The Other McCall ▷ Stilinski

By simplystiles-

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[ BOOK ONE ] ❝ there are two things in life for which we are never truly prepared; twins. ❞ Kasey McCall is t... More

The Other McCall
Chapter 1. Aftermath
Chapter 2. My Brother The Teenage Werewolf
Chapter 3. Second Chances
Chapter 4. Heart Warming
Chapter 5. Desired Coincidences
Chapter 6. A Burning Revaltion
Chapter 7. An Abundance of Derek
Chapter 8. Last Resort Limb Loss
Chapter 9. Exasperating Expressions
Chapter 10. Are you serious?
Chapter 11. Don't eat my boyfriend, please.
Chapter 12. Another illegal activity
Chapter 13. Not exactly safe
Chapter 14. One hell of a first date
Chapter 15. Biles not Stiles
Chapter 16. My brother is a lunatic
Chapter 17. Making up and forming a plan
Chapter 18. Plot Twists are Always Fun
Chapter 19. Jackson's new body guards
Chapter 20. Possible Whiplash
Chapter 22. Because I Love You
Chapter 23. Sarcasm is their only language
Chapter 24. Tailspin
Chapter 25. What am I?
Chapter 26. Harris' hair needs to go,
Chapter 27. Another glorious detention
Chapter 28. Derek, the third wheeler.
Chapter 29. More and more weird abilities
Chapter 30. Total knockout!
Chapter 31. What the hell is that?
Chapter 32. Keeping Derek afloat..
Chapter 33. Lydia ISN'T the Kanima,
Chapter 34. Hate to say I told you so...
Chapter 35. Clubbin'... at the club...
Chapter 36. Skipping school and holding Jackson hostage
Chapter 37. Restraining Order...
Chapter 38. Disturbance in the Library
Chapter 39. Veggie is healthier,
Chapter 40. The Admonere
Chapter 41. Some Explanations.
Chapter 42. Dealing with things...
Chapter 43. Being held hostage
Chapter 44. The Argent's, Anxiety, and Much Needed Answers
Chapter 45. Finally a proper make-out session
Chapter 46. Lost and Confused
Chapter 47. Oh HALE no
Chapter 48. Still got us,

Chapter 21. The Formal

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By simplystiles-

"Call it again," Scott instructed as he continued to dig around his trash heap of a bedroom, he hasn't been able to find his cell phone since everything that went down yesterday- and I think he dropped it somewhere. I mean, I guess it's important to him to find it because he woke me up to help him look for it, he even called Stiles. I wasn't even dressed yet, I still had on my pajamas and my hair was pulled up in a messy bun. Not exactly the way you wanna look when your boyfriend shows up.

I moaned as I flopped down on his bed, "It's not here."

"So you lost your phone? Why can't you just get a new one?" Stiles asked from his spot in the desk chair, he had pulled it all the way across the room so it was in front of the door. 

Scott dropped to the floor and started searching under his bed, lord knows what he has stuff under there... "I can't afford another new one. And I can't do this alone, we have to find Derek." 

"Well a.) you're not alone you have me and Kasey." Stiles pointed out, I simply responded with another moan of annoyance, Scott's bed was nowhere near as comfortable as mine. Ugh.

"And b.) didn't you say that Derek walked into gunfire? He sounds pretty dead," He added as he let out a sigh.

Oh yeah, Scott did tell us about his little adventure last night. You see while I was stuck getting into an argument with my mom, he was off saving Jackson's life while being attacked by the Argents. Apparently he got shot with something and he woke up this morning at the animal clinic, Peter showed up and threatened to get what he wanted from someone more vulnerable- meaning Allison, I guess. And yeah- that's what you missed on Glee.

"The Argent's plan was to use him to get to the alpha. They're not gonna kill him," Scott panted as he made his way into his bathroom, he was checking the drawers and he even looked in the shower. Why would his cell phone be in the shower?

I sighed as I pushed myself up on on to my elbows, "Here's a wild idea... why not just let the Argent's use Derek to get Peter. It makes our lives a hell of a lot easier,"

"Not if Peter is going after Allison to find Derek! I can't protect her on my own, which means we need to find Derek first." Scott stated as he tossed some clothes out of his bathroom on to the floor.

"Dude you seriously need to keep your room cleaner." I muttered as I sat up and crossed my legs over one another. I need to get dressed for the day, I just don't feel like moving. I'm too tired, this whole staying out into the early hours of the morning crap is really starting to catch up to me.

Scott stopped digging through his drawers to narrow his eyes at my boyfriend and I, "Will you two just help me?"

"You know... you probably lost it when you two were fighting. You remember that? When he was trying to kill you? After you interrupted him trying to kill Jackson? Are you starting to see a pattern of violent behavior here?" Stiles pointed out as he pressed his chest against the back of the desk chair. 

Scott sighed, "He wasn't going to kill anyone, and I'm not going to let him die."

