Backwards: The superpowers no...

By LetMeGrabAPen

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Hello I'm Sasha but it's not important you wouldn't remember if you'd met me and since you haven't then it ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 22

136 8 0
By LetMeGrabAPen

Chapter 22- decisions (Markus)

And we did Sasha discovered she could do many more things with her bubble like generate shields, smother flames and breath underwater. Then she also found she could control minds which was very fun as we both ended up pulling many pranks with that one because she could also make people forget things so we made Harper and Charlie kiss then forget which was almost as good as the time we made a cat run around barking like a dog.

I found that not only could I manipulate my body any way I wanted I could grow extra limbs, crawl up walls, be very agile and heal others. I could also mimic other people's appearance which started another episode of S and M prank team.

Harper found she; could take on spirit form, had x-ray vision, could see the future, have heat vision and see in the dark. She could also bring life back from the dead which we found when she reanimated a rat a truly creepy spectacle although we found it was hit and miss whether the dead was reanimated fully as some things just came back as zombies who just wanted to destroy everything in their path. The rat stayed docile for 5 minutes then attacked us all as a super fast unstoppable force....unstoppable that is until they're dead.

Charlie continued his grouchy behaviour but we soon found it was his animal behaviour showing through since that was the basis of his powers. He discovered (begrudgingly) that; he could gain animal features in human form, summon animals to him, have mastery over animals, adapt to different situations and gain animal abilities like a wolves stamina or a fly's reflexes. But his coolest power by far was creating creatures out of recycled matter. He simply took any object and changed it into whatever he pleased so far he had done a tiny dragon, a Chihuahua sized griffin and a toy sized unicorn. That last one he had given to Harper which she adored and named Reginald or Reggie for short. As soon as that happened Sasha demanded to keep the griffin and I asked for a T-Rex which Charlie delighted in making us work for.

We also discovered that we could share powers to a certain extent we could only retain the powers for a small amount of time and they were limited but it was still useful. I even made a Dodo!

So two weeks later we held a meeting. "We need to decide what to do now," Harper said. "Firstly do we want to stay together or go our own ways," she sighed.

"Should that even be a question you guys are the first real friends I've ever had I don't want to give that up," Sasha said.

"Here, here you guys saved my life not physically but it still counts," I agreed.

"You're okay and I have nothing better to do," Charlie agreed though refused to get emotional as usual.

"Thank God if you guys said you didn't want to stay it would have been really awkward," Harper said with relief.

"Okay next question and this one is even bigger, do we want to be normal?" Harper asked.

This one was harder to answer did I want a job, a career, a family, a house, a mortgage? What even was the definition of normal I mean I knew the dictionary definition but the concept of normality is very different. I thought what a person my age would be doing probably at college or university or something, I knew one thing for sure I didn't want to do that, judgement, sweaty classrooms and awkward hatred of everyone, no that wasn't for me.

"No higher education," I said finally.

"Agreed," Charlie answered which didn't surprise me given his social skills.

"Yeah after having superpowers going back to learning algebra would really suck plus I would know everything, " Sasha nodded.

"Okay now that's settled what do we want to do."

Again this was a tough question but I knew one thing for sure it would have to be something out of the ordinary.

"Something special," I decided.

"Something not just anyone could do," Sasha said.

"Something extraordinary," Harper envisioned.

"Oh just say it already someone everybody is thinking the same thing," Charlie grumbled.

Then in unison the four of us looked at each other then silently agreed.

"Okay but we're going to need new identities you know names, looks that kinda stuff," Sasha said.

"Ooh and costumes," Harper yipped giddily.

"No I am not running round in skin tight Lycra and a cape like a confused ballerina," Charlie said hurriedly.

"You're no fun," Harper grumbled doing a cute little pouty face.

"You will never break me!" He yelled chuckling.

I rolled my eyes, "anyway I for one am going to be Regenor-x," I decided grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"I take your Regenor and raise a Raven," Harper shot.

"Charles?" I asked to Charlie who we all knew wasn't going to be too happy having a lame superhero name.

He frowned thinking hard and finally landed on one, "Morph." He said simply.

"That's lame I'm going with Refratx," Sasha teased.

"Now let's get to work if we're not having costumes we at least need similar clothes and masks that hide our faces a little," I said.

"Right I suggest we you two boys pick a similar plain shirt both different colours of coarse and me and Sash will have a blouse then just accent it with plain black trousers probably leggings because extra fabric will just get in the way," Harper told us and nobody argued because we knew it was a good idea and she would get her own way anyway.

"As for masks we can probably get some at the nearest fancy dress shop and they should probably be the same colour as the shirts you can add extra detail to the sides you want but leave the front."

Again not edited apologies...

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