The Hotel Room {Editing}

By AbbieCharmaine

16K 445 184

He's arrogant, she's not. He's a player, she's never been one. He's a party animal, she's not. He do... More

Chapter Two.
Chapter Three
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten.
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Tweleve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifthteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter One

1.9K 34 51
By AbbieCharmaine


I woke up with my head pounding after last nights antics. The girl who had accompanied me to bed had disappeared without a trace, only a note on the bedside table remained. If memory served correctly, it would be a note thanking me for last night. I reached over and picked it up, smiling to myself filled with pride as my eyes glazed over the note. 

To Dom,

Thank you for last night, it was honestly amazing. Sorry I had to rush off, but I had work and you weren't waking up. Here's my number, call me. We should definitely do this again.

~ Bethany.

Aha Bethany, that's her name.

I scrunched up the note and threw it, aiming for the trash can across the room. "Fuck yeah!" I cheered as it landed directly inside.

Sitting up from my comfy position and removing the duvet revealed my naked body. Once my eyes had adjusted to the light I then made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. The water streamed from the shower head with force as I turned the dial. Then stepped in and allowed the scorching water drench my sore, beaten body. 

My thoughts travelled back to the events of last night and the memories of the source of my pain came flooding back. On my return home with Bethany, my latest conquest, I wanted to be adventurous and daring. So in my drunken state I decided I would attempt parkour. Stupidly I jumped from the street onto my rather expensive Aventador and then plummeted to the floor as I missed the garage roof.  

I smiled at the reckless actions my drunken self attempted and enjoyed the memories. What never helped was my cheerleaders Drew and Glen - my best friends - encouraging me to do damage to myself. They would never do anything I had done themselves in fear of getting hurt and damaging their polished faces, not that any of us did not own the money to fix it if we did. We were all loaded, with little to no shame.

Our dads had all different occupations and yet were the best of friends, as were we all too. Glenn's dad worked in real estate, mine in finance and Drews dad was a plastic surgeon - a famous one too. We all had money in our pockets as long as we agreed to attend the functions and make appearances, but they had to be good ones to make them look good. If they were bad, our money would usually be cut for a month or so and with no jobs underneath our belts, that was always a struggle we did not need. 

Glen has been a victim of this and had been caught in a collision caused by speeding. He had managed to write-off a 1.2 million dollar car, it was not the most intelligent thing he had ever done, nor was it worth it when Mr Gates cut him off for six months and only a few weeks before his twenty first birthday. Luckily I did not get into trouble to that degree. Admittedly sleeping around sometimes sparked rumours but nothing else. 

I stepped out the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. My headache was partially gone, but I still swallowed two aspirin to have peace of mind it would go completely soon. As I made my way back to my room I heard someone knock on the door. Instead of getting dressed quickly I just answered it in my towel, figuring if they didn't like it they could just be on their way.

"Sup asshole." Glenn grinned smugly as I opened the door.

"How did you get past security?" I joked as I let him through.

"How did they not think you was committing murder up here last night is the question." He laughed as he plopped down on the couch, making himself at home as per usual. "Damn, that bitch could fucking scream!"

"Don't I know it, that explains why I woke up with a headache this morning." I groaned as I approached the fridge, scanning through empty shelves.

"Ohh, what you cooking me?" He asked, seeming to be serious.

"Jack shit." I chuckled. "I literally have fucking nothing." I told him as I eyed my fridge to see a carton of orange juice and a slice of mouldy cheese.
"Looks like you're taking me out."

"Fuck no, you always cost me too much." He bantered back.

"Because I'm worth it." I smirked and wondered into my room.

I opened my drawer and picked out my calvins. Then a blue t-shirt and some Levi's to match. After fumbling around in my top draw for some socks, I emerged from my room to find him eating a bag of hot Cheetos on the couch. "Where did you find those?" I questioned, curious.

"In your top cupboard. There's so much shit in there." He told me as he stuffed another one in his mouth.

"Let's go, you're making me hungry." I hurried him as I grabbed my leather jacket.

"Fine!" He huffed, then moved his lazy ass off the couch and followed me out the door.

We walked down the hall of the hotel to the elevator, then waited for it to arrive after pressing the button to call it. We only waited a few second before we heard a loud DING! And the door opened, revealing Drew looking like hell.

"What the Fuck happened to you." I laughed and Glenn joined me.

"What didn't happen more like." He groaned. "Stop fucking laughing! I have the worse migraine you could imagine!"

In retaliation to his request we began to laugh louder, which earned Glenn a hit. Drew looked as if he was contemplating hitting me, but he knew it wouldn't be his best choice seeing the size difference between us. He was quite small for a guy, only standing at just five feet eight inches. His height was his mother and his looks were his father. He had short cropped blonde hair, with a little two day old stubble on his face. His face was structured like a well built man, whereas his body wasn't. Not that much fat or muscle on him, just skin and bone. Yet how girls were still attracted to his stature was a mystery to me.

He wore a suit, that before was sleek and looked nice, it was now crinkled and looked like it had been dragged through mud. His hair was a messed, sticking out in all directions and his neck held hickeys from the front to back, with a lot of scratches near the marks.

"Did you get savaged or something?." I asked, inspecting his neck.

"Yes. By too girls, then I find out they're underage. Totally ruined my fucking night." He complained.

"So you didn't get any?" I wondered with a smile.