"Could you just consider it? Just, I mean picture a world without Derek Hale... please?" I pleaded as I held my hands together in a mock begging form. Our lives would have a hell of a lot less drama- that's for sure. 

My brother stopped digging through his drawers and he cocked his head to the side- I guess he hears something... "What?" Stiles asked in confusion.

"My mom just got home form work," Scott mumbled. 

I sat up a bit straighter at the sound of that, is she still mad at me? I bit down on my lip as I watched Scott sigh and lean up against the desk, "She's leaving Peter a voice mail..." He said quietly. He was silent after that, and I assumed it was because he was listening to what she was saying. My chest was starting to burn due to the fact that she really did deserve to go out with someone- it just sucks that it had to be Peter that asked her. 

"Is she okay?" Stiles asked after a moment. 

Scott shook his head from side to side slowly as his eyes fixed on his messy bedroom floor, he had thrown more clothes all over the place and it looked disgusting. We should really hire someone to come and clean his room for him- this is more than likely breaking several healthy code standards. 

"What is she doing?" I asked tentatively. 

Scott sighed, "She's crying." He then walked over and sat down next to me on the bed, grabbing my hand and holding it while he continued to look down sadly at the floor. This is all of our fault. We just- we were trying to protect her, but she can't see that... she see's us trying to ruin her relationship, and that wasn't it at all.

"Scott... you can't protect everyone." Stiles said quietly. 

"I have to." Scott stated seriously. 

I sniffled as I stood up from the bed, "I'm gonna go get dressed... Um, I'll be back..." I mumbled awkwardly as I left the room, once I was in my bedroom I locked the door and tried to prevent myself from crying- knowing damn well that Scott would be able to hear me. And the last thing I wanted to do was make him feel worse about everything.

"So you actually want Jackson to take her to the formal?" I asked Scott awkwardly- I happened to walk up to him and Stiles as they were peaking around the corner to watch Jackson ask Allison about the formal. It's still freaking weird to me that he actually agreed to do it. 

Scott nodded, "If she's with him- she'll be somewhat safe."

"Well that sounds like another one of you fool proof plans, Scott." I muttered sarcastically, I wonder if they make books or online classes that teaches a person how to make better plans. Like a better way to approach a situation and think all of the logical ways it can go wrong, before fully committing to it? If they do, I know what I'm getting Scott for Christmas.

Scott rose an eyebrow at me, "Well I'm still going too."

"Do you even have a date? Or a suit, or a way to get there? Hell- Scott do you even have a ticket to get in to the dance at all?" I asked with a sigh.

Scott smiled, "Nope."

"So you're going to ride your bike to a dance that you're not allowed to go to without a suit or a way in, all the while werewolves and werewolf hunters are all trying to kick your little werewolf ass?" Stiles asked in amusement.

My brother's smile only grew wider, "Yeah. You gonna help me?"

"Hell yeah,"

"Why do I have to go to the mall with her? This is stupid," I complained as I walked into the Macy's that Allison and Lydia were heading too. Scott's oh so brilliant idea of having me follow her around was really starting to make me look like a stalker.

Scott sighed over the phone, "Because you're a girl- and you need a dress for the dance anyway,"

"Scott first of all, I'm not going to the dance. Second of all, what does me being a girl have anything to do with going to the mall?" I asked in annoyance- he always used the fact that I'm a girl as a reason for me to do something that I didn't want to do. 

"What do you mean you're not going? Oh- what? I have to go... talk to you later," He then ended the call, leaving me even more confused about his sanity than I was before he called. I shoved my phone into my pocket as I angrily approached Allison and Lydia. I was supposed to 'accidently' run into them while looking for a dress. 

When Allison saw me she smiled, "Kasey! Hi, I haven't seen you in awhile." 

"Yeah- yeah it's been, crazy these past few days... are you looking for a dress too?" I asked in amusement as I glanced at the racks upon racks of dresses. Oh for the love of all that is holy- I really don't want to buy one, Stiles hasn't even asked me to go. I mean, I guess he hasn't really thought about it... I don't know. 

Lydia nodded, "Are you like Allison when it comes to the whole 'I don't know which dress to get' boat?"

"I'm on something," I mumbled as I followed after them- Lydia was already in full shopping mode and looked about ready to buy the entire freaking store. I can't even remember the last time I bought a dress? I hate them. They feel weird- and you always get that awkward breeze because they're open at the bottom..

Allison chuckled as we watched Lydia venture off on her own, we both start sifting through a rack of black dresses in silence. This was weird- I really need to learn to tell Stiles no, I mean I'm not stupid. I know that Scott had Stiles has me to do this because he knows I have issues telling him no. Stupid teenage heart. 

"So are you going tonight with Stiles?" Allison asked me trying to talk about something so we wouldn't continue to be under this huge cloud of awkward.

I sighed, "I don't think so. He hasn't asked me- so.."

"What? Why not?" She asked in confusion.

