
By iamjanessaelliot

202K 7K 991

Sequel to Heart Under Construction. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 9
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 13

8.8K 283 46
By iamjanessaelliot

Alisha POV

I watched Ky's chest heave up and down slowly as he held onto me like he was scared that I was going to leave him...

He always slept so peacefully.

As I watched him sleep, my thoughts were freely bouncing around in my head.

Last night was just....

We made love.

Chills ran throughout my body, causing goosebumps to appear all over me just at the thought.

... I don't know how it happened with him being so injured in most parts of his body but it sure did. We naturally made sure we were careful... His body might be broke but he surely isn't.

The genuine connection and love was sooo built up and intense...

The best sex I've ever had.... And honestly, I wouldn't even call it sex because sex or even the term 'making love' doesn't even justify how we felt and exactly what we did last night.

Everything about it was just... My search for words to explain were cut off by a shiver at the thought again.

I guess he felt my sudden movement because he adjusted hisself to get comfortable again before he let out a calm, breath of relief.

He was so asleep while the cloudy, grey light from outside came into his bedroom window and displayed on his handsome face.

I smiled genuinely to myself as I ran my fingers soothingly over his bare soft skin, their were only a couple scrapes.

My smile slowly went away at the horrible thought coming back...

My heart became sore like how it familiarly used to be, before I confessed to Ky last night.

He needed help.

I wasn't talking about physically, I was talking about professional... Help.

He was in such a dark place that I was so steadily trying to pull him out of and assist him but he wasn't seeming to move.

Put it like this... He was reaching out for me, my hand was in his but he wasn't moving as I tried to guide him...

I know that it wouldn't be safe for his own life, if I let him stay in this depressed and 'unloved' state of mind 😔

It was going to get worse if he stayed this way and I won't let that happen anymore. It's my only job to make sure that he's happy and has everything that he needs emotionally, physically and sexually.

I absolutely hated to admit it but I couldn't help him beyond this point... This type of help was beyond me.

I was so... Disgustingly in love with him, and I know we both are extremely happy to start a new and improved life together but this mindset that he's trapped in, is everything except temporary.

I know I will be with him through anything that he needs me to be and even in the things that he doesn't need me to be.

My deep thoughts for the future were suddenly cut off by Ky scrunching up his eyebrows a couple times lightly, indicating he was waking up slowly.

My heart warmed up instantly as I continued to lovingly stare at Ky...

It had been such a long time since I seen him do that.

It was such a small thing but it meant a lot to me to be able witness little things like that again 😌

I was still processing how blessed I was to be able to finally have a man in my life that was handcrafted just for me 😌

I rubbed the side of my thumb, very softly over his hurt shoulder as he slowly breathed out of his deep slumber.

After a minute or two, he finally fully opened his beautiful eyes.

They were green, indicating that he was very emotional... I knew what all the shades of his eyes meant.

All of his changing eye color shades, changed depending on his mood or how he was feeling.

He lifted his head off of my torso for a small second while looking at my bare chest, as if he was processing that it was truly me and also the fact that it was real.

I smiled a little to myself at his reaction.

He than slowly looked up with his eyes adorably tired.

My smile got bigger at that.

I missed him so much 😩

He laid his head gently back on me, but more on my shoulder this time while he stared up at me.

I seen the sides of his mouth slightly curl up...

I lowered my head down and kissed his forehead lovingly for a couple of seconds.

When I lifted my face back up, his eyes were closed. I stared at him for a couple more seconds as he slowly opened his eyes back up.

"You need help" I whispered softly yet so seriously as I looked at my deeply saddened Ky.

He didn't say anything for awhile, he just moved his head back on my chest and looked out the window for a couple minutes.

He was blinking slowly and sadly.

".... I know" he replied quietly after a long time.

"I love you too much to watch you keep yourself this unhappy" I spoke with my voice cracking a couple times with my bottom lip quivering.

It broke my heart to see him like this.

He was at a war with himself.

Even more time went by this time before he spoke.

"Can I try to talk to you first... please?" He quietly begged me as he looked up at me with helpless eyes.

