The story of Feyoncé(chayley...


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This is what really happened back at warped tour in 2007 when Paramore were touring with New Found Glory More

1 Baby are wo over now? Maybe I can change your mind!?
2 We are broken
3 When you swear it's all my fault
4 Bamboozle


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Short question before: who has a guess who the girl on the toilet was? If you know me it's obvious....

The concert was over pretty fast. During our set it started raining again. In general it rains pretty much this warped tour...

When we get off stage I see the zebra girl from the toilet standing there. She smiles at me and I hugged the guys before they go into the city to celebrate. Before I could realize the dark haired girl is standing on front of me. Her bangs are falling into her eyes and she somehow looks like someone just pulled her through the desert but her smile is warm and friendly.

"So.... you wanna talk?" She says soft. I just stand there not knowing what to do. I don't even know her or her name. So why should i tell her about me or what happened? "Oh sorry my fault... my name is Ash. Ashley Costello. I'm the singer of the band New years day. I am twenty two and actually pretty interested in helping people and making them feel good somehow.... also I went to the same school as Gwen Stefani isn't that cool?" Now I have to laugh. "So.... do you wanna tell me so I can maybe, help you?" I think for a moment. She doesn't know anything so if I tell her the facts she sees is how it is... and so she actually could help me... "okay?"I say unsure. She nods" but we shouldn't do this out here. Do you wanna go to your bus or should we go to mine?" I shrug. "Okay so we'll go to mine. Your guys can come back there every minute and I don't want them to interrupt out meeting."

"What about your band?" I ask unsure.

"Don't worry!" She winks.

I'm amazed. There actually still are nice people out there? That are friendly and don't want to ruin me? Wow I owe her something.

We move back to the catering place and pass our bus. Surprisingly the guys are already in there what means that they didn't even leave so she was right... also it's confusing because they were behind me.... a bit further down the parking road almost at the end she turns right and opens the door of a bus.

"Sorry guys I have a friend Over and we'll have some ladies talk. But I think they just delivered new food so maybe you can get us some chips or something for later. I'm starving." At first the boys look confused but then they actually get up and leave. "Thanks guys! Love you"

"we love you too queen ash" a blonde one says and takes a little bow.

"You're crazy" she mutters smiling and shaking her head while she leads me in the back lounge.

She motions me to sit down and I do as I am told.

"Want anything to eat, drink, drugs alcohol, any other illegal stuff?" She asks. I look at her shocked. "Sorry i was just kidding " she laughs. After a while she calms down.

"Did you really believe me?" I shrug unsure what to say.

"Okay just to clarify that: we don't have drugs or anything illegal. In fact I've never seen anything like that and wouldn't know where to get it. All we have is something to drink a few chips and maybe some beer or... i don't know... there should be a bit of alcohol somewhere..."
she knees down and disappears under the sink.

"I don't want alcohol to be honest...." I say quietly.

At this moment she pulls out a big bottle of Wodka .

"there you are! Oh... sorry.... of course you don't have to drink. Besides I wouldn't let you because I assume that you are still under aged and I don't wanna be put in jail... I just need that bottle for later so that the guys have something to drink. I'm always hiding it so if I have to kick them out of the bus again I got something in return..." she just shrugs and comes back to me after closing the door.

She sits down placing the bottle next to her. I think she's pretty funny. Totally hyperactive but still caring and loving. Also she's nice to everyone but still has her boys in control. The way she does all of this amazes me. How can you be like that without hurting anybody? And how can you be so strong? I wonder if...

"earth to hayley! Are you there?" Her fingers snapping in front of my face wild gesturing make me snap out of my thoughts.

"sorry" I whisper still somehow in my thoughts.

"It's okay " she beams. Seriously how can she be so happy!? "So..... what happened that is so bad that I find you crying on a toilet shortly before your show?" She lays her head to one side always looking at me.

I think about it all and almost start crying again. The letter in my pocket becomes heavy and it's as if it is on fire. Slowly but surely those written words burn their way into my leg.