A black dress with an entirely too low neck line caught my eye and I scoffed at it, who would wear something like that? I mean- their boobs would practically be hanging out of that, it's disgusting. 

"I don't know-oh my god you've got to be kidding me," I muttered as my eyes landed on the boy we were just talking about. He was at the fragrance counter, doing god knows what. He sprayed some of it, but it somehow wound up hitting him in the face and he started coughing manically.

Allison turned around and started to laugh when she saw him, "Why don't you go ask him why he isn't taking you?"

"Actually- I will go do that, uh... will you be okay by yourself?" I asked as I glanced around, I don't see Peter anywhere, but who knows. He could be hiding behind a rack just waiting for me to walk away... Oh well, I know that Scott is here in the store somewhere, he is probably watching. 

She nodded, "Yeah- I think I can manage."

I offered her a small smile as I made my way over to my boyfriend, my stupid boyfriend who still hasn't asked me to this dance. The stupid dance that I don't even care about because I will have to wear a dress. A stupid dress that I probably will look like an idiot in. But for some stupid reason I want him to ask me to this stupid dance so I can wear that stupid dress. Ugh. Stupid teenage girl hormones.

Stiles looked up and smiled at me, "Kasey! I was looking for you- actually,"

"Really? And you thought I was in the perfume bottle?" I asked with a raised brow, he glanced at the bottle in his hands awkwardly before placing it back on the counter. 

"No, no. I, um... have you found a dress yet?" He asked quickly, completely changing the subject from perfume. 

I sighed as I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, "Nope."

"Well- okay., I bought these-" I watched as he pulled two tickets to the formal out of his pocket, he held them up in the air a bit so I could see them, "and well, since we're dating and everything I would really love it if you would be my date to the dance. I'm sorry it took so long to ask, things kept popping up whenever I wanted to ask you."

I smiled widely as I grabbed one of the tickets, "So you really want to go with me?"

"More than anything," He replied with a smile. 

"Well, want to help me pick out a dress then?"

After Stiles asked me to the dance, my day seemed to go by a lot more smoothly than I had thought it would. He really didn't help much with the whole picking a dress out thing, instead he complained as I continued to search. I finally found one that I really liked about an hour into shopping. It was a strapless dress that was white at the top and had a small sweetheart neckline- as the white matierial reached my waist, it changed to a navy blue satin fabric. It fell just below mid-thigh on me, and I had to purchase a pair of white heels to go with it. The sales associate told me the pair I bought would be easier to walk in because of the thickness of the heel. I also got a necklace that had several different chains with different charms on them.

When I got home, Scott was having issues with his suit so my mom was helping me. I didn't really need much help to be honest, I mean- unless my mom could teach me how to walk correctly in heel's, I was on my own on that one. I curled my hair and then pinned some of it back, when I looked at my reflection in the mirror- I looked so different. I never dress like this, ever. 

My mom walked in and she gasped when she saw me, "Oh, Kasey. You look so beautiful,"

I smiled awkwardly, "Thanks.."

"Stiles is downstairs," She said as she smiled at me. She looked so happy right now, I guess seeing Scott in a suit and me in a dress was something that she loved. Well she better absorb as much of this as she can because it more than likely won't happen again for a while...

I nodded, "Alrighty, I should get down there then." 

She sighed happily as I brushed past her and made my way down the stairs in the deathtraps on my feet, as I stumbled off the last step Stiles caught my attention. He was standing by the front door, dressed in black slacks and a white shirt with a black tie. He looked so handsome it was unbelievable. When he saw me though- it felt like time actually slowed, like in those stupid teen movies. His eyes seemed to light up and a huge smile spread across his face, his beautiful face.

"Wow, you look..." He was blinking rapidly as he looked me up and down, trying to think of the word that he felt best describe me.

I sighed, "Ridiculous?"

"I was going to say beautiful, you look beautiful." He finished as he offered me a half smile. I could feel my cheeks warming up at his compliment, it was such a wonderful feeling to have the guy you care so much about think you're beautiful.

"You look really handsome too," I admitted as I took a step closer to him. He held up a clear little plastic box that had a white rose in it with black lace and ribbon wrapped around it. It looked amazing, is that for me?

My eyes widened as I glanced at the flower, "Is that for me?"

"Well it's certainly not for me..." He chuckled as he opened up the case and slid the corsage on my wrist. It was so beautiful that I couldn't even think of how to respond to everything that is happening right now. Everything feels like some sort of fairytale and I can't handle all of this, and all of the feelings that arw swirling about in my chest because of how perfect Stiles is right now. 

"You ready to go to the dance?" He asked as he pressed his lips to my forehead, swiftly leaving a kiss that ignited a fire in the pit of my stomach. Why does he insist on teasing me like that? 

I nodded, "Yeah. Let's go,"


They are so cute, I can't even! I love #Stasey. Be sure to fan vote and comment everyone! I love it when you do, :) 

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