He was so scared...

He was scared of a lot of things but most of all, he was scared of hisself. His lonely mind was completely taking over him and he had no control over it nor could he stop it.

"Of course" I responded as I kissed the top of his head gently.

*Hours Later*

I sat there.

Across the couch from Ky, waiting for Ky to talk...

He was so, genuinely scared of how he truly felt that it was clear that he didn't want to come to terms with it.

It was going to be hard handle and we both knew that.

I was going to sit here and wait as long as it possibly took for him to prepare what he was going to say to me.

...We were in the living room of his apartment and we were gonna see how he was truly feeling.

I was watching him, waiting for him to speak when he suddenly bit his lip, clenched his jaw and placed one elbow on his good knee with the other arm propped up.

He began to cry... Hard.

I almost had a look of confusion at how fast he broke down.

I was caught off guard so it took me a second to process that he didn't even say anything... but than again, he didn't have to.

I know him too well.

I went over to crying Ky as he had his hands over his face, I crouched down infront of him... Inbetween his legs.

"Shhh" I softly soothed him as I gently removed his hands from his face before wrapping my arms around him.

His arms quickly stuck around me like magnets.

I held him and rubbed his back gently for awhile while rocking him slowly before I began to speak.

I knew exactly where all the pain and hurt was stored at inside him...

We already had this conversation a long time ago but we didn't have the talk like we should've because now it was overbearing his being as a whole.

I began to speak words of encouragement for awhile before I went straight to where his aching was at.

"You don't and never had to be a 'man' about absolutely everything Ky... You were just a little boy.... Those women were supposed to be there and stay... Not leave you wondering where they were, if you were loved or if your existence was a mistake" I began as I rubbed his back to calm him down.

I tried not to let myself get emotional but I felt it coming...

"You don't have to worry anymore about if a woman loves you or ever did because I.... love you" I spoke genuinely as I lifted my head up and looked into his crying eyes. While I looked in his eyes, tears slowly began to slip out of my eyes.

I managed to get myself together as I held his body again.

"We're holding onto the pain because it's all we have left... We don't have to though, we have a choice" I spoke truthfully with a sniff.

He cried his heart out at everything he's been through and been going through.

After all these years, he never showed his emotions about it. So after all this time, all the built up hurt and sadness that he had to deal with, came back and was taking over him.

I would be lying if I said I knew it was this bad.

I felt so bad about myself and the situation in general because I wasn't there for him 😔

I loved him so much that I didn't care how long his mental and emotional recovery was going to take, along with his physical recovery because l want him and I want him forever...

I will always be here and I promised him that already.

I kissed the side of his cheek carefully with tears rolling down my face slowly while he continued to cry into me...

Next Day

I kissed the top of Alisha's head as I closed my eyes.

She was taking a long nap after dealing with all the phone calls, cancellations and everything.

It made her tired by draining her emotionally and physically with all the calls and explaining that she had to do for everybody here, and especially in Texas.

She was staying.... Because of me.

My body shivered a little at the thought, I took in the moment with my baby as she slept on me.

She had her whole new life planned and ready to go completely... But left it all to stay here.

I now knew that I was where she belonged..

I never thought in a million years that we would be together like this but I quickly realized how blessed I was...

I also didn't think it was humanly possible to love somebody so much but now that I've experienced it firsthand and personally... I understand now.

And earlier when I broke down was just too much.

I knew I didn't even have to speak for her to understand and than when everything came rushing back to me... It was very overwhelming and frustrating to deal with.

I didn't care about anything but my future right now... And that was very much so Alisha.

I knew I needed real help this entire time but a part of me actually believed myself when I was telling everybody I was fine.

I must have said that phrase thousands of times but I knew now, that I didn't have to hide anything anymore.

I rubbed my fingers softly over her warm shoulders as she laid on me comfortably.

I pulled the blanket up a little more to cover up her shoulders completely.

I smiled to myself a little at how cute she was when she was asleep.

