Colorful Twists

By SaucyOneCurious

407K 16.1K 790

Seth didn't expect to receive a bundle when he went grocery shopping, but he did. He makes the decision to ta... More

1. The Gain is Greater
2. The Request
3. Blink of an Eye
4. Preparing
5. Introducing
6. Reaction
7. See You Later
9. Initiating
10. A New World
11. Locking
12. Pairing Up Part 1
13. Pairing Up Part 2
14. Bittersweet
15. Sweet Meddling
16. Sweet Flavors
17. Jubilant
18. Breathless
19. Elated
20. Joyful
21. Induction
22. Origins
23. Enticing
24. Nectarous
25. Thunderbolt
26. Swirling
27. Charming
28. Static
Father's Day
29. Tug of War
30. Competitive
31. Twister
32. Anticipation
33. Explosive
34. Fireworks
35. Impasse
36. Definitely
37. Infinity

8. Settling

14.4K 549 24
By SaucyOneCurious

Thank you all for your patience and for reading/voting/commenting. I really do appreciate the support you have all given to this story. Enjoy! : )


Seth thinks nothing of the guy, who had bumped into him at the airport. He doesn’t even really glance at him. Trying to decrease Danny’s sadness he heads to their favorite ice cream place, Braums. After all what better remedy than ice cream.

“Hey, Danny what do you think about going for ice cream?”

“Yes.” Danny answers already sounding happier.

Yup, ice cream always works with him. Seth smiles to himself.

“Would you like to invite any of your friends?”

“Can we invite Caleb?”

“Yes, Danny. How about you call him and ask him if he’s allow to come with us? We’ll pick him up.”


After picking Caleb up they head to Braums to unfortunately find a long line.

Who would have thought there would be a line in this cold weather? Either a lot of people need a ‘pick me up’ or just love ice cream. Seth thinks while standing behind Danny and Caleb in line catching snippets of their conversation.

“How are you?” Caleb asks.

“Fine.” Danny replies.

“I mean, how are you really with your aunt moving?”

“Sad, but she’ll visit or we’ll visit. I can call her anytime.”

“Okay and Christmas is getting closer.”

At Caleb’s excited statement, Daniel frowns, “yeah, it is.”

“What do you do for Christmas?”

“I guess, we’ll do what we always do just without Aunt Karla.”

“What is it?”

“We wake up early and go out for donuts for breakfast. Then, we come home to cook Christmas dinner. My dad’s friends come over and they bring food with them.  We have dinner together. All day Christmas music is playing. After dinner we open our presents. It’s really fun. We play that game where everyone brings a present, but no one knows what it is, and we take turns choosing one.  If we don’t like it we can take someone else’s. I don’t remember what’s it called.” Grabbing Seth’s arm he asks him, “dad, what is the name of that game we play during Christmas with the presents?”

“White Elephant.”

“What do you do for Christmas?”

“It’s just my family. My mom starts cooking as soon as she wakes up. We open our presents in the evening too.”


Christmas day arrives. It is the first Christmas without Karla. On Sunday, she had told them she wasn’t going to be able to travel with all the work her boss needs her to get done before the new year. Following tradition to keep some normalcy for Danny, Seth and Danny wake up early and go for donuts, and then come back home to prepare for an early dinner. Another tradition they have with the holiday is to either wear gold, green, or red clothes. This year, Danny asked Seth for an addition after seeing a teenager with green hair when they went to the park. Seth was expecting it, so it wasn’t a surprise to receive the request.

“Dad, can I have green hair, since I’ll be wearing red clothes?”

“Okay, but only for the day and night.”


Of course, Danny shares his plan to color his hair with Caleb causing Caleb to ask his parents if he too may color his hair. The friendship between Danny and Caleb has led to a friendship between Seth and Caleb’s parents. They are aware of Karla and have been helpful by allowing Caleb to spend more time with Danny. He decides to invite them to join their Christmas dinner.

After a couple of hours of cooking and Danny helping with anything he could, they are done cooking and the table is set. They head to their rooms for a quick shower. When it comes time for Seth to shower, he makes Danny stay in the bedroom, and leaves the bathroom door slightly ajar. Seth is worry of something happening to Danny while he showers, so one of the many small changes they are implementing for now. As soon as Seth slips on his slippers the doorbell rings.

