The Regretted Rejection

By mockingjay4610

402K 10.9K 1.2K

*PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS You Rejected Me, Now You Will Regret It* Yes, this is your classic rejection story. Th... More

Chapter 1:Running Away *EDITED*
Chapter 2:Meeting The White Moon Pack *EDITED*
Chapter 3:4 Years Later
Chapter 4:I'm Back And Better Than Ever
Chapter 5:Your Second Mate Is Who Now?
Chapter 6:There Goes My Fiance
Chapter 7:The Club Scene
Chapter 8:Help From The Kids
Chapter 9:The Date
Chapter 10:Highway Don't Care
Chapter 11:Do You Remember Me?
Chapter 12:Battle Of The Bands...Round 1
Chapter 13:Battle Of The Bands...Round 2
Chapter 14:Battle Of The Bands...FINAL ROUND!
Chapter 15:Concert Time! Wait...Xavier?!
Chapter 16:I Scream For Ice Cream
Chapter 17:I Hope You Can Forgive Me
Chapter 18: Jealousy
Chapter 19:Playing Two Truths And A Lie Leads To...
Chapter 20:The Morning After/Next Day
Chapter 21:Surprise
Chapter 23:Naming
Chapter 24:The Kids and The Parents
Chapter 25:Happy New Year!

Chapter 26:A Funeral

10.3K 204 34
By mockingjay4610

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in like forever. I just really don't know where this book is heading so I will continue with the fluffy chapters until I know what I'm doing. I just really hate this book because it's very... immature and cliche. I'm okay with cliche and I actually love it but I just  don't think this book is worth keeping. But, since so many people are reading my book, I will keep it. After it's all done I will go through heavy construction. I am so sorry for the wait and I just wanted to say thank you to those of you who stuck with me through all of this. Enjoy!


Teresa's POV

Nothing bad has happened lately and all of us are beginning to worry. Ever since Xavier and I got engaged none of us had worried about the whole note then pin in my helmet incident. Not until this morning.

"Teresa! Xavier!" Someone shouted through the mindlink, startling us awake. Courtney.

Xavier and I looked at each other then ran downstairs to see what was going on. Everyone was standing in the living room, deadly silent

"What's going on?" I asked to no one in particular. No one responded. "I said, what's going on?"

Slowly, Julio answered me. "Terry... you might wanna see this for yourself."

I looked at Xavier and he nodded. Julio gestured for us to follow him. He walked to the back door which led to the back yard. He then opened the door and what I saw horrified me. Xavier looked pretty traumatized too.

There, laying across the tops of our trees, were dead bodies of our pack members.

I let out a small scream and hid my face in Xavier's chest. Julio closed the door as we heard little feet running down the stairs.

"Mom!" Dustin, Emilia, and Carly all rushed downstairs. Carly jumped in my arms and I pulled her into my arms.

"Are you okay?" Dustin asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just... surprised. Xavier scared me, that's all." I told them.

"Okay..." Dustin trailed off suspiciously.

"Mommy! Can we go play in the backyard?" Carly asked me.

"No!" All of the adults in the room shouted.

"Sweetie, why don't we go to the park to play... They have much more to play with there." I suggested. Carly immediately nodded, jumped out of my arms, and ran upstairs. I turned to Dustin and Emilia. "Go get ready, we're going to the park."

They reluctantly agreed and slowly went upstairs.

Now we're here. The others are in the pack house, cleaning up the mess while Xavier and I play with the kids in the park. Well, mostly Xavier. I've just been sitting here, thinking about everything that's happened.

Who could have done something like this? Where were the guards when all of this was happening? What reason could anyone have to do this?

It just doesn't make sense.

"Mommy! Look what Xavier taught me!" Carly yelled.

I smiled and walked over to her and Xavier. She was on the ledge and ready to go on the monkey bars. I grinned at her as she swung from bar to bar.

"You're doing great baby! Keep it up!" I told her as I leaned against a pole. I watched as she almost fell off and Xavier catching her. Then I looked to the side to see Dustin and Emilia getting popsicles from an ice cream cart. It was such a cute family moment.

My family.

Will I be able to protect my family through all of this?

I looked down at my swelling stomach. My poor baby will have to grow up while all of this is happening. I mean, unless all of this is over within five months.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see. There's not much we can do besides have extra security, double up on the guards' shifts, and put our best trackers on the scene. I just pray my family will be okay.

Two days later...

"Luna!" Some pack children ran up to me, hugging my legs.

"Hi guys! What do we wanna watch today?" I asked them. We were all currently at the dead pack members' funerals, greeting everyone. Actually they were greeting people. I was in the children's area entertaining them. As much as I wanted to support all of the families, I was the one who did best with children. Therefore, I was put on children duty. Besides, I never liked funerals. Not since my parents' funeral anyway.

"Finding Nemo!"


"The Incredibles!"

"Monsters Inc.!"

I laughed lightly as I heard all of their suggestions. "How about we watch... Ratatouille?"

All of them cheered as I slid the disk in. I sat down next to Carly and her friend as the movie started. I looked outside the window and saw all of the grieving people. Xavier was on the outdoor stage, probably saying nice things about the people who passed.

Then I looked back at all of the children I was surrounded by. They were so innocent and clueless to what happened to their fellow pack members just two days ago. They were lucky. They hadn't fully grasped the concept of death yet.

I just hoped they'd be able to stay that way for at least a little while longer.

I stood up and walked over to the lights to dim them. Then I walked over to Dustin and Emilia.

"Hey, can you watch them for a bit? I'm gonna go check up on Courtney and the babies." I whispered to them. They nodded and I left the room to go to the nursery.

"Hey." I said to Courtney as I closed the door. "Woah."

"A little help?" She smiled almost apologetically as she held the screaming baby. She had puke all over her shirt and stood there, carrying two crying babies.

"You should go clean that up." I laughed as I took them from her hands. She walked over to the sink to clean herself up.

I sat down in a rocking chair and quietly sang Danny's Song by Kenny Loggins. They gradually quieted down and dozed off to sleep. I slowly walked over to two empty cribs and put the twins in them.

"You make a good mom." Courtney said. I turned around and smiled at her. I almost forgot she was there. Whoops.

"Thank you. I just hope my kid will like me as much as the others do." I told her.

"Of course he or she will. You'll be amazing." She said then added, "plus they'll have an awesome godmother."

"Oh and who would that be?" I asked playfully.

She lightly smacked me on the shoulder.

"Kidding, kidding." I raised my hands, surrendering. We both laughed. "Okay, I have to get back to the kids now."

"Excuses, excuses." Courtney smiled as she scolded me. I just rolled my eyes and went back to the room.

As I came in I saw the kids laughing at the old lady, shooting up her house. Even Emilia and Dustin were laughing along with them. It's moments like these that make me wish time would just stop for a moment. It would just let us have these few special second a little while longer before throwing us into reality again.

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