She had her arms and legs wrapped around me snugly as she snoozed heavily... I always loved it when she laid or slept on me. It makes me feel like a trusted comforter when she does.

I looked up from Alisha before looking back down and began thanking God a million times more for sending her back to me... 😌

He answered all of my prayers even though I lost myself for a seemingly really long time.

I didn't think I would get through it because I was reaching a breaking point but he sent me back to life by having her come back to me...

I knew for a fact that she wasn't lying when she said she was in love with me... I was just so hurt that it took SO long for her to come and literally save me from myself.

Everything made sense last night... And when we made real love for the first time.

I breathed out as I tried to stop the chills that were traveling all over my body.

All those times I tried and experimented to make love to her, was absolutely nothing compared to the passionate feelings, emotions and love that we shared physically with eachother last night.

The connection that we had was way more intense now.

I still have to process everything that we did and said last night because I never thought that I would be able to make love to somebody.

Even though my leg and arm is still messed up, I was still on cloud 9. I forgot about all my worries, sadness and disabilities in any type of form because I was simply with Alisha...

Nothing else mattered to me.

Last night was the best night of my whole life... Just by the events that happened, even without the physical part because let's not even get started on all the passionate and genuine love we made.

And speaking of my body, I'm so happy I didn't have physical therapy today... and even if I did, I would've missed it.

But than again, my baby would've made me go anyway.

I smiled big to myself at how she was really my baby now 😊

I can finally start to be happy again now with her by my side like how she was supposed to be this whole time.

And she wasn't by my side because of Monè... my mood quickly altered at the thought of her.

I wouldn't really call myself a "cheater" because I was just using Monè as a disguise of how my feelings were so truly hurt

I tried to replace Alisha with her and it clearly backfired.

So I don't know about anybody else but I wouldn't really consider myself a cheater... I mean would you if you were in my situation?

I haven't had time for all of my feelings and emotions to process yet so Alisha and I were both very overwhelmed emotionally right now with everything that happened, is happening and is going to happen.

Over the next couple of days, is when we're really going to be able to process and come to terms with how we feel.

So until than, I'm just going to sit here and hold my future snugly in my arms...

*That Night*

I woke up to Monè suddenly blowing my phone up.

Of course I talked to Alisha about her and the situation that needed to be handled.

Alisha and I both came to the agreement that we were going to have to tell her together what was going on this whole time.

We completely dreaded it but it was the last thing that held us back in a way, from being together fully.

We hopped in my car and headed over... Even though my leg and shoulder are both still badly injured, I still manage to do daily activities.

I pulled up to her apartment and parked. I took the keys out of the ignition and sat there for a minute.

Seconds later, I felt soft fingers entwining themselves into my tense ones.

"It's okay... I gotchu" I heard Alisha's soft comforting voice say to me.

I looked over at her to see a weak smile on her beautiful face that eased my thoughts.

I smiled a little to myself.

Seconds later, I looked back at her and puckered my lips out to her.

I was going to want her kisses a million times a day, everyday.

She smiled to herself for a second before I felt her soft lips pecking mine.

My stomach got all tingly as the spark took over my body at our connection when our lips touched.

I sucked my lips in slowly as I looked at her with lust for a second.

She was blushing hard and trying to remove the huge, pretty grin that plastered itself naturally on her face as she looked down at her lap.

I smiled as I continued to look at her.

She got sick of the feeling of her cheeks on fire before she looked up at me.

"Stoppp" she sang to me as she put her hands on her cheeks to try to stop her blushing.

I loved the effect that I had on her.

I chuckled to myself before I braced my body to climb out of the car.

Before I opened my door, I heard Alisha's door open and shut.

I shook my head at how she was getting out to help me.

She was such a caretaker and I loved that about her... She would make sure that you had what you needed and was good before herself without hesitation or even thinking about it.

I've always been super independent no matter what so it's hard for me to accept help even if I know I need it.

I opened my door, trying to get out before she got my crutches... She was too fast because she knew I was going to attempt to do this.

She sat the crutches against the backseat window as she wrapped her arms around my lower body, carefully trying to guide me out.

