BitterSweet Love (A Justin Bi...

By BieberNudes

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love is too often times bittersweet More

BitterSweet Love (A Justin Bieber Fan Fiction)
Two: The Beach House
Three: Danger and Mishaps
Four: Falling for Rejection
Five: Exposure
Six: Chase
Seven: The Supernatural
Eight: So Close
Ten: Untied Knots
Eleven: Airports
Twelve: Home Bound
Thirteen: Birthday Parties
Fourteen: Frenemy
Fifteen: Liar
Sixteen: Fake it
Seventeen: Apologies
Eighteen: Joints
Nineteen: Consequences
Twenty: Leaving
Twenty One: Campus
Twenty Two: Guilt
Twenty Three: Snow
Twenty Four: Take Ya Down
Twenty Five: Afterwards
Twenty Six: Jealousy
Twenty Seven: Christmas
Twenty Eight: Scares
Twenty Nine: Car Rides
Thirty: Frustration
Thirty One: Drama
Thirty Two: Reality
Thirty Three: Fallon
Thirty Four: Who's The Daddy
Thirty Five: Fuzzy Handcuffs
Thirty Six: The Phantom
Thirty Seven: Skype Dates
Thirty Eight: Atlanta
Thirty Nine: Mood Swings
Forty: Bad Boys
Forty One: Planes
Forty Two: Brownies
Forty Three: Cold Feet
Forty Four: Strains
Forty Five: Club Fights
Forty Six: Explosives
Epilogue: Afterwards

Nine: Faltering Silence

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By BieberNudes

There was a little girl that came to my mind. Looked to be about 12 maybe 13, Chocolate brown curly locks down her back and light brown eyes dancing with joy and wonder. I had been seeing her a lot lately though I'm still not quite sure who it was. She always seemed to be glued to these two boys both brunette, although one was hinting blond, They both seemed adorable in their own way although their faces were too difficult to make out. In this particular dream the three of them were playing outside at a pool of sorts lounging and relaxing having an overall great day. However, this great day was interrupted by a severe thunderstorm. The kids all jolted out of the pool. Although it was only a little rain and they were wet anyways, the thunder was a deafening boom that sent shivers up and down the tweens. However, the girl ran back into the pool because she forgot her water gun. As she reached for the metal handle, a flash of lighting zapped her making her cry out a fatal screech before her limp body fell into the water.

I jolted awake seeing that girl screaming out for someone to save her, however when I finally looked at my surroundings there was no pool, no storm, no outside. I was sitting in a pale and ever so lifeless hospital room.

A group of doctors rushed in immediately after the sound of my scream hooking things to me and checking everything.

"I'm fine it was just a bad dream." I called out in irritable but it made absolutely no difference.

"Should we put her to sleep?"

"What's going on?" I asked finally catching the main doctors attention

"Allow me to explain. You my dear, lost more than half of your blood and you have a piece of a blade of sorts stuck inside your stomach. You were suppose to be dead, and we're still trying to figure out how it is that you're still even breathing." His lack of emotion and sympathy made me want to spit on his face.

"Miracles happen ya know."

"Not when you've got the rarest blood type out there." He smiled

"So how'd you get it then?"

"An old man came down right in time and gave you all the blood that he possibly could. You are a very lucky girl."

"What was the man's name?"

"Chase. He didn't give a last name, said you'd know." I chocked

My voice hitched, "Are you sure you've got that name right?"

"Yes? Is there a problem."

I held in my surprise. "Oh um no not at all I'm very grateful. Is Justin ok?"

"The pop star? Oh he has a few broken bones and a lot of lost blood but he's healing in the luxury suite."

"There's luxury suites in hospitals?"

"When you're as famous as he is." He laughed. "A nurse will bring your food and medicines in shortly you've got a lot of visitors to see." With that he walked out

Seconds later my own mother walked in.

"Scarlett sweetie I'm so glad you're alright." She had tears in her eyes.

"I'm a tough duck, mom." I giggled

She shook her head wiping her eyes "You're still a loser though."

"What a nice thing to say to someone lying in their potential death bed."

"Don't say that unless you want me to flood this place with my tears."

"I'm sorry madre."


"I dabble in Spanish ya know."

"Oh yeah I'm sure you do that's why you thought que paso meant taco is Spanish right?"

"I said dabble, not fluent."

