Percy Jackson: Spider-Man

By JoshMeyers

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Percy Jackson's demigod life was getting weirder then it already was and it's all because of one little spide... More

1. Biting the Hand That Feeds On You
2. I Ruin My Date
3. Annabeth Figures Out (of course)
4. The Internet Gives Me a Headache
5. I Meet The Guy Who Ruined My Life
6. My Girlfriend Pushes Me Off of a Building
7. I Swing Away From an Evil Hoverboard
8. I Start to Hate School More and More
10. Up My Nose You Go
Important AN
11. Let the Fun Begin
12. The Incoming Plans
13. Venom Cuts Me Some Slack
14. A Wall Almost Kills Me
15. When Aliens Attack
16. The Big Bang Theory Makes Sense Now
17. I'm About to Die But I'm Hungry for a Cheeseburger
Thank you

9. I Become a New York Sensation

3.7K 121 45
By JoshMeyers

I ran to Venom's captives and took the black webs off. They looked relieved to be free.

"Thank you" the principal said. "You saved the school."

I didn't really care about the school. I cared about saving these people. I would've been fine with the school being destroyed, as long as everyone in it was safe.

"Hey. That's my job" I replied.

"How can we repay you?" my principal asked.

I was thinking, give me straight A's for the rest of the year but then I would've had to give away my identity.

"Uh... all of you could look that way" I pointed in the direction that wasn't facing the enterance. All 4 of them looked there and I ran down the hallway where the bathroom was. I didn't want them to see that I was going through the school. They probably would've gotten suspicious.

I finally found the bathroom I used to change into my suit. I wrapped some toilet paper around my waist. My ribs weren't broken, thankfully but they did get bruised.

I quickly changed out of my suit and back into my new clothes and headed back to class.


"Spider-Man was seen at a nearby high school earlier in the day. He was seen to be fighting a black-suited villian. I can say this for many New York residents, we are relieved that Spider-Man is back. Social media has been buzzing about this. More about it after the break."

Wow. Apparently, my story was on the news.

"This Spider-Man guy sure is making a comeback" my mom said as she washed the dishes.

"Wait. You know about him?" I asked, amazed.

"Of course I do. He was popular almost 15 years ago. He actually fought the black-suited Spider-Man. I'm not sure how he's back. I hope Spider-Man can stop him again" Mom looked worried.

"Yeah. I hope so too" I said, biting my lip.


"So, he called you down to the office, fought you, and then just... left" Peter clarified through the phone. I didn't like using my phone now but I had to tell Peter what had happened today.

"He said he would've killed the people who worked in the school office if I didn't fight him. In our fight, he bruised my ribs bad. They're healing though."

"Do you know what "friend" he was talking about?" Peter asked urgently.

"I have no clue."

"This isn't good. Venom is getting stronger and his "new friend" most likely will be dangerous" Peter said. "He will be after you and he won't be happy."

"Great" I said sarcastically.

"On the bright side, you're a hit on Twitter and Instagram. There's a hashtag about you called #SpideyIsBack

"That's really cool but what are we going to do about Venom?" I said.

"I think I may be able to help. Come to the Daily Bugle tomorrow afternoon."


Spider-Man was the talk at my school the next day.

Every where I turned, people kept talking about it.

"I heard that the black spider guy ran away because he was so scared."

"I heard that Spider-Man single-handedly kicked his butt."

"I heard that the Spider-Man gave the black Spider-Man a wedgie."

I couldn't help but smile. I was actually famous at my school. Well, the superhero side of me was.


"So... where are we again?" I asked Peter as we got out of our taxi and in front of an old looking house.

"The house that I grew up in as a kid" Peter sighed. "No one has rented it yet so it's now my place."

I nodded. Peter and I walked to the front door. Peter took out a key and unlocked the door. We traveled upstairs and into a small room. I guessed it was Peter's bedroom.

"When I was a teenager, I made my web slingers but I also wanted to make something else."

"That is?" I asked.

"I was doing experiments. I was a geeky kid growing up. Anyway, I wanted to make a shield to cover my whole chest area while I was fighting villains."

"Kind of like a breastplate" I offered.

"Yeah. But different. This breastplate could expand to cover your whole chest and stomach area."

"Cool! That would be so useful."

"Yep. I couldn't get the right pieces to work while I was working on it as a kid. Finally, I put the final touches together and this is what I got."

Peter walked to his closet, opened it, shuffled through clothes and papers and came up with a curved, silver slab.

"All you have to do is place the silver slab on your waist then click the red button on the top. Then, well, you'll see."

After I got the slab around my waist. It touched my ribs which sent a little pain through them but I got used to it. I clicked the red button and the silver slab started to grow on my stomach, then to my chest, then to the bottom of my neck.

"Okay. This is pretty sweet" I commented.

"Does it hurt?" Peter questioned.

"No. It actually feels pretty snug on my body."

Peter smiled, happy that his experiment actually worked.

"So this can block anything coming at my stomach like a punch or a kick?"

"It should, yeah" Peter took a big book from his desk and threw it at my chest. It clunked off it and went down to the ground.

"Awesome" I said. "Now I can fight crime with a big slab of metal protecting me."

AN: Sorry if this chapter was choppy and kind of late. I had a play this week and I had to practice for it. The next 2-3 chapters will be better then this one. I have a little twist in mind ;)

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