She gently made sure my left leg didn't get caught on the door as she guided my body out of the car.

I breathed out in relief at how she helped me... because I knew I needed it even though I didn't want to ask for it.

I stood up cautiously with her guidance before she handed me my crutches, putting them against my sides.

She than waited for me to head up.

I stared at her for a second before I laughed to myself a little.

"What?" She asked innocently with a small laugh.

I raised my head up before biting my lip a little.

"Nothin" I smiled to myself as we started to head up to Monè's apartment with me directing us...

*15 Minutes Later*

I breathed out in fatigue at the amount of seemingly never-ending stairs that I had to manage to go up.

I hunched over for a second to let my body adjust to the amount of consistent, tiring physical activity.

Alisha rubbed my back gently as I let the pain subside...

She was so patient with me.

"Okay let's go" I tiredly said seconds later.

We went to apartment C7 before I knocked.

We were ready to handle the business together.

The thick dark green apartment door opened up, revealing cheesing Monè as she looked at me.

My mood instantly became so negative and dark at the sight of her.

"Hey bab-" She stopped speaking along with her smiling until she looked at Alisha, who was standing next to me.

I breathed out quietly.

She looked at us for a couple minutes, observing, before she quietly told us to come inside.

We stepped inside and stood in the kitchen...

It was hard to think of what exactly we wanted to say.

I started to speak.

"Monè this whole time... I've been-" I started to stressfully explain but she cut me off.

"I already know" Monè said sadly as she studied us together.

"Your in love with her" she admitted to herself. "You have been this entire time... I know".

I was a little shocked and confused.

She continued to speak.

"I thought that you would eventually fall in love with me if we were together long enough but it clearly didn't happen" she said with a sad laugh as she looked down at her folded arms.

Even though she's the most negative, prissy and dramatic person I've ever met, I still managed to feel bad.

"The way you talked and looked at her, froze and tensed up when somebody said her name.... how could I, or anybody else even compete with that?'' She asked softly, looking up at us.

Now I felt bad a little bit.

I breathed out as I looked down for a second or two.

"Monè I'm sorry" I spoke to her... It was all I had to say.

She sniffed and looked up at us again.

"It's okay. If I can't be happy than I atleast want you to be happy" I heard her say.

It was like she was semi-lying. She had never said anything so positive to me before.

"I appreciate that, I really do" I added.

Alisha was going to speak but decided against it.

"You guys should get going, the traffic is going to be terrible if you don't get started early" she said trying to persuade us to leave.

We understood.

She hesitated but gave me a hug, I proceeded to give her a friendly hug before she turned towards Alisha.

She was extremely scared of her, especially after their numerous incidents.

Alisha felt bad but didn't at the same time for technically taking me away from her so she opened her arms warmly to her.

Monè gave her a hug without hesitation.

After a couple more words to her we left... After a long trip back down the stairs, we realized that we were finally free from any attachments.

Alisha grabbed and held my hand gently as we drove in a comfortable, at ease silence.

I pulled up and got out before doing the same tiring, stair activity.

We got back inside my apartment and I slowly headed to my bedroom on my crutches, leaving Alisha to close the door.

I needed to sit down and process everything...

I dropped my crutches and hopped on the bed with my one leg.

I breathed out deeply as I sat there.

We already announced our relationship to Shay and Carter and of course they was talking about "I told you so" and "How is the sex now that y'all aren't sexually frustrated anymore?" and "When will I be able to hold my niece or nephew?".

Their responses were harmless because they obviously really cared about us...

They went on and on because they were so excited for us and so happy that we were finally together.

We were going to tell everybody else tomorrow. We had a lot to deal with today...

I was sitting there for about 10 minutes before I heard footsteps coming towards me.

I looked up to see Alisha in her bra and panties, coming towards me.

I quickly snapped out of all of my thoughts as her sexy body came towards me.

She was walking slow with her eyes on me.

My complete attention was to her.

She got on the bed slowly as she looked in my eyes deeply.

