

57.8K 1.9K 154

The one guy I wasn't suppose to fall for I did. And fuck did I fall hard More



8.5K 158 24

I told myself I wouldn't fall for the cute new guy. Four years later I fuked him in the impala on a break and now he hasn't talked to me in 2 weeks. He's my best friend. Besides Jared. Now who knows if he'll show to this con. "Jensen ackles." I smile checking into the hotel.
"Ok room 238 twelfth floor. Have fun." The girl behind the counter smiles at me.
"Thank you." I take the key and run up the stairs. I like stairs better. Elevators creep me out.12 flights of stairs later I get to the level.
"Hey." Jared says walking out of room 235.
"Hey." I smile back. "Hey uhm.. Do you know if misha is coming?"
"Yeah he's already checked in he's on the floor below us. I guess the front desk messed up."
"Oh." I unlock the door and put my stuff down right infront and then close it.
"Wanna Go get lunch?" Jared asks.
"No I gotta find Jeremy."
"Ok well if you change your mind call."
"Ok." I skip down the stairs again until I get to the lobby. Where sadly Jeremy is. I kinda wanted to look for him and maybe if I run into misha then... Whoops. Right? I don't see why he's avoiding me. We're both single we both like each other a lot obviously.
"Hey jensen." Jeremy smiles and waves at me.
"Question." I say walking closer.
"Is there some kinda of list I could get that shows me what panels I should be on?"
"Yeah back in the green room. I'm going there if you wanna come."
"Sure." We start walking and I keep lookin down hall ways and into rooms with doors open. Hoping to god misha will be there. We open the room to the green room and of course a very handsome and cute misha is standing there talking to kassey our con person. I smile at him and he smiles back practically melting my heart.
"Just avoid all questions about the next season ok?"
"Got it." She walks off.
"Hey." I walk up to him.
"Hey I would love to talk but I gotta find Jeremy."
"He is just outside." I tell him.
"Ok thank you." He pushes his lips to mine and then skips off. Wait.. Misha just kissed me? I grab the paper and see I am booked all day tomorrow. I start at 10 and then end at 5. I have three panels with misha.. Oh god.
I turn the t.v on and sit down on my couch. I have a perfect veiw of the city from my room. It us something misha would love. He's always liked taking pictures of city lights and sun sets and sun rises. I should go down to his room.. No I shouldn't.. Yes I should. I get up and open the door to find him with his fist up. "Hi." He says lowering it.
"Hey come i-" he pushes past me.
"You know what jensen you are a total ass! First you fuck me ok and then you don't reply to any of my texts! Or calls! Or can't even come find me when you get here! I was in my hotel room for four hours waiting! Ok."
"I wasn't ignorin-"
"I like you for gods sake! Ok I want to kiss your stupid fucking lips that are also so per- mmm." He melts into the kiss. I shut the door and then lift his legs up.
"I like you too." I say and toss him on my bed.
"God shut up." He growls pulling my shirt off. I do the same to him until we're completely naked. I use spit as a lube since... Neither of us were smart enough to bring lube. "Ah- jensen!" He arches his back. I thrust into him until we're both a trembling mess. I fall next to him and try to wrap him in my arms but he pulls the sheets up with him and then walks to the window. I get up and look out the window behind him.
"I like you, misha."
"Why were you avoiding me then?"
"I never got any calls or texts or anything and I thought you were avoiding me."
"Can I.. Check your phone?" He turns around wrapped in the sheets.
"Yeah here." I hand him my phone from the table. He hands it back and looks up. "See?"
"Ok." A slight smile is on his face.
"Let's go to bed, mish."

Yes hi this is kisses. And its a jensen/misha fanfic and its v great so far. Yeah ok bye

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