"Listening to the Holy Spirit"

By FranzEvanz

26.6K 1.1K 125

Listening- -is a skill that you need to develop over time with practice. More

Hearing the Voice of God
Identifying Messages from the Holy Spirit
Grieving the Holy Spirit
Quenching the Holy Spirit
Speaking to God the first time
Flowing with the Holy Spirit
Ways in which God speaks to you
Journaling with your Experiences with God
How can I be sure it's from the Holy Spirit

Obeying the Holy Spirit

2.3K 66 4
By FranzEvanz

The single most important facet of successful Christian living is obeying the promptings of the Holy Spirit as and when they come. What may look trivial to you actually may have far reaching consequences. You must trust God that He won't harm you and He loves you so much that anything He says is for your benefit. It is easy to take advantage of the goodness and gentleness of the Holy Spirit. It looks like there are no consequences when you disobey but surely there will come a time when you wished you obeyed....

Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.- Luke 11:28

It is fine to check if what you are following is from the Holy Spirit. The Bible itself asks you to test everything, but once you are sure that it is God speaking to you. It is very important that you obey.

If you love me, you will obey what I command.-John 14:15

You must understand when the Holy Spirit asks to do something it is driven by a deep love for you, similarly you show you love for Jesus when you obey what He says. You are in open rebellion when you know God is talking to you but you just do nothing and walk away.


In 1985, The Holy Spirit spoke to a man of God and said, "Your car is very old; exchange it and purchase a strong Mercedes Benz car". Mercedes Benz cars were very expensive at the time.
He thought within himself that instead of borrowing a huge amount to purchase a Benz, He could continue using his old car and spend that money for God's ministry. He took the word as a suggestion; So he never put it into action. On 21.5.86, when he was travelling with his family in his old car, they met with an accident and the car was smashed into pieces! Alas! His 17 year old daughter, lost her life.


*It is important to be able to hear God, but even more important to obey him.
*Pray for strength and courage to immediately do whatever God asks you to do.
*God does not give you suggestions, he gives you instructions and following these instructions are in your best interest.

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