It always seems that when I’m putting the last article of clothing or my shoes the doorbell rings. Perfect timing. Seth thinks.

He is wearing his red slippers, red skinny jeans, and a green long sleeve shirt with Santa Claus in the middle. Danny wears green pants and a red shirt with elves in the front. Danny is different instead of being fascinated by Santa he is by the elves.

They both head downstairs toward the door. Seth sees that it is Eric. It really isn’t a surprise that he is the first to arrive. He always likes being early and offering his help in case it is needed. Right behind him, come Sandra and Robert.

“Why are ya’ll dressed like elves?” Seth questions. It is something different.

“Merry Christmas, Aunt Sandra and Uncle Robert.” Danny greets them.

“Already questioning us without a “hi, how are you,” Seth. Danny has better manners.” Sandra says shaking her head with a glint in her eyes. “Merry Christmas, my favorite little boy.”

“I’m not little.” Danny responds crossing his arms.

“Merry Christmas everyone! And we want to make it the best Christmas for everyone!” Robert exclaims. And we have a surprise!

“Yeah, yeah. I’m still curious, but you all look good dressed as elves. Why didn’t Eric join in the dressing up?”

“He refuses to wear tights. Something about it making him look gay.” Robert answers.

“Hey no offense.” Eric adds stepping into the living the room.

“None taken, but we know you’re straight and no one else will see you.” Seth tells Eric.

“Maybe you can convince him. I did bring his costume.” Robert whispers.

“Please Eric wear it for the kids. Your favorite nephew and best friends.” Seth says giving Eric his puppy eyes.

“Please Uncle Eric.”  Danny pleads with his puppy eyes.

Eric is another person whose weakness are the puppy eyes, especially when his friends and family give them to him.

“All right! All right, but then I want to have dinner in the living room.”

“Yay!” They all chorus.

Hmm, that wasn’t hard to convince him even when we give him the puppy eyes, it takes a bit. Seth thinks.

“Go dress before the other guests arrive, so you can help us move everything to the living room too.” Sandra says while pushing the bag in his hand.

They have perfect timing just as they bring the last of the food into the living room the doorbell rings.  Seth and Danny go to let them in. They guide them to the living room.

“Hi. How are you?”

“We’re well. And you?” Brian replies.

“Good. I hope you all don’t mind eating in the living room. We decided to change it up this Christmas.”

“We don’t. It’s fun to change things once in a while.” Elena agrees.

“Where should I place the drinks?” Brian asks.

“In the cooler.”

The coffee tables are set in the middle facing the television. Christmas music is playing as it has being the whole day. The small table is set on the side with the dishes in it and the cooler underneath the table.

And it is no surprise that Caleb also has his hair according to the holiday. He wears matching clothing according to his red hair while his parents wear matching outfits.

It’s cute that they do. Seth thinks smiling at them.

“Shall we take a seat now? I’m starving!” Robert complains.

“You’re always hungry.” Eric says while entering.

“I guess, you all decided to dress for the occasion.” Elena assumes when she sees Eric, Robert, and Sandra as elves.

“Yes!” Sandra and Robert confirm at the same time that Eric childishly complains, “they made me do it.”

“Aww, we just want you to have a little fun.” Robert teases him.

“No pictures!” Eric yells when he hears the click of the camera.

“You know the rule. No pictures means a lot of pictures. And besides you know me, I love taking pictures.” She reminds him with a wink.

“I should have said no, but no I always have to fall for the puppy eyes!” Eric mumbles to which everyone laughs.

“Well let’s sit and eat.” Seth claps his hands.

“Come sit over here Caleb.” Daniel motions to his friend.

Eric still acting childishly states, “I’ll sit over here beside my best friend, Caleb.”  

“No, he’s my best friend Uncle Eric go find another best friend.” Danny jokes.

Everyone just chuckles at Eric’s antics. They eat until they are stuffed. As tradition, they get ready to play Secret Santa and just as Danny starts opening his chosen present the doorbell rings. Seth looks at everyone with a questioning look because he isn’t expecting anyone. They all just shrug and when he is about to stand up Robert offers to go see who it is. It causes Seth to frown in suspicion because Robert never offers to go open the door, but he doesn’t dwell on it. They pause the game to wait for  Robert. He comes back and announces that it was a person looking for George. Unknowingly to most of the people in the living room, it is Karla, who is waiting for the perfect moment to announce her arrival.  