"No. But I know you sure as hell did. I could hear it until like five in the morning. Was you attacking her?"

"No." I laughed. "If anything I got attacked, you should see my back."

"Well I'm not surprised you're hurting, shame you didn't make that jump." Glenn piped up.

"Ha-ha. Not fucking funny." I said in my most unhumorous voice. "I could've landed that if I had another whiskey."

"You always say that and it's always bullshit." Drew said with a small chuckle.

"I don't know why you're laughing pervert." I shot at him as we exited the elevator.

He gave me a pissed off look which amused me at the fact my comment had hit a soft spot. Glenn laughed as both of us as we attempted to hurt each other's feelings, even though Drew knew he could never hurt me. So I don't get why he bothered trying still after all these years. He should just give up and get off on hitting Glens soft spots.

"Who's car we taking?" Drew asked, as he had now invited himself along to wherever we was going.

"Mine." Glenn offered.

"Fuck no." I erupted into laugher. "I'm sorry. I'd rather not die before I eat thanks. Take Drew with you, I'm taking my car." 

"What're you talking about! I'm not riding with him!" He refused as came closer to me.

"Guys it was one fucking time!" He argued. "My dad made me take more driving lessons since then, I'm fine."

"Still don't trust it." I shook my head and Drew agreed.

"Fine. Fuck you guys." He snapped and followed us outside.

The valet had already pulled up two of our cars, of course they had eaves dropped to know how many to get. But that didn't bother me so much. My silver Aston martin was parked in front of his blue Audi R8, which was his prize possession as was my car.

Me and Drew hopped into mine after discussing with Glenn where we were headed. Then I zoomed off, pressing my foot firmly on the peddle and racing Glenn to the entrance of the café. Drew looked worried as I sped down the roads and weaved through the cars effortlessly, whereas I loved it. I was an adrenaline junkie who loved speedy driving or anything that could get the adrenaline flowing.

"I think you should slow down." Drew advised as I ran my third light.

"Chill the fuck out, I'm only going 120." I laughed.

"You know we're on a fucking street right! This isn't the highway! People can run out at anytime!" He stressed.

"Don't worry, we're here." I told him as the car jolted when I stepped on the break.

His jolted forward and looked nauseous as he got out the car, followed by me.

"I'm riding with you next time." He told Glenn who arrived shortly after.

"Oh, so now you got a car with the adrenaline junkie now you wanna ride with me? Sorry. Offers gone. He's taking you home." Glenn gave a smug smile.

"No! Fuck that. I'll take the bus." He refused and we all laughed.

He joined us as we continued to laugh in the middle of the street. He would never take the bus and we knew it, neither would any of us. Public transport was never for us and would never be for us. I remembered back to when I took the subway as a kid, one time. It was the most horrible experience and scared me off public transport for life. A fight between two drunken men had broke out and carried on the whole ride. One of them, by accident, hit me. Which meant I arrived at my family dinner with a black eye and a crinkled suit. It wasn't a good experience and could never be classed as one.

"Let's head inside then." Glenn said as he rubbed his hands together.

We walked inside the building and sat down without having to wait in any queues. There never was any in this café, it was always quiet, that's why I liked it. There was no fuss of having to wait for a table, or someone to serve you. The service was amazing and the food was too. I had discovered it a couple years back when I first moved to Brooklyn. I had been exploring the streets when I began to get hungry and stumbled, literally, on this place as two people broke out into an argument involving rent. 

"Hey, what would you boys like?" The young waitress chirped as she reached our table.

We all told her our orders, then she asked for our drinks.

"Latte." I smiled. "Also your phone number." I added with a smirk.

"If you're lucky." She winked. "And what would you boys like?"

"Same as him." Glenn said with a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"Sorry, you're not my type." She shot him down in record timing. "And you?"

Glenn mumbled something under his breath about his bank account directed towards the young girl. As Drews eyes scanned the drinks menu.

"Expresso." He told her with a smile. "Thanks sweetheart."

"Don't call me that." She snapped.

"Fine, as you wish darling."

She huffed as she walked away, leaving me a nice view of her ass as she swayed her hips. The boys also noticed and decided to stare with me. Two girls from the table across looked at us in disgust, earning a wink from me.

"You're disgusting." The one with blue eyes scoffed.

"And you're gorgeous." I flirted.

"Thanks for the compliment, but it means nothing coming from a jackass like you." She shot back.

"You're just mad cause my attentions not on you." I said with some arrogance.

"Trust me, it's not that." She chuckled. "You seem like the guy I'd catch a disease off anyway." 

The boys laughed at her statement, earning a glare from me. Which surprisingly shut them up instantly.

"You seem like the kind of girl that would love me in bed." I smirked.

"Sorry, I don't like small dicks." She smiled.

"Don't worry, I don't like small boobs either." I winked and she seemed offended as she looked down her top.

She had no reply for what I said and began her conversation with her friend about how much of an asshole I was. I could almost hear her saying 'Can you believe that asshole!' As she turned to her friend.

Fucking bitch, I thought as the waitress brought over our drinks.

Throughout my meal I couldn't stop thinking about the blue-eyes beauty that sat across from us. Even though I thought she was an up-tight bitch, I did like her. She was feisty, and didn't care what she said which I liked. Maybe I'd have to pursue her if I ever saw her again.

Just maybe.

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