"Señoritas may I interrupt?" Ryan asked

"God right on ahead."

"I'm turning the dial back to English now so I can yell at you."

"Yell at me? Well whatever for?" I asked innocently.

"Don't you try to play the innocent card on me. Justin told us the entire story."

"Busted." My mom chimed in.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've followed you guys there and rescued you!"

"Chase threatened me. I'm sorry Ryan."It truly was a mistake though because the father I went out to save turned out to be no father at all."

"What you put yours and Justin's life at sake to save your father?"

"So I see Justin didn't mention that part." I sighed. "Dad tried to to kill me in return of his own life being safe."

"That bastard!" I had never seen my mom like this

"Uh yeah, I guess you could say that. Justin saw it right at time or I wouldn't be lying here." I slumped a bit

"Mrs. Sinclair no offense or anything but if I ever find your ex husband I will end his life."

"Oh trust me honey I will dance on his grave, myself." The high-fived each other making me giggle a bit at their lack of human sensibility.

"Oh god you guys are golden." Laughing made my stomach churn. "Oh, shouldn't do that."

"We can leave you to rest if you'd like." Ryan was always so caring and considerate.

"No. No. I've had enough resting. Right now I'd just like to chat with my closest friend." He smiled

"Guess that's my cue to leave then." My mom walked out leaving the two of us alone.

"Well don't just stand there like a brick come sit with me!" I scooted a bit patting the spot next to me.

"Hmmm I've missed spending time with just you." He held my hand.

"I know we haven't really gotten any us time this summer." I sighed

"So what really happened with Chase then?"

"Depends on what Justin told you."

"Huh, well he said that Chase disappeared and then you two escaped, but I find it quite hard to believe that he'd go through all the trouble of chaining you guys and trying to kill you only to run away himself."

"He didn't run away, Ryan, we killed him." I didn't say anything about the blood donation part hoping that to be a coincidence.

"Now he won't be able to hurt you ever again."

"But still I killed a person and the fact that I did it will always haunt me."

"I promise it'll all pass." He gave me a light squeeze. "So now onto more serious matter." He paused to wiggle his eyebrows deviously.

"Oh god I can already feel the subject you're about to bring up."

"So you and Justin, eh?"

"It lasted less than a week oops."


"I was just there to pleasure him when Selena's not around."

"You know you don't deserve that? You are so much better than that. Don't let a guy ever treat you that way because you're absolutely gorgeous."

"It's cool I mean I won't stop loving him, but I'll get over it."

"Love? Woah love? You've never said you were in love with a guy before."

"I don't believe in using the word unless I mean it, in this case I do."

"Well then spill the beans." He nudged me

"It's just everything about him. The fact that I'd give my life for him in seconds scares me so much I can't even explain it."

"Looks like you've caught the love bug."

"It was a pretty one sided bite."

"Give it some time you never know."

"He tried to apologize but I don't think I'm ready to forgive him yet." I let out a deep breath "Why does love have to be so bittersweet with him?"

"Because he's a guy. Guys are confusing creatures"

"But Ryan you are a guy."

"I know that." His phone buzzed in his pocket causing him to frown. "It's Justin he needs a few things."

"It's fine, bye Ry." I have him a quick hug before releasing him. "Not a word to Justin about any of this, alright?"

"Okay Scar, my lips are sealed."

|Ryan's POV|

My promise to Scarlett meant absolutely nothing when I walked into Justin's room to see Selena sitting on top of him practically groping him making my blood boil.

"Took you long enough to get here." I stayed quiet. "Selena baby would you give us a moment alone?"

"I'll miss you babe." She said giving him a final sloppy kiss before she left.

"Did you bring my McDonalds?" He asked smiling widely.

I shoved the bag on his chest.

"Woah man why so aggressive?"

"You fucking played her."

"Hey hey can you please keep your voice down Selena's right outside."

"Yeah well guess what? I don't give a shit. You may be my best friend but Scarlett is like a sister to me and if you treat her like crap I'm gonna say something about it!"

"Look at where we are Ryan she tried to get me killed!"

"She tried to get you killed?! Is that why she stabbed herself to save your fucking life?! Is that why she ran and caught you? Is that why she'd be willing to loose her own life in seconds for you?" I was yelling now, but I didn't care. "You're impossible and a liar. You gave her an apology speech only to do this when she's in the same building?" I slammed the door behind my shaking from anger.

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