them to each other.

"Hello boys." Angelica say nodding at them.

"Hey." Niall say shortly, he tenses and looked to the ground.

I frown once again at his attitude.

"Hello, hot lady." Tyler say but coughs at the end.

Angelica looked at Niall weirdly.

"Hey Niall, what's wrong? Do you find the ground more acceptable than our faces?" I ask.

He snap his eyes towards my face.

"Well, if your face weren't ugly i wouldn't have to look down." He responds smirking.

Is he my enemy or something, what have i done to him?

I glare at him, oh he sure crossed the line.

"I would do the same but oh i have manners." I smile at him.

"Guys." Angie say from beside me gripping my forearm pulling me backwards.

"Manners? Who are you to speak about them?" He say raising his voice.

Tyler grip his arm and pulled him backwards, the same action that Angie is doing to me.

Are you two were born to fight each other?

"And who are you to ask about them?" I say, pulling my arm out of Angie's grasp.

He pushed Tyler away and took a huge step towards me so our faces are inches away.

He glares at me and i do the same.

"You are a bïtch, you know that?" He seethe.

"And you're a judging freak."

He scoff.

"Why all of sudden you turned against me?" I ask breathing heavily, my blood boiling.

I never understood why did he hate me after i revealed that my master is Zayn.


He knows Zayn personally.

I stare at him waiting for an answer.

Must say, he has got mouthwatering eyes. My subconscious remark.

And i mentally groan.

"Answer me!" I yell, impatiently.

"Why should i answer a whor-"

Before my mind can comply with what is happing or what i am doing and before he can complete his sentence, i found my fist in the air and colliding with his jaw.

"Don't you ever call me names, Asshòle!" I scream at his body laying infront of me.

Damn, i haven't expect this courage to fill me.

I had just punched a guy.

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