Olarecia Online (Virtual Real...

By Kohaku_reads

3.3K 64 777

Welcome to the vast world of Olarecia! A medieval fantasy based virtual reality world that's made for you to... More

Quick Prologue and Basic Rules
Important, Must Read!
Guilds and Royals
Forms and Oc's
Friewaia Kingdom
Olarecia's Scar
Ambulion Cave
Quitar Peak
Circle Of Solarit
Sireli Kingdom
Grand Series
Ronico Meeting Area
Priradan Kingdom
Kishi Ruins
Ererrakoth Kingdom
Limbra Coast
Fyta Library
Umbira Forest
Grunyth Kingdom
Forest of Frost
Shrine of Landa
Mystic Forest
Frujik Desert
Elirsyl Forest
Aselawyn Kingdom
Rintas Swamp
Astilaceien Kingdom
Clock Work Kingdom
Natos Forest
Unritjin Village

Miko Forest

133 2 357
By Kohaku_reads

This forest is a very amazing sight when it's night. Small round spheres light up and grow a peachy yellow light, many players state that the reason why those spheres glow is due to a build up of magical energy.

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