The Other side of the door

By r5princess

387 4 0


The Other side of the door

387 4 0
By r5princess


 [First day of school. Laura enters the school with a bright smile on her face. A few heads turn around and wave at her as she does the same. She spots Ross from his locker and walks up to him]

Ross: Laura! *picks her up and spins her around*

Laura: *giggles as he places her down* Ross, what’s up?

Ross: *smiles* nothing, I’m just so glad to see you again!

Laura: *raises an eyebrow* you saw me yesterday, remember? We stayed up till midnight watching all the Harry Potter movies?

Ross: but that was like yesterday and I missed you

Laura: *grabs his cheeks* you’re such a sweetheart

[As they begin to start a conversation, Raini and Calum come walking towards them]

Raini: Laura!

Laura: Raini!

Calum: Ross!

Ross: Calum!

Laura: Calum!

Calum: Laura!

Raini: Raini!

[They all begin laughing hysterically as they all hug each other]

Laura: how were your vacations?

Calum: well, my mom took us to China. Did you know that the pinky is like the middle figure?

Ross: *chuckles* I’ve heard

Laura: how about you, Raini?

Raini: *growls* ugh, it was terrible! Try being stuck in Illinois with a grandma who spends most of her time sleeping and who’s cat smells like rotten sea food *crinkles her nose and then shakes it off* Anyway, how was your summer, guys?

Ross: *smiles and places his arm around Laura* you know, here chilling with this dork.

Laura: *fakes a gasp* I am just so offended

Ross: *laughs and pulls her into a friendly hug*

[Raini and Calum suspiciously look at each other]

Calum: so that’s all that happened?

Laura: *thinks* oh, we went to a Kesha concert that was like six hours away with Riker and Rydel! It was so much fun!

Ross: totally although I do think I caught her attention

Raini: *laughs* you keep thinking that, Ross. *locks arms with Laura* c’mon, dear, its Laini time!

Calum and Ross: * confused* what?

Laura: it’s a combination of both our names *turns to Raini and smiles* let’s go! We need a lot to catch up on!

Ross: see you in chemistry!

Laura: *smiles* yup! *leaves with Raini*

Ross: *turns to Calum* c’mon dude, let go trash the bathroom!

Calum: *smiles* I missed you, buddy!

[With Laura and Raini]

Raini: so did anything happen between you and Ross?

Laura: what do you mean?

Raini: you both seem… closer than before

Laura: *raises an eyebrow* um no, I mean we spend a lot more time together but that’s all

Raini: I don’t know, Laura! You both act like a couple!

Laura: he’s my best friend, that’s all!

Raini: *still optimistic* yeah okay, Hun *silently counts to three*

Laura: *jumps up* ok fine I like him!

Raini: *smiles proudly* about time you admit it! Oh my gosh, you two are perfect together!

Laura:*smiles* you think? I don’t know sometimes I feel as if he only sees me as a sister

Raini: non sense! He totally has a thing for you!

Laura: so what? Do you think I should tell him how I feel?

Raini: now that’s your decision

Laura: *thinks* nah

Raini: okay, maybe it’s not your decision! You’re going to!

Laura: I don’t know, Raini! What if he doesn’t feel the same way? It can ruin our friendship!

Raini: what if he does feel the same way? It can make you really happy!

Laura: I don’t know…

Raini: *sights* okay, I’ll do it for you

Laura: *shoots up* no, thanks! I can do it

Raini: that’s my girl!

[The bell rings and they both walk into chemistry]

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