"It's a long story..." I whisper. Trying not to cry.

"That's why we are here" she says soft - if it's possible even softer then before- and lays her hand on my leg patting it.

"So.... at bamboozle this year..."

"Everyone was pretty drunk? Yeah I heard of that.... it seems like the food was poisoned which I imagine to be pretty awful since everybody ended up being sick and throwing up.... must have been disgusting" I laugh.

"Yeah it ended kind of like that.... just... with everybody being drunk there were many things happening without the people knowing it was happening because they were drunk... so things happened that were wrong and totally should have never happened...."

"Oh... that sounds bad.... let me guess... something like that also happened to you?" I nod.


"Yeah... so actually I wasn't that drunk... just the alcohol that was in the food but then my boyfriend and maybe band mates but mostly my boyfriend started to somehow pour alcohol in my drinks. I only noticed the next day.... I don't remember much of that night... by now it's more than at the beginning but still... all I remember is waking up next to a- as I found out as soon as i realized who he is- married man who appears to be the husband of my best friend"

"Ouch... that's pretty bad..."

"That's only the beginning" I laugh. Not an happy but an frantical laugh. "As I found out later I lost my virginity to him - which I wanted to save for marriage- and we got caught by my boyfriend who got pretty pissed because he had agreed to wait... and then it happened.... but with another man..." I sigh. But she looked at me understanding with those always happy eyes that cheer you up no matter what.

"My best friend hasn't noticed yet... but now the guy is on warped too because of course he happens to also be in a band... everything was okay between bamboozle and warped but now it's not anymore... they are just playing selected dates but still... yesterday he gave me this" I hand her the letter "and since then my world is just spinning around. i don't know anything anymore I don't remember who I am anymore..." at this point I start crying because I am so desperate. It all is so confusing and it's freaking me out.

She looks up. Genuine. Comforting Me. "As much as I know you're hayley williams. Singer of paramore and one of the strongest women I know. Every girl in music looks up to you even older ones like me " she laughs weak at the though to have an idol that's younger than her what's actually pretty strange.

I blush at the thought and feel a bit better. I laugh though the tears "you're not that old are you?"

She smirks" normally as a women you don't talk about your age but I know that I can trust you.... I mean... actually I'm speaking to my idol so..." she laughs again. She just seems to realize what she's doing and somehow getting nervous but trying to hide it so I don't notice. " I'm 22"

"That's not that old" I say winking.

At this moment the bus door opens and the boys storm in "Ashley ash! We're late! We have to get to the signing now! It started 30 minutes ago!"

"Isn't it only 30 minutes of signing?" She answers calm as the boys enter the room breathlessly.

"Yes that's why we have to no now!" They scream and drag her out of the bus.

"Wait!" Ash calls and runs back in. She hands me the letter looks deeply into my eyes just whispering the words " follow your heart" and then while leaving the room "whenever you need it!" And then they were gone.

So that was it? I tell her my story and as soon as the boys come she's off with them? That's pretty nice. Of course signing is important. Especially for new bands like hers but still...

I sit in the bus. Confused. Not knowing what to do. Only when I fold the letter again to put it in my pocket again I see the words in beautiful handwriting: call me whenever you need. I'll be there sooner than you can say my name. I believe that you can do it. ♡Ash (A/N: This is supposed to be ash's crossed heart so like she always does it: drawing the heart and then striking it twice. Picture probably in the title. It's a tattoo but you know what I mean...) And i smile, knowing that I just made a really good friend.

A/N: hey guys! Yes it took longer than expected but here finally is another chapter. Actually it's pretty confusing writing both of my stories bc rn both of them include hayley and Ashley so I apologize for everything that doesn't make sense. So what do you guys think will happen? What did chad say? Why Is hayley so confused? Also another question: what do you think of my other book? I know there's only one chapter published but does anybody Even like the idea in general? Is there even somebody that likes them both: paramore And new years day? Would be nice to know... anyways love y'all! Greetings sparky! (This chapter is not edited so I apologize for every mistake)

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