Candy Love


513 6 0

This is a compilation of short stories from My Candy Love. Each one will be based off of the prompts from the... More

Candy Love


232 1 0

Here is the first prompt with Kentin. Below is the results I got from the game, though I obviously didn't mention them all in the story. That would have been intersting.

Your best friend: Melody
Your seduction weapon: Boobies
Has a crush on you: Dake
Your first kiss: Dake
Your boyfriend: Kentin
His gift to you: A plush
Wants to steal him from you: Kim
Your loveydovey holiday trip: Hawaii

Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters, except for Aubri. Everyone else belongs to the makers of My Candy Love.


The beach, it was the perfect place to relax. The sun warming up my skin and the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore was relaxing. My brunette curls fanned around my head as I lay on the beach with my eyes closed. Today was a perfect day and almost nothing could ruin it. I needed this, after the last few crazy months at school. Ever since I started going to Sweet Amoris, things have taken a turn for the dramatic, at least compared to my old school. I can’t complain though since it has been fun. Of course that was because I always let my curiosity get the better of me. I sighed and shifted a little, feeling my towel move beneath me.

“What’s wrong?” asked a soft voice next to me. I looked over at Melody and smiled.

“Nothing, just thinking about how crazy the past few months have been,” I said, placing my hand over my eyes so I could see her better. She smiled and nodded, before sitting up. I watched as Melody got up and walked over to a few people playing beach volleyball. I went back to my sun bathing only to have my light suddenly blocked. Once again I opened my eyes, only to find Dake above me. I groaned and sat up. As cute as the boy was, he was just way too pushy for me. It’s not like I would want him even if he wasn’t. I had a boyfriend and I wasn’t about to screw that up for a summer fling. Unfortunately, Dake didn’t care about that.

His idea was that I dump my boyfriend and go to him, but of course I didn’t like that idea. I was very happy with Kentin, thank you. Dake grabbed my hand and pulled me up, starting to pull me off in some random direction. No matter how much I protested and tried to get away he would not let up. His hand would wrap around mine a little more to make sure I didn’t get away and soon I was flinching. “Ow, you’re hurting me Dake,” I said firmly, feeling angry with what he was doing.

Instead of letting me go, he only slightly loosened up his hold on me, making me feel a dull throb as the blood rushed back to my hand. When he finally stopped, none of my friend’s was in sight; well actually there was almost no one. This made me nervous, since I didn’t want anything to do with him. I swallowed and tried to get away, but he just pulled me right back to him.

No matter how much I wiggled and squirmed, Dake kept a tight hold on me and I knew that he wasn’t planning on letting go of me anytime soon. I yelled and pounded at his chest, but he was still not letting go. Was this guy planning to rape me or something?

His head started coming closer and I knew what he wanted. “I have a boyfriend Dake, get off me!” I screamed, trying to get away before he could steal my first kiss. It was useless. No matter what I said or did it didn’t deter Dake from kissing me. His lips were on mine and I kept trying to push away. Tears formed in my eyes as I hit his chest, but he kept going, until someone yanked him off me. I wiped my mouth off, feeling the tears fall as I looked at who saved me. “K-kentin?”  I rushed to him, happy as he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” he asked of Dake. “If you ever come anywhere close to Aubri again, I will kick your ass.” I heard Dake grumble as he walked away and I buried my face into Kentin’s chest as I cried. He didn’t really say anything, just repeated that it was ok and rubbed circles on my back. Soon, I felt myself calm down and I relaxed in his arms. When I looked up at him, he wiped away my tears and smiled at me.

“He stole my first kiss,” I said, with a pout.

“Then forget about it. That wasn’t your first kiss, this is,” Kentin said, before leaning down and pressing his lips to mine. I smiled and kissed him back, happy to know that I have such an amazing boyfriend. “Here I got you something. It’s not much, but I thought you might like it.” Kentin handed me a puppy dog plushie and smiled as he watched my reaction. I hugged it to my chest, calling it cute and kissed him on the cheek.

We headed back up the beach, seeing my friend’s rush over to me worried. I reassured them and out of the corner of my eye I could see Kim fuming. I knew that she was after Kentin, but would she stoop as low as getting Dake to take me away? I really hope not. We were supposed to be friends, not fighting over a boy that was already mine. With a sigh, I leaned against Kentin and told everyone that I was fine.

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