They continue with the game. Daniel’s gift is a large chocolate bar and a toy car, which Robert takes when his gift turns out to be a lotion joking that he will play with his car all the time. Elena’s gift is a pink towel, which Eric takes when his gift turns out be a 500 piece puzzle. Defending his action he says he rather have the towel even if it’s pink because it’s something he can use. Caleb, who loves puzzles, takes it from his mother when he gets soap.

Next, it’s Sandra’s turn.  There are only a couple of gifts left all about medium size boxes. She goes for the one wrapped in Santa Claus wrapping paper.  She unwraps it and opens the box to discover there’s another box inside it.   She continues to open it and finds several small boxes. Robert jokes that it’s an empty box. The small boxes turn out to contain nail polish.

Next, it’s Brian’s turn, who gets a beach ball and balloons. He takes Sandra’s nail polish joking that he doesn’t need to buy Elena a present anymore. Playfully, Elena tells him he will be sleeping on the couch. Seth is the last to go and he gets a box full of random things, such as candy, gum, stickers, and stockings. Laughing at his find, he takes Robert’s gift telling him that he will need all of the things for when school starts.

“Yes, he will.”

I know that voice. Seth thinks as he turns around to make sure of the owner of that voice.

Simultaneously, Danny yells, “Aunt Karla, you’re here!”

Danny gets up and runs to Karla giving her a hug.

“Surprise!” Karla responds enthusiastically.

“How, you said you wouldn’t be able to make it?!” Seth questions.

“I wanted to surprise ya’ll and I really didn’t know if I would be able to come, but I did get everything done.” Karla says while taking a seat next to Seth.

“I’m glad you’re here.”

“And just in time for dessert.” Robert jokes.

Turning to Robert Seth asks, “you were in it right? She was the person who was looking for George?”

“Yup, and that’s why we dressed up. We did all the work. It was soo tiring! I request payment.”

“You can get up and get your own dessert.” Seth replies rolling his eyes.

“I’ll help with the dessert.” Elena offers her services.

“I think Robert should help us. He is dressed as an elf after all.” Seth suggests.

“My job is done.” Robert replies.

Playing along, Sandra grabs Robert by the ear to get him to stand up and go help to which everyone laughs. While they’re getting the desserts into plates, the rest clean up the wrapping paper, and then the boys choose the movie. Once everything is done, they settle to watch the movie, which actually turns to talking.

“Aunt Karla guess what?”

“What Danny?”

“We’re joining the community’s soccer team!”

“That’s great! Have ya’ll being practicing?”

“Yes.” Both Caleb and Danny reply.

“Caleb, has Danny been a good teacher?”

“Yes, I’ve gotten better.” Caleb grins.

“I can’t wait to see both of you playing!”

“I got dad to play with us and guess what happened?”


“We were playing...”

“Don’t say anything Danny!” Seth interrupts.

“Tell us.” Robert encourages.

“If you want the rest of your Christmas present.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll make him give it to you.” Karla assures Danny.  

“Yes, tell us.” Eric reassuress.

Looking around nervously, but not holding back, Danny begins to tell them what happened.

“We were playing. The night before it had rained, so the ground was a little bit wet. While we played nothing happened, but when we were walking back to the car dad fell on his butt.”

They all chuckle.

“Danny stop talking!” Seth tries to prevent Danny storytelling to no avail.

“Continue.” Sandra grins.

“He got up all muddy. We got closer to the car and there was a puddle and dad fell again.” Daniel full on starts laughing.

“What happened!?” Sandra asks laughing.

“He...he..” Danny tries to say, but can’t stop laughing.

“Caleb, what happened?” Eric asks.

“No, Caleb not you too!” Seth exclaims making them laugh.

Caleb responds with a grin. “When he tried to get up he fell again. He tried again and he fell again. He was all wet and dirty.” Caleb finishes.

Everyone bursts out laughing at the image.

“That would happen to you. Not falling while playing sports, but while doing a simple task.” Karla says.

Danny calms himself enough to say, “we tried to help, but he’s too heavy.”

“I am not! And ya’ll just stood there laughing at me while I tried to get up.” Seth whines.

It’s a full on laughing session after both comments. Everyone is holding their stomach trying to stop laughing, but the images keep them laughing.


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