I was in a trance with the woman I would forever be in love with... I didn't notice how close she was getting until she placed one of her knees on one side of my hip, before swinging the other leg over.... Straddling me.

I slowly wrapped my arms around her after gliding my fingertips against her as I let one of my hands travel around her soft skin like I used to always do.

She wrapped her arms slowly around my neck as she continued to withhold her thick stare in my eyes.

I could see her beautiful face through the glare of grey dark lights coming into my room... We could hear the wind and hard rain storming outside.

She leaned down slowly before I felt her lips slowly and passionately kissing mine.

My body tingled and goosebumps grew all over me as she kissed and touched me...

I tried not to smile as she kissed me because I was so genuinely happy to finally be with the woman I was in love with for so long...

Carter POV

I tried to concentrate on my work that I had to fill out for my school as I sat in the living room but I couldn't because Pookie was dancing around the kitchen in her Victoria's Secret nightgown so I couldn't concentrate... AT ALL.

She was harmless about it though. She didn't even know I was watching her.

I was in a even more happy mood after we got a very expected phone call from Ky and Alisha. We was super happy for them because now we was finally able to all officially start out adult lives together....

We are all very blessed 😌

I continued to watch Pookie.

As I looked at my beautiful fiancée.... I thought of how badly I wanted to make love to her. I couldn't wait to let us connect physically, emotional and spiritually...

I breathed out in relaxation when she sang another note slowly and gently.

As I watched her, the song slowly switched over.

She pranced around the kitchen as she cooked.

I admired her frame through the baby blue nightgown that went to the middle of her thighs as her big booty jiggled and bounced with almost every move.

I readjusted my body because I could feel myself getting hard.

Fuck 😩

I let out a deep, heavy breath when she raised her hands above her head as she stretched for a minute.

When she did that, it made the outline and beautiful curves of her body stand out.

I tried to refocus but I knew it wasn't gonna happen.

I looked down in my lap at all the papers before looking back up at her.

When I looked up at her, she was bent over the counter while playing with a bread tie as she waited for the food to cook.

I looked at the roundness of her ass and gripped my Hollister sweatpants as I felt my bare chest, start to slightly heave.

My thoughts, envisions and mind took over at that point...

I need atleast a kiss.

I stood up, knowing I was completely turned on and went over to her.

I wanted her... Badly.

I walked over to her without her noticing as she continued to sing little parts of the song.

I bit my lip in pure lust as I came up from behind her.

I pressed myself against her booty, letting her feel me before I put my hand on her chest to pull her body up.

I held her torso back against my chest as my hand still placed itself on her chest.

I began to suck helplessly on her neck... I couldn't even control myself to not touch her at the least and we both knew that.

I forsurely wasn't gonna do anything else but this... but I needed to be on her the way that I was.

I desired and wanted her so damn much all.... the.... fucking.... time.

She instantly moaned out helpless at the sudden contact that she and I both knew she didn't want to escape.

I knew I was about to leave multiple huge hickies but I couldn't care less and by the way she was moaning, she couldn't either.

I breathed hard as I sucked on my sexy fiancée's neck while my hands roamed her body.

She put her soft hand on one of mine as I slowly let them travel around her.

I breathed out before I turned her around. I quickly smashed my lips onto hers as the intense contact took over our bodies.

I bent down and placed my hands under her thighs before pulling up, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms tightly around my shoulders.

I glided my hands up her soft skin, up her nightgown and gripped her fat bare ass cheeks in my hands as I sat her down on the counter while standing inbetween her legs.

I kissed her slowly and passionately, letting our connection take over my mind and body.

I felt her hands on my chest and stomach, overloading my body with pressure and heat.

I let my hand travel up more, gliding over the soft material over her Victoria's Secret thong.... Over the small of her back.... Slowly up the natural arch in her back.

I felt the chills run all over her body as goosebumps appeared.

We both got way too into it so I needed to slow it down...

Just her soft, gentle touch had my body on full alert.

I needed to go 'relieve' myself because I was making sure... That our wedding night was going to be the night...

But until than, it was teasing central 😊

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