Things you should do in the H...

By 1Dluvahgirl1188

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Things you should do in the Hunger Games
PART 2 101-110

91- 100

65 4 2
By 1Dluvahgirl1188

91. Run around acting like a maniac, and act like living in the wild has changed your life.

92. Ask tributes who they think is (or was) the hottest person in the Hunger Games.

93. If you find a dead body stare at it and then laugh and go on laughing. "Haha he died. Pitiful human!"

94. Make a tribute your personal minion and make them do everything you tell them and if they don't or they mess something up, threaten to kill them.

95. Ask tributes annoying and stupid questions over and over so they kill themselves

96. Repeat everything a tribute says to annoy them.

97. If a tribute is gonna kill you, tell them your pregnant and that its their fault. (It works best if their the opposite gender then you tell them its their child! :P)

98. lay on the ground, and cover yourself with leaves and see if anyone notices you there.

99. Run up to a tribute if you have a squirrel and and they want it, shout in their face "This is my squirrel, there are many like it but this one is mine!!!"

100. WIN!!